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Everything posted by Shartnado

  1. I'm lying in bed in a hotel room watching this year's rendition of Heavy Metal Christmas (Raskasta Joulua) after a pretty heavy Christmas Dinner and decent amount of drinks. Members of Nightwish, Amaranthe, BattleBeast and Sonata Arctica are bringing the joy to the audience!
  2. Once in a Lifetime by Wolfsheim and we have a deal!
  3. We will kill shit down our own paths, do NOT walk alone in the dark! Thank you, goodbye!
  4. Look, I'm not justifying shit! But: I love Player One like video game good guys that are strong and fast. This is why guys like PAC, Buddy Matthews and Killer McMurderface and Dynamite Shithead have been my favourites. I love Jungle Boy. If he looked more younger PAC (circa 2014) he'd be the perfect wrestler! I really like Brian Cage because he does crazy shit for such a huge guy! And Pete Dunne was booked like this insanely fearless badass, who will fight anyone. I'm a wuss who won't fight anyone, so I respect the shit out of that. Also, Paul Roma has the gift of being perfect Player One! Dropkick, running powerslam, leap onto the top rope into a cross body! Crisp as all fuck! Body, million F'n bucks! Even through out the testing years!
  5. Until he turned on Jungle Boy, I totally agreed with you! That is awesome! An evil Luchasaurus is danger to the planet and needs to go extinct, however!
  6. Yeah, and he was SHOWN fire a bit later on.
  7. Yeah, he did not wrestle a single match while there. That was a bummer.
  8. Not quite that much of variety over here, but I'm pretty sure that if one would travel from the southernmost tip of Finland to northermost depths of Lapland close to Norwegian border somewhere in the early Spring, they'd be seemingly in two completely different climates. This goes for Sweden and Norway too, and even more since they stretch geograpically even further down South, but share similar arctic and mountains in the North.
  9. The enormous country that you guys have, you can basically find any weather you'd like at any one time, if you are indeed willing to travel great distances. Yeah, in reality, it's no different than traveling from Northern Finland to Gibraltar, for example, but the idea is very appealing.
  10. Meat Lover's is usually the way to go. The toppings change from version to version, but the name tells the story. If need be, he could always add his own toppings, too. But I meant more meat, not mayo.
  11. I'll edit more comments in later, but this ear stuff in Mox-Sammy is just sick and gross in many ways! Points for trying to be different! Hell of a match. Is the "not cleared" stuff with Hangman just a way to not sign the rematch between the two yet? I don't think he should be doing these things if he's not cleared. Who is Saraya going to pick as a partner? Plenty of choices, but watch her pick Madison Rayne. Good FTR promo. Gunns gets theirs this Wednesday! Skye Blue with a good effort. Britt with an ingenious and organic counter to the Code Blue, making Skye slip off due to Britt's strategic lack of glutes. Rebel justifying her existence by unsuccessfully charging at Shida was gold, once more. She's not scared, I'll give her that! Always first to attack...well, trying to, anyway. Wardlow with squash. Quite the name on his opponent. How the hell are they going to proceed with the Samoa Joe feud, unless Wardlow regains the title? Main event starting with Trent? vs Trent7 was a nice touch. Very entertaining match, overall. Holy jesus that sell of the bulldog on Trent7! Straight as an arrow on the top of his head! Insane! Wow!
  12. As Double B.M.T? Damn, I could go for a couple of those right now!
  13. Damn, Log, you should change your name to "just mean"! Let's not say stuff we can't take back! You never know with TK, sometimes he gives you the weirdest wishes.
  14. Soon enough, neither will anyone else, so you'll be all good in due time!
  15. Cane looking quite slim there, but it may be due to wearing black.
  16. You know yourself and are at least strong enough to admit how things are. Being willing to tell it to a community makes you even stronger, or more courageous than most. I totally hear what you are saying, but I'd still strongly advice you not to say fuck sobriety, as tempting as may be.
  17. MC Hammer to Hammer energy, with most likely similar results in popularity.
  18. This is one of the matches that makes me reconsider getting the WWE Network again, but as I said, not until I'm sure that the main POS never comes back. And there's really only one way to be absolutely sure...so I'll wait.
  19. I have been working for the same company full time since I was 30, and part-time since I was 27. This year I was serendipitously told to apply for another company which was also recruiting. So I did, because, you just can't not take opportunities if they are handed to you. Once they contacted me, I was quickly offered a position, with pay close to what I was making at the moment. I had informed my employer that I will seek this other opportunity and if something comes of it, I'll let them know. Much to their credit, they quickly came up with a nice counter offer and after deliberating over the weekend, I decided to stay put. As soon as I was put in a position to choose between two companies and two deals, I immediately thought of Bret Hart in 1997. We know how that turned out, but would it have been any better if he did end up staying? I feel like I made the right choice, as I wasn't looking to leave if the opportunity didn't land on my lap like that. But at least now I know, I do actually have and can have opportunities elsewhere, as well.
  20. And Kiebler was ridiculously under-promoted on that one. The fact that they gave way more promotion to that EGG from Red Notice tells you that they COULD promote stuff if they choose to, but in those cases at least, they made the conscious decision NOT to do so.
  21. Ok, so I came down with a flu, that so far hasn't turned out to be covid. So obviously, no workouts for now. Fever only lasted for an evening, but the sore throat is F'n killing me for the third day now. I obviously have been pushing myself way too hard for too long, as I have been sick twice now inside a month, I guess? Well, now I won't be back to work until January 2nd so I have ample time to recover, but this sort of ends the otherwise pretty badass workout year on a sour note. I will try to get some home workouts in, once I feel normal again, but unless I do some ridiculous amount of push-ups, or something, it will hardly be anything worthwhile to post here. Ok, so how did the year go, overall? The trapbar stuff went well. That one time I got 601 off the platforms, may go down as my heaviest lift ever. I'm also glad I was able do 568 off the floor which was a record, but I doubt I'll be doing 3x550 again, like I did back in 2018. Getting finally past 200kg (all the way up to 3x460) without the aid of Versa Grips was also a milestone. Bench hasn't progressed in anything worthwhile, but it hasn't really gone down either, so I guess that's good. I did some nice stuff on the squat machine a few times, with free squats, I don't know where I stand at the moment. Against all odds, I think the summer diet went off about as perfectly as I could have hoped. But it certainly took a toll on me. The odds of being able to repeat that performance in the upcoming years are not great, but anything close to it would still be awesome. On the plus side, I have never looked as lean as I do now, this close to the end of the year. That's not completely positive thing, but it does mean that I can eat pretty much everything in sight for the rest of the year. Also, overall, it is completely possible that I have consumed less alcohol this year than I have in any of the previous 25, at least. The last 3 years have been heading into that direction. And still, there was enough that the whole year did just suck. Hey, I refuse to limit the amount, but I'm certainly willing to seriously restrict the times, which therefore seriously lowers the overall consumption, which is obviously only positive.
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