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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. You know TK’s a nice boss when he still allows FTR to nut hug Bret even though he worked for the competition Monday. I need to see a multi-tag team figure 4 spot where the last team left, not wanted to feel left out, figure 4 each other. AEW has, by my count, FOUR “one bald guy, one guy with hair” teams. Jesus.
  2. Vince was ahead of his time having Bossman cook that dog.
  3. Are you sure about that? Unless I'm misremembering, I recall my local newspaper's movie listings telling readers which ending ("A,B, or C") was being shown at which theater/showtime.
  4. Win this, go on to win the belts, dedicate their win to their father figure, Nick Wayne. The new Outrunners video is awesome. Every time I see them, I feel like TK should buy the rights to "Push it to the Limit" for them.
  5. OMG THANK YOU I kept meaning to post about that. "Throw a half ass headbutt while slapping not one but BOTH thighs." Fucking awful.
  6. Oh hell yes inject that tag Casino Gauntlet right into my PWG arcade wrestling loving veins.
  7. No new thread yet? I’d start one but I don’t want to get thrown off the board for naming it “(Lio) Rush for the Change of Atmosphere.”
  8. Prequel and sequel…goes into Neil and Vincent’s backstories and then what happened to Chris and Vincent after Heat. Michael Mann co-wrote it and they’re making a film from it, too.
  9. Vince sure loved putting his trash political beliefs into his booking, didn’t he? Vegan and environmentalist? Heel. Person who is outspoken about human rights (for the wrong humans)? Heel. Antifa and BLM proxy stable? Heels. I kind of judge Danielson a little for selling out his beliefs like that.
  10. So I haven’t played Fight Forever since I moved from Xbox to PS5 just before last Christmas. But I did DL it when it was free just to have access to it in my library should I want to play it again. I see you can get all DLC for like $40. Did any of the new modes or characters make the game any better that would make this worth my while? I think the last time I played was around the Stadium Stampede update and my last DLC was Keith Lee. I’ve beaten story mode enough times to not want to do that again.
  11. Did the hack squat machine for the first time in a while yesterday — my gym only has one and, just my bad timing, it’s been occupied the last few times I wanted to use it — 9 set up and down pyramid and my glutes and quads are killing me. Ran 5 miles today and it was TOUGH.
  12. I already have Netflix but I stopped watching WWE in January of 2017 (after being a fan since 1985) and there’s nothing calling me back that balances their continuing to be run by scumbags.
  13. AEW production change I’ve noticed since the two multi-man matches on the All In preshow: In multi man matches lately, the illegal men frequently “lay out” and find a reason to be on the floor. I feel like it’s to remove some of the clutter from the frame so the focus of the shot is just the guys wrestling.
  14. I watched The Deliverance on Netflix. Highest recommendation to avoid unless you really want to see an Evangelical film masquerading as a horror movie. Also, it was just so ham-fisted and clumsy. Look, horror films have been used as allegory forever. But if you’re trying to make an allegory for the collapse of the African American family, poverty, etc, you have to put in the work and not whatever this shit was. Jordan Peele it was not.
  15. I’d be fine with Max having a PPV archive and the new PPVs go on Max a few months after initial airing.
  16. I’ve been buying AEW PPVs after the fact if they got good reviews, but lately I’ve been holding off, just in case they get a deal with Max with all PPVs on the service.
  17. Fozzy remake of “Rappin’ Rodney” for all the old dudes out there.
  18. After subscribing to AEW+ I went back and watched all the Parking Lot Brawls and all the Blood & Guts matches and I have to say the Parking Lot Brawls were better. Fun little violent matches that had good stories and didn’t overstay their welcome. B&G, on the other hand, was always overlong and bloated, dragged at times when viewed commercial-free, and had nonsensical stuff like beds of nails and scissors…stuff that was just business exposing and lame. Also, too many ended along the same lines, with someone verbally submitting to save someone else.
  19. The problem with being a wrestling fan is that the people in charge of the business held on to kayfabe and “protecting the business” way too long. So that led to non-fans’ assumption that wrestling fans must all be simpletons who think it’s real. The people who should have had some stewardship over the art form could have shepherded it into the mainstream by publicly letting the cat out of the bag long ago instead of fervently keeping up the con long past its sell-by date.
  20. FTR came out with Orange for a six man wearing denim jackets, and Dax still had to put on Bret style mylar sunglasses instead of aviators. FTR in a nutshell.
  21. Take the Outrunners, subtract every molecule of joy and fun, and then add glurge promos.
  22. Same! I remember hearing him interviewed by Colt and/or Steen and he was the sweetest, most positive dude. Damn shame.
  23. One day I’ll find the time and energy to articulate why I can’t stand FTR but in the meantime, preach on my brother. But at the same time, the bell does have to ring at some point. That’s why Orange Cassidy still has a career while most other meme wrestlers are. struggling.
  24. I want to go back in time and convince Drake Younger to take that title run PWG was probably booking him toward instead of the NXT gig. I think moving to Florida started everything.
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