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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. Are they seriously going to unify the belts and drop the TV title? Maybe rebrand the TV belt as the Sinclair Broadcasting Television Championship and have the side plates represent sponsors. Knee and back brace company on one, Mega Prostate on the other. And they can rotate as new sponsors come on.
  2. LOL I think they got a "father of the year" chant going just before they faded out.
  3. I know I've watched too much Masterchef when I can watch the first episode, where there's a cookoff to see who gets on the show, and call 90% of the winners before they've cooked anything.
  4. I forgot that one. I was talking about him saying something like, "you can't buy your persona at Hot Topic" or something like that, and he didn't pair it with any kind of praise at all, just outright talking shit. I was like, holy shit...pot, meet kettle.
  5. Having talked non storyline-related shit on Lynch and Emma so far, it seems Corey Graves loves to shit on the women on commentary. What's up with that? Also, the grown man whose indy name was a ripoff of the Tool lead singer and looks like he fell into a vat of Hot Topic probably shouldn't be casting stones. Ring announcer pet peeve: If one member of a team has a first and last name and the other just has one name, announce the single-name person second so they don't sound like relatives. IE "Emma and Dan Brook" sounds like a hot new tag team, The Brook Sisters.
  6. PS Dana Brook still looks like Howard the Duck and is still untalented as fuck. She's HHH's blind spot.
  7. Owens is the most compelling character in wrestling right now. He's a chickenshit heel who is also a dangerous psychopath. When he was going off on Zayn, there was a feeling like anything could happen. That's something you don't see in wrestling anymore. The dude is fucking amazing. Unimpeded, he could bring that act to the main roster and be the next Stone Cold when he finally turned babyface. And just a reminder and I think it should be said every month: Jim Cornette thought Matt Morgan would be a 'Mania main eventer and saw no money at all in Steen and Generico. Out of touch fucking hick. More people need to shit on him for that like we shit on Bischoff for seeing nothing in Steve Austin.
  8. I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk (store brand because I'm cheap and seriously fuck name brand almond milk, that shit is like a dollar more fuck yooouuu Blue Diamond) in protein shakes and when I very occasionally eat cereal and it tastes fine. Not sure how it is in coffee because I drink my coffee black like a fucking man.
  9. God damn, man, that sucks and I'm really sorry to hear it.
  10. That's how I interpreted the ending. I know it's some Joseph Campbell shit and some might think it's outdated, but to have to protagonist of your story undergo this journey of self discovery, only to return the the same old life, is ridiculous and unsatisfying.
  11. He was so great in Almost Human and yes, fuck Fox for interfering, airing it out of order, switching timeslots and then cancelling when it couldn't "find an audience."
  12. And then when Vince gets too old, Ross can put him in a sack and take him down to the river.
  13. At first glance the Becky Lynch shirt looks like it says "Ass Licker." Not judging, I mean, you know, whatever you're into, Becky.
  14. Does your hand have vocal chords? oh sweet jesus that was ice cold oh lord
  15. For a second I thought Texano was wrestling R. Kelly.
  16. Listless, dull episode. The perfect end to a listless, dull final season. Maybe Weiner was getting all meta, like the aimlessness of this season was a reflection on Don's own aimlessness. All the symbolism was just so fucking heavy handed and amateurish. I didn't interpret the ending as Don going back to advertising and using his hippie experience to write the famous Coke jingle but it appears I'm in the minority. If that's indeed the intended ending, that's awful. Guy has a breakthrough about how he's wasted his entire life, only to return to that same empty life and make millions because the very place where he had that breakthrough also gave him a surefire idea? Hippies give Don the only moment of actual truth in his life and then he uses it in an ad? That's cynical as fuck. "I've learned so much and really grown....oh well, back to the soulless business of selling shit to people who don't need it. I'll call the escort service so the hookers are waiting for me when I get back."
  17. The database has become self-aware and has implemented security features. It was nice knowing you all.
  18. Reminds me of this: I remember back in the day Photoshopping that one so that dick heads were poking out the top of the logo. Good times.
  19. Oh man is somebody cutting onions in here? Good for Steen. Dude went from learning English by watching Raw to actually being ON RAW.
  20. This board is not representative of the majority of wrestling fans. Go read the comments on any wrestling newz site and you'll begin to understand that the majority of fans are fucking morons and that these network ad people are 100% correct. If you're not the typical wrestling fan, congratulations are in order. But you can't say, "well I'm not a dumb hick, so these network execs are wrong about wrestling fans!" Seriously, these people live and die by demographics. It's their job. They're not underestimating wrestling fans. "Intelligent" wrestling fans are a very tiny minority. If these ad execs think the audience for Physchic Bigfoot, Hillbilly Hand Fishin' etc is more attractive to advertisers than wrestling fans are, then odds are they're correct.
  21. Gym pet peeve: do not fucking ask me how many sets I have left. You can ask if you can work in, but essentially saying "when are you going to be done with that so I can use it?" is some bullshit. The best part is that when this happened, I was fucking around and doing something different on chest day...doing as many reps as I could, taking 10 pounds off the bar, doing as many reps as I could with that, then just going like that until I felt like not doing any more. So when I guy asked, I just shrugged and said, "I don't know." Fuck em.
  22. I have Comcast and saw that listed as well, but I'm in Maryland also -- Montgomery County. I thought it was weird that a Judy Garland movie was on El Rey. Comcast frequently fucks up listings in my area. Twice I've seen Halloween and Friday the 13th listed with descriptions of the original films, only to find the remakes airing when I turned them on.
  23. That condolence ham TNA gave her drove her over the edge
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