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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. Nah, not just you. The Thrawn trilogy suffered from the same issue a lot of the OU stuff had: it just wasn't creative. It simply warmed over and rehashed a lot of things from the original trilogy. Do we really need another world-destroying super weapon?
  2. I watched the show last night and holy shit you guys Dario Cueto is the god damn best. Like I knew he was awesome already but he kicked it up a notch. His interactions with Aero Star and Drago were top notch and I thought that would be the extent of it, but then he took over as the ring announcer and HOLEEEEEEEE FUCK he was the best thing on TV this week. He deserves an Emmy.
  3. I don't know guys, I thought Brooke was pretty bad. The director of the show had his work cut out for him, switching cameras like an ADD sufferer or like Kevin Dunn on meth to cover for her offensively bad ground punches. She looked horribly awkward overdoing the posing out there; no charisma, just mindlessly striking poses over and over because somebody told her that's what a conceited heel is supposed to do. She also fucked up the cover after hitting her finisher, which, if God is just, is called "The Botox Injection." She's bad in the ring and is playing a wrestler instead of being a wrestler, not ready for TV at all and needs more time at the Performance Center. It's too early to really judge but I get the feeling she'd be a total washout without even getting in sniffing distance of TV if HHH wasn't such a mark for "fitness competitors."
  4. Is "Big Andy" the same guy from Tough Enough? I thought he was dead.
  5. If they want to elevate the IC title 1) giving it to Barrett again and 2) having the winner determined in a battle royal are not the ways to do it.
  6. If that's an Eddie Murphy standup reference, a million stars to you.
  7. I don't think a heroin addict gimmick would fly in the PG era.
  8. Either they got edited out, or there's some slur being used that I'm not familiar with, because this confused the hell out of me. "Tranny" I apologize; that was definitely insensitive. I honestly didn't mean to malign the trans community, just HHH's taste in women. I could have and should have chosen a better turn of phrase to get that point across though.
  9. "Panda recently moved to new offices and the payroll office has not been set up yet" is the most ridiculous excuse I have ever heard.
  10. NXT guys don't need 80's WWF gimmicks. That's the problem with Crowe. Owens and Zayn are successful in part because they have subtle gimmicks. Contrast that with Crowe and Breeze. Breeze is decent in-ring but the model shit is fucking dumb. So is the hacker stuff with Crowe.
  11. LOL my thoughts exactly. She sounds like Chyna but looks more like that Living Barbie person. It's funny how, even though he's hired so many people who don't fit the mold, HHH's preferences still sneak through sometimes. Maybe there's a quota, or he has a punch-card like at a sandwich shop, like for every X amount of good wrestlers with average physiques he hires, he gets to pick up one roid beast. "Two more skinny indy guys and then I get to sign that tranny chick with the big arms bro."
  12. Brock made some much higher profile homophobic remarks and it doesn't seem to have hurt his career trajectory. Then again he's considerably more in demand and wasn't wrestling at the time, iirc. There was also Warrior, who made a very public speech that included homophobic and racist remarks. They welcomed him back with open arms and even named a service award after him. Now now. Connor's parents were overjoyed that their son was the posthumous recipient of the first annual "Jim Hellwig Queering Don't Make the World Work" award.
  13. Does the bodybuilder chick with the banged-up, overly enhanced face debut tonight? Awesome.
  14. I don't mind Sempervive at all but Todd Martin is another story. He's so condescending and has the personality of a pet rock. I work in IT so I've had the displeasure of being around so many guys like him; massive uber-nerds whose intelligence is all they have going for them in life so they play it up to the point where they're just repulsive to be around. An expert in everything and he'll make sure you know it. He's the Comic Book Guy of the F4W crew.
  15. The Briscoes in overalls as the newest iteration of Vince's "scufflin' hillbilly" fetish would make me sad.
  16. When I told my wife they might sign, her main concern was who would run the chicken farm should they move to Florida. Glad I can tell her to stop worrying.
  17. I was said at some point that the movie takes place in 3 time periods (the future, the 80s and something else) and the third time period is being kept secret. Maybe the Terminators go back to the 1800s to eliminate Caleb O'Connor before he can anglicize his name and have offspring.
  18. Please don't tell WWE that they have some of the most edited Wikipedia pages...it'll end up as a "did you know" on Raw.
  19. Are these juiced-up bodybuilders Vince's last sad attempt to keep things the way he likes them? Seriously, what is the upside to these wellness violations/torn quads waiting to happen? Obligatory:
  20. I have never given a shit about Ant Man. Can somebody explain why I should? As a kid, in my comic reading days, I just did not care about any hero whose power was that he could get tiny. What's the big deal about that? To be fair, I think that Saturday Night Live sketch where Garrett Morris played Ant Man and everybody called him out for being lame soured me on him, much like Super Friends destroyed any hopes of ever taking Aqua Man seriously.
  21. LOL who is the guy who shows up to the performance center in a hood? That is Jerry Lawler wearing a crown and cape to an empty arena levels of goofy.
  22. The season premiere of Louie was really good. It was a nice return to form after a lot of unfunny weirdness last season. I hope it stays this way.
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