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Everything posted by MoeCristyV.1.6

  1. That was a really weirdly outlayed tag match. Everytime you thought B&B would get a heat segment, Lucha Bros just got to the offense again. Crowd was burned out. Only thing that really popped them was Ruby Soho vs Britt Baker roast.
  2. Fuck Ric Flair, fuck Tommy Dreamer and fuck Dustin Rhodes. He was the guy who sexually assaulted the other flight assistant on that very flight.
  3. He stayed with WCW till 98/99 though. Mostly in his team with Joe Gomez.
  4. You missed the most obvious one. BRAKKUS "Ich komme von Deutschland!"
  5. Jimmy Hart did it to the Renegade after his match with Kevin Sullivan. It was not a feud, it was to write him out of the connection to Jimmy Hart, who was in the Dungeon of Doom now.
  6. If Bron Breakker as name is death, Dolph Ziggler is... Wait for it ... MEGADEATH!
  7. I think you can't "Lights Out" gimmick Arthur Ashe.
  8. Malakai should have kicked Polka Dot Guys face in. I thought that was his purpose. I love these nonsense segments in AEW. Malakai Black comes out to Adress Rosario Dawson (why?) just so Cody can come out and brawl with him. I also wonder what superhero or movie he cosplayed with his red outfit. So he can complain that nobody got the reference.
  9. I though it was funny that from all those bad asses in the ring, the Men of the Year answer the challenge. That's good heeling.
  10. I don't think it was supposed to break. The table, Punk was certainly broken. I love the beginning of Leyla's theme. "MY DAD IS A GENTLEMAN!" I think that's the lyric. Very Russian to put over the father first.
  11. Powerhouse Hobbs wrecking some skinny fat ass next week. Oh and: Hook 1-0 Punk
  12. HOLY SHIT! They are basically doing a Grand Slam PPV over two nights, 4 hours!
  13. Man, I missed The Butcher. Now also in BUFF BUTCHER version. Love it!
  14. Oh, some new posts in the Dynamite Thread? I have to read them! 2 pages later:
  15. Did Seth choose Becky's Outfit? What the hell was she wearing?
  16. RIC FLAIR w/ andrade vs STING w/ darby allin
  17. He didn't see the taser. He was in the brutalizer at that moment.
  18. Yeah, great move to cut the Zelina Vega match from this show. Not like she is directly linked to the 9/11 tragedy... Stupid idiots.
  19. I told you Hayter was good. She makes every move against her look like it killed her. And how she takes those dives... Damn! Oh, and welcome to AEW Andrade. That Sydal Match never happened. Pillman was over!
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