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Everything posted by J.H.

  1. Fall and the new Hokuto No Ken tv series can't get here fast enough! James
  2. I hope this means JBA for bext year Actually this reminds me that I've seen JBA, Crush Gals and Atrocious Alliance live without ever having go below midtown Manhattan. That's kind of a weird accomplishment James
  3. I wish there was a wrestler with a gimmick of being a French guy named Jean Maginot with a finisher called The Maginot Line but he keeps losing to German wrestlers who keep ducking around him James
  4. [Inner monolgue Dana [Inner monologue Dana Delaney voice...] Wait... when La Parka is around Mike is nowhere to be seen. Could Mike Tenay be... Lois Lane, what are you thinking. Sure Mike Tenay is The Professor of professional wrestling but La Parka is... well LA PARKA! [Pull back to reveal Mike Tenay, back to camera before he turns around and winks] James
  5. Got the first 2 volumes of Tom Taylor's Nightwing run and this has been the most dun I've had rwading Nightwing since Dixon/McDaniel. It's such a breezy and fun read and yeah, it has those moments where I get a little misty-eyed. I'll wait for Vol 3 in softcover which, given DCs ether induced turnaround (come... back... here... you... rab... bit) will be sometime around Xmas James
  6. Holy Crao! Pamela Hensley was Princes Ardala! How did I miss that connection! James
  7. Man... Matt Houston is a throwback to the rich playboy detective that is sorely nissing on TV today. I am assume Buddy Ebsen got added in S2 so he could skide into his Jed Clampett voice James
  8. Finished The Burning God and man... it has a gut-wrencing ending. I think my complaint in the end is that the protagonists paranoia just feels like it came on too rapidly and perhaps should have been woven a bit more fluidly through the whole book as opposed to it rushing at you in theast 5-6 chapters. In the end The Poppy War trilogy is worth reading but the rush to it's climax kind of causes to stumble a step or two at the end. James
  9. Michael Hayes feels like he could show up on According To Jim as a cocky singer who tries to be Jim Belushi's blues band new singer but gets kicked out when Courtney Thorn Smith finds coke in his banana hammock James
  10. I'll say it, the Long Riders carried Hall and Hennig in their mini-feud in AWA. I never understood why the WrestleRock match was the Irwin's having to regular gear as opposed to a Bunkhouse match orctirbado match which would make things fair and more interesting Oh wait, I know the answer... Verne fuckin Gagne! James
  11. Oh thank god... I honestly think Kang is and always has been a snoozefest in comics and makingchim the MCU big bad was a turd. Now bring on a decent Romany actor to be DOOM! James
  12. The Burning God Halfway theough and now the "this kid is Mao Zedong" parallels are in full effect. At least Rin extracted her revenge for getting double crossed in The Dragon Republic but the current plan she has is a tad bit coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs. Still a book that has me engrossed and my best friend got me Babel for my birthday so I get to see what all the fuss is about!
  13. Michael PS Hayes The PS stands for Putz Shmuck. You rename all the Freebirds. Girdy becomes Shlomo Ginsburg and Roberts is there Cantor! During the summer they only book shows in the Catskills James
  14. I really hope Iida goes far after being snubbed for the 5 Star last summer James
  15. Why would ever want to dub Takeshi Kaga? James
  16. That probably means that the music used from Escaflowne got axed too James
  17. "Hakushi's First Seder" would dethrone Fuji Vice as the greatest WWF skit of all time! James
  18. Trying to explain the Kol Nidre to Michael Hayes would likely make my head explode I can't fathom him comprehending the Yom Kippur War and why Egypt should've attacked during Rosh Hashanah James
  19. Watching The Marvels right now and enjoying it quite a bit. Also, Iman Vellani is a goddam treasure and needs to be protected at all costs! James
  20. Didn't Little Caesars have THE BIGFOOT pizza or was that some bizarre fever dream I had? James
  21. That is one of my favorite openings to a show ever! The later seasons after Pamela Sue Martin left were ok but I preferred her as Nancy Drew James
  22. Moments ago... Sandra Violet: Why she called Granny Goodnes if she's not good? Me: Because Jack Kirby liked being ironic in his humor Sandra Violet: What's "ironic" and who is Jack Derby? Ah the innocence of a 5 year old! James
  23. With The Dragon Republic completed it us on to The Burning God. The end of TDR was really a gut punch, even if years of pro-wrestling fandom has mase me able to spot a heel turn a mile away. Some very unexpected turns in the second book, especially as far as Chaughan goes. If he doesntappear in book 3 then I expect RF Kuang to bring him back somehow. Onward to book 3! James
  24. Honestly what I wanted a was Maury Pauvich sllye talk show hosted by Dusty Rhodes. Man his "Baby you ain't that DaddY!" would be appointment television! James
  25. Remake "She's Out of Control" with Austin in the Tony Danza role. He can only improve that movie
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