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Dolfan in NYC

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Everything posted by Dolfan in NYC

  1. As a cute addendum to this, DraftKings/FanDuel and a couple of the other houses were either limiting bets on a Castellanos homer or simply not taking them at all.
  2. Also of note, yesterday, the newz sites were reporting that Bobby Lashley appears to be done with his WWE run. His contract is almost up and he's by all indications not re-signing.
  3. You, you work all night (all night)! And when you work you don't feel all right! Last week a bunch more things became clear for SummerSlam. Rhea and Liv will be fighting for the title (clearly until Dom betrays Rhea). Cody will take on Solo (clearly until someone big makes his return). And LA Knight will take on Logan Paul for the US Title (and Paul has already grossly started saying Knight is "Low T", which based on his physique I think would be a medical miracle). 'Cuz we will never listen to your rules (no)! We will never do as others do (no)! Next up seems to be the Women's Tag Titles, the IC Belt, and various other sundries. And hell, even NXT is rocking these days as someone keeps appearing whenever you mention his name! (Not B**tlejuice either!) Let's get a party going (let's get a party going)! When it's time to party we will always party hard!!!! Party hard (party hard, party hard, party hard party hard, party hard, party hard party hard, party hard, party hard...) Lots of fun stuff planned for this week, but it sounds like someone may be getting cleared pretty soon! Clobberin' time indeed.... Two weeks til the biggest party in Ohio's history! Enjoy the week!
  4. The NFL is pushing hard to promote flag football as a kid's entry into the padded version of the game. A) because it costs a lot less to the players and B) because well, a concussion is something they don't want to give to a 14 year old.
  5. Tua still does not have his new deal.
  6. This is a 100% precautionary message, but since I've seen it mentioned in... other places... If anyone decides to make a joke and refer to the current Vice President as the "Ugandan Giant", or any variation thereof, it will be your last post on this board.
  7. Shaq Barrett had signed a deal to play in Miami this year, but has decided to retire instead.
  8. NOAH's Naomichi Marufuji will appear at SummerSlam next month. He's currently slated as a "special guest."
  9. I seem to remember Bischoff being furious at Bobby because he didn't even want the thought of Hogan betraying the fans until it happened. But Heenan more than earned that incredulity. A weasel knows a weasel.
  10. Went under the radar this week, but Tampa has approved the new $1.7b ballpark facilities for the Rays.
  11. Let's take the rest of the Hogan/McMahon/White/Kane at the RNC to the Discord, please and thanks.
  12. He's speaking at the RNC tonight. May be introducing their nominee. (Additionally, Dana White and Linda McMahon will speak tonight.)
  13. The erstwhile Jinder Mahal just tweeted that his 90 Days are up. TK now has the opportunity to do the funniest thing in pro wrestling history.
  14. The WNBA has their new US media deal. $2.2 Billion in value with NBC, ESPN, and Amazon splitting the rights. This is more than triple their previous deal. This puts them monetarily, roughly on par with MLS. I'm guessing next stop on this train is expansion.
  15. Out of curiousity, who are AEW's match producers/agents? Because if the boys are doing all that work themselves... well, everything Zim just said makes a lot more sense.
  16. The Royals should be contracted:
  17. New trailer for BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE Premieres September 6 (EDIT -- Note, this does reveal a LOT about the plot, including all but confirming one big fan theory. If you'd rather go in blind, skip this.)
  18. So... here's my thing. MJF/Ospreay's first match (that you're giving away on free TV without any true build up) goes an hour. Cool. Great match, they're both terrific workers. I just don't know why you couldn't cut that match in half. By the end they're literally repeating spots for false finishes and building for what everyone expects will be a draw, but heel chicanery wins the day. I can already guess some people whose names rhyme with Mave Deltzer are go hog wild for it and give it 7 and 5/8 stars. I mean, I *liked* the match, but it's like eating too much ice cream. Nothing can follow it.
  19. I'm calling it now, when Joe Hendry enters Rumble '25 and is going to get an Austin-level titanic pop.
  20. You might been hurt, babe. That ain't no lie! You've seen them all come and go, oh.... Though I think everyone was expecting Page-Swerve in London, we got quite a swerve indeed! As now, Swerve will be trying to find off a Dragon in Wembley! Danielson won the Owen Hart men's tournament and the Hangman will just have to wait. I remember you told me... That it made you believe in "No man, no cry". Maybe that's why.... However, the big news of the week was Mariah May's win and vicious turn on her former friend/mentor/(Settle Down Meme) Toni Storm. She'll have a lot of explaining to do before they face off in London next month! Every little thing I do never seems enough for you. You don't want to lose it again, but I'm not like them... And it's Dynamite 250 week! Imagine that, almost 5 years of Dynamite. So we get some huge matches and AEW's official Twitter accounts won't shut up about it being the 40th anniversary of "Black Friday", so maybe AEW on USA confirmed? Guess we'll see. Here's what's on tap: But I'm not like them.... Baby, when you finally get to love somebody, guess what? It's gonna be me! Stay tuned! I mean, maybe take a pee break during Jericho doing Meta Character #2728, but otherwise... Stay tuned! Don't say Bye bye bye! It's AEW, which (*checks notes*) RULES THE WORLD~! (Boy howdy if this wasn't the easiest one yet.)
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