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Everything posted by Sammo~!

  1. Good for MVP. I already really liked the guy hearing him in interviews and such, but my respect. For him just shot through the roof
  2. Meanwhile in the land of terrifying digital video glitches, Dwayne "Creature from the Black Lagoon" Johnson is slowly suffocating on dry land. Someone rub a damp cloth across his gills.
  3. I thought both guys were shorter for some reason. Like Perfect was 6' and Bret was "wrestling" 6' (5'10")
  4. Speaking of slightly erotic pictures, does anyone have that pic of Dutch lounging like a model in the satin jacket and cowboy hat with a title belt? The belt is positioned just so it looks like he's naked from the waste down.
  5. Nothing at all. Nothing at all. Nothing at all.
  6. What you call ghetto, I call dyslexic. Tomato, tomatoe. No CanadianChris, I don't know what you mean {James Earl Jones} "THE POWER OF ONE VOICE."
  7. Modern wrestling needs more fireballs
  8. He skipped titty apprentice (or was that titty neophyte? I'm not sure if titty mastery is religious or secular) and went straight to titty journeyman
  9. Most of the Batista love I've seen has been the back handed compliment sort. "Chris Pratt, Bradley Cooper and Zoe Saldana were fantastic in their roles, capturing the essence of their characters magnificently and breathing life into them, forging a bond with the audience that will last for generations. Shaved gorilla Dave Bautista surprisingly manages to form complete sentences without becoming startled and attacking his costars, eating them whole."
  10. Right? That's the weirdest thing I'm taking away from this. "TMZ reports that his wife Judy was there to sign the deal with Vivid honcho Steve Hirsch" "You mean his mom Judy? ... OH MY GOD NO!!
  11. Are there more playing cards from that set? I'm loving chibi Nakamura
  12. That was an amazing spot. But what always bugged me was why didn't Arn stick around to make sure Flair gets the win? He rolls out of the ring, and I think later he gets put in a sleeper? But why roll out in the first place? It's a no DQ match.
  13. I'm not 100% sure if I want to hop on the Arn Anderson or Great Muta gif train... I guess that means Arn
  14. I hear Ax Duggan and Undead Taylor are available
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