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Found 10 results

  1. How the fuck is it January? Of 2025 no less Fuck me
  2. Hi folks, since I'm partly responsible for the thread getting closed, I feel it only right that I go to the trouble of starting a new one wherein we can discuss wrestling books. But first, (and Phil or DEAN may choose to over-ride me on this), but as a professional in the book biz, I write, edit, and publish books for a living and (have since 1986 with it being my sole source of income since about 2003), I am perhaps uniquely sensitive to copyright issues but here's the nuts and bolts: Sites providing pirated copyrighted content are as verbatim as those providing illegal downloads of games, movies, etc. Posting links to such or promising to deliver via e-mail will not endear you to me and I can be a really vicious bastard when I want to. No, I'm not a big fan of the way copyright works, particularly not in the cases of abandoned material, here's a real life deal I'm facing today... Many years ago a teenage girl in London wrote a very cool vampire book, (early 1960s, mods and rockers as vampires). I would love to reprint the book as beat-up paperbacks go for upwards of $250 and a nice hardcover can set you back a grand. And of course, the author doesn't see a penny of that. Problem is, a few years ago the author decided she didn't like Thatcher's UK or the modern world in general and went into some sort of hippie commune/retreat she refuses contact with anyone and just wants to be left alone. Yeah, my opinion is that she's batshit crazy, there are probably a 1000 or more hardcore fans that would buy a nice new edition which I could easily facilitate (I have the book and I'm senior editor for a pretty prestigious press that specializes in this kind of thing); but ya know what? It ain't mine to publish. Barring a signed document from the copyright owner it stays unpublished, that's tough, but that's just the way it is, it's not my property or my decision. Yes, there are some gray areas like the Gary Hart book where the copyright holders have publicly said that they really don't care what happens, they have no interest in seeing the book reprinted. These cases are so few and far between as to not be worth discussion, simply stated if the book came out after 1925 there is a damn good chance that it is under copyright and unless you have permission don't disseminate the text. If you don't have the stones to go up to Meng and try and take his wallet, don't swipe stuff what ain't yours. BTW: I will be happy to help anyone research a copyright if they aren't sure about the procedure. Now, on an entirely commercial note, how many of you have bought this, and if not, why not? Steve Yohe is (with J. Michael Kenyon) far and away the best historian the graps game has ever seen and likely ever will see and this book is really state of the art as to what a history book should be. Yeah, I wrote the intro, but all credit goes to Steve and book designer / artist Gavin O'Keefe for making this something that should class up many a coffee table. I do have a couple of the hardcovers I can sell at a discount, $80 postpaid in the US, $100 overseas. The retail is $100 but when you see all the photographs you know where the money is going.
  3. The idea for this topic only came to me today. The topic title is taken from what The Joker says in The Dark Knight (2008) and yes, I had to throw a Batman reference in there :)! Times are so tough with the global coronavirus pandemic. We've all been affected by it, some more than others have lost loved ones. I lost my cousin and a family friend to it. For those reasons, I hope this thread of funny moments in wrestling history will raise smiles/laughter in this darkest of times. That's the hope anyway. Here's my two to kick things off: The 1992 Royal Rumble match. Bobby Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon are brilliant on commentary. Heenan's "dammit!" when Ric Flair enters at #3, "It's not fair to Flair!", "I have to apologise, I won't be my usual objective self!" "I'll never be bad again, just let Ric Flair win", "weasel yourself out, Ric" and a deluge of "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" as Ric Flair becomes the new WWF Champion. The full NSFW compilation of Mr. Brodie Lee and The Dark Order on Being The Elite. So many highlights. Mr. Brodie Lee using papers as a fucking projectile foreign object, "Why is it always fucking Silver?" Reynolds: "He's just a kid" and Silver says "I'm 29 years old!" Can't forget "Who the fuck is Griff Garrison?" The best of all is Sue. When that came out, I was crying with laughter. Still cracks me up. We miss you, Mr. Brodie Lee.I Thanks for reading.
  4. I don't trust the board to lock and unlock threads properly at midnight so starting these now. Also, It would be really swell if some of you stopped posting via Speak N Spell
  5. The intention of these threads when they were initially started many moons ago was to post interesting/cool photos stolen from Reddit and maybe have some discussion around them as seen fit That isn't what they have been for far too long. Instead now it is a constant spamming of photos of people we find sexually attractive. (Not to mention the constant ignoring of my request to use spoiler tags for a variety of reasons.) So consider this your one month morning. If things continue as they have been, there won't be a February thread.
  6. God - it's 2019 already We are all fucking old
  7. So many people are saying they want to post more about the rasslin' they're watching. Do it. I watched Drake Younger vs. Abdullah Kobayashi from last year. Younger took a hypodermic needle in his throat. I thought that spot was dumb. I actually dig deathmatch stuff, and the whole match wasn't totally bad, but sometimes it feels like circus geeks would be laughing at these guys. I watched Okada vs. Goto from last year too. I'm not buying Okada yet as a great wrestler. He's not bad, he's just not the total package I was told he was. I've been watching a lot of 2012 Japanese stuff. I'm struggling to get interested in WWE. I'm working more so my watching is limited, and so far puroresu or Old School US, are the only things I'll use that time for. Any good indy shit on youtube? Who's good these days? What are the rest of you assholes watching?
  8. I heard y'all are the guys to come.to for this sort of thing. Kingdom Wrestle Pro is, in my eyes, the epitome of shoot style. They only had 13 shows, all in 97-98. I currently have the the first two shows and would do God damn just about anything to find the rest:
  9. The title says it all. We all know the in-ring aspect of wrestling isn't everything but it damn well has to be something. A lot of the connection between a wrestler and their fans is how they portrays the character's physicality. In other words MOVES ARE COOL. Name some great wrestlers with great move sets.
  10. The Last Round Podcast www.lastroundpod.com iTunes: Search The Last Round Guest List: Jim Ross, Mike Tyson, DDP, Road Warrior Animal, George Steele, Tully Blanchard, The Godfather, B. Brian Blair, Victoria, Koko B Ware, Honky Tonk Man, Tons OF UFC Fighters, Boxers and Pro wrestlers Most recent episode: The Godfather WWE HOF http://lastroundpod.com/tlr-39-the-godfather-wwe-hof-kelly-mcgill-invicta-fc Jim Ross: http://lastroundpod.com/tlr-14-jim-ross-good-ol-jr-wwe-legend Animal LOD: http://lastroundpod.com/tlr-33-road-warrior-animal-legion-of-doom-joe-laurinaitas Mike Tyson: http://lastroundpod.com/tlr-10-mike-tyson DDP: http://lastroundpod.com/tlr-12-diamond-dallas-page-ddp
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