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Everything posted by misanthrope304

  1. The next GTA online update has been announced!
  2. I have been operating under the assumption that my fanboy/mark/spam in this thread has been widely, and understandably ignored for the most part :-)
  3. http://www.amazon.com/Destiny-Limited-Edition-Strategy-Guide/dp/0744015634/ hardcover even, sweet looking. also there's this http://www.amazon.com/Destiny-Signature-Series-Strategy-Guide/dp/0744015626/ref=pd_rhf_dp_s_cp_2_BFW6?ie=UTF8&refRID=16H3RMS54GVNKAJ8YQJ8 paperback ;-)
  4. Not sure if that link works, so I'll post a working one here: That way I don't have to come back later and edit... edit: I had to come back and edit...data mining is melting my brain today, migraine isn't helping
  5. I got both of those guys, but the ladder guy got me. He had hidden his blip before heading up the ladder I think. I was shooting the guy on the steps when I saw gunfire take out Stout, immediately turned and began taking hits. I flicked the stick up for a headshot and we took each other out. We cleaned house pretty much all night until the end at about 5 am est. At that point, the numbers game took over and got us. At one point there were three or four people on top of LSC, and another 2 or 3 running around down on the street. We were really holding our own when it was a free for all, but once they combined forces on us, things got a little rough.
  6. No "like" for you unless that sundress found its way rolled up into a ball on the floor. Not asking for details, just saying.. I'm willing to bet J.T. will share neither.
  7. Phil, I'm not sure what the procedures are for pinning topics on the board...but seeing as how we are 341 pages deep into this thread, can we nominate this to be pinned?
  8. (engage douche mode)As a seasoned Turtle Beach user (/end douche mode), move the mic further away from your mouth/nose, and either down or up. Also, Im not sure if there is a quick fix if it's the actual mic catching the other person's voice, and not an issue with the controller/headset creating the echo. If it's the sensitivity of the mic on the headset, you can try turning down the chat volume (but I'm 99% sure that's just the sound in the cans, not the mic) I don't think there is an adjustment for that on the TB's unless you have the ones that are crazy expensive. If this is the issue, and I mean proximity to your cohort, try moving further away from each other if at all possible, like another room. You can also try taking the batteries out of the controller and the headset, then put them back in (depending on who is creating the echo). This will eliminate the echo which I have experienced on XBL in Call of Duty numerous times from my own TB's and other's. If you're using a charging cable on the controller (more prevalent on the 360), take that off. This will cause a feedback in the TB's. The mic will pick up audio from the TV if you're close to it and it is still playing sound, so turn it all the way down. I wish I could watch the vids right now and help troubleshoot a little better, but the overlords here @ work have us on bandwidth restrictions right now :-( meaning no streaming of audio/video.
  9. I feel left out, I didn't get a whiney bitch boy comment to brighten up my day.
  10. If you are planning on getting this game, it looks like the deluxe edition is $10 more on ps3, ps4, and the xb1... http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JUFT3HW/ right now on amazon, the deluxe edition for the 360 is the same price as the standard edition. This could be fixed at anytime, so....I'd go ahead and pre-order, and if they jack the price up call in and bitch about it.
  11. So the multiplayer was revealed at Gamescom earlier this week. Before I was completely against the idea of purchasing another Call of Duty. This one looks different somehow. It looks...faster somehow. With the exo suit abilities, it kind of put me in the mind of Destiny, which is about as high of a compliment as I can pay a game at this point. I'm still unsure if I will purchase it, but the coolest thing about it, Day Zero...getting it a full 24 hours before the actual launch date. I wish this was the case with Destiny.
  12. #2 especially hits home with me, as any of you that have heard my musings in GTA:O can attest to :-)
  13. Also, blatantly stolen from the Destiny forums... 1: Any way I kill you is the most glorious and honorable of kills requiring skill of an otherworldly nature. 2: Any way you kill me is a cheap cowardly way to play the game and your family should be ashamed. 3: All of my characters are of the highest class and quality. You should be honored to die by my wrath. 4: All of your characters are cheap, easy to kill with and should cause your family some form of horrible disappointment in your skills. 5: My guns are hard to use and require skills that escape the common man. 6: Your guns are self aiming bullet sprayers that a half dead turtle could use to go 30-0. 7: My play style is clearly MENSA like in its formulation and execution. 8: Your play style is obviously the result of playing while half asleep or perhaps over medicated on daytime cold pills. 9: My chosen skill path is designed to add challenge and honor to my play style. The best of the best. 10: Your chosen skill path is a crutch that only mildly holds up your pathetic play style. End of facts...
  14. doesn't the xb1 have this feature already glfpunk? Trust me, I'm not being a MS fanboy, it's well documented around these parts that more than likely my next gen loyalties lie with Sony...but for the sake of arguing...
  15. Honestly, I am okay with it. I'd rather have to get a group together to do a raid or whatever than be relegated to dealing with the absurd stupidity of randoms....goddamn randoms could fuck up a wet dream in a normal FPS when you have a team trying to hold down a position (tactically speaking of course) and they go running into the enemies spawn so as to flip said spawn that way shitdicks will spawn at your 6. In short, randoms do randomly stupid shit. It is very rare that you get a random that knows wtf they're doing, or knows how to help.
  16. goddamn that was horrible. We were trying to get that fucker camping in the bank (the guy we kicked, xXnigle or some such) and I guess to the cops we were guilty of being ugly out of season or something... I think LSPD was profiling us.
  17. Not exactly Phil. I can't create a link on the mobile version of the board, but hopefully this displays http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/07/31/destiny-what-a-level-29-badass-looks-like-a-ign-first Goddamnit...
  18. He probably didn't want to put another 10 years or so to develop this saga. I'd imagine after the shit storm he caught at the conclusion of ME3 he was all like "fuck all ya'll"
  19. If you're pulling something from Halo 2, it needs to be the theme from Halo 2, Mjolnir Mix, that Steve Vai is wrecking shit on...that was fucking epic, just saying. I think that is the only video game song that is on my phone. if this is even eligible for that sort of thing. I'm pretty sure bits and pieces of this play at different parts through one of the games, if not both halo 2 and 3...it's been so long since I played them I honestly can't remember
  20. Also, T - 29 days 7 hours 15 minutes until launch. Just saying I'm playing with buttons, look over me I'm not sure how much the Beatle got paid, I know he has some shoes to fill to top Steve Vai's work from...was it Halo 2? That Mjolnir mix Halo theme was pretty friggin epic, speaking of which....I should submit that into the music in a VG thread.
  21. http://www.inquisitr.com/1400806/destiny-beta-characters-wiped-paul-mccartney-to-release-theme-song-as-a-single/ So Paul McCartney is doing a theme song for Destiny....okay
  22. I've been on vacation from Los Santos for the past few days. My lady friend came over and spent a couple nights, so we had a late dinner and watched some netflix. Last night I didn't see anyone online, so I watched the Red Dawn remake on netflix (not as bad as I expected, nowhere near as good as the original), and then passed out while watching Shooter (yup, that's a good one). I should be back in the mix a little over the next couple days, since I have some time off.
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