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Matt D

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Everything posted by Matt D

  1. I could get behind a stable with Zeb and Lana. They're really not giving me that?
  2. Iron Fist is still on. Loeb said that they just wanted Jessica Jones to drop before giving any info on it.
  3. I lean towards symbolism at this point.
  4. More important, Kemonito was dressed up as part of the Volador family.
  5. We all know a lot about Dusty and Bock but I would be glad to hear a 90 minute mini exile on Tommy Gilbert.
  6. Happy thanksgiving to the land of the perfect cross section of all of my interests.
  7. Millar doesn't believe in the concept of heroism though.
  8. Nwaclassics posted Andre/Duggan vs Missing Link/Kamala today. Just saying.
  9. I hate the Titanics so much but love when he gets drop kicked In the gut when he does it. Otherwise he's great. Traveling now but I'll double back to this over the weekend.
  10. NWAclassics is posting a midget match today. Just saying.
  11. How could you even tell over the We Want Flair chants?
  12. To be fair, people will now accidentally watch TNA while they're waiting for the scroll to tell them what's on TNN after Hee Haw.
  13. The answer's pretty much September 1995 Sabu.
  14. I really like the idea of Harley Race.
  15. Thanos is actually just a big emo kid at heart (Secret Wars Spoilers):
  16. I'm getting my episodes confused but was this the one where they went out of their way to show an image in the flashback and then its present day counterpart. I remember them doing it with a chess set, for instance. I watch too much TV and might be getting this confused with something else.
  17. That's it. I could tell by fast forwarding to the 8:21 mark or so.
  18. I'd rather comment on Phil's choices than mention my own. I'm still not high on Harley. While I think the critique of "1980 Kurt Angle" isn't entirely fair, I think he gives far too much of his title matches to his opponent. There's a difference between making your opponent shine and giving so much of the match that there's never really a narrative threat. I understand that there's a level of vulnerability that draws in a heel champ, but that's not what I want out of Race. I am higher on his 80s Japanese Brawls, especially some of the footage we've seen recently, but not vs Brody/Hansen. He's definitely more interesting when up against a heel (the Gino match was fascinating for instance). Some of the others, though. In general, I'm rarely going to be excited about a new Harley match relative to new matches from other wrestlers though. Man, I don't see how someone couldn't love Eaton from the get go. I have a weird fandom with him though, as I first encountered him as a babyface in 1991 (and my inclinations were always towards the TV title as opposed to the bigger belts), so when he turned again, I was still a fan. But it was hugely exciting to then be able to go back and see all the MX stuff as I got older too. What I love now, looking back, is the amount of Memphis that's part of his act. It's stuff I wouldn't have been able to pick out from his Crockett and Mid-South work before going back further and becoming more familiar with Memphis. There was a Poffo/Bracero vs MX tag where the first five minutes was stalling as they walked around the ring and it was glorious. Tenta is a similar case for me, in that while I didn't care about the roided guys as a 10 year old, I did care about the fast-moving ones. I was a little kid so I was into smaller guys like the Rockers and Owen Hart/Koko B. Ware, and uh, Shane Douglas. I didn't want to see a slow, plodding wrestler. That only got worse, not better in the late 90s with cruiserweights and the rise of the super indy style. It took a long time before I really started value the meaning behind moves, and Quake is awesome at making everything mean something. Also, while the WCW run is no great shakes, he was a great job match worker, and I love the Shark Attack as a finisher. He was a guy who was legit tough and has matches in Japan where you can see that, but that just makes how effective he was working a safe US style and looking incredibly formidable all the more impressive. Tenryu has a great match against Mil Mascaras. Good for Tenyru. I really need to get the 80s DVDVR NJPW set. Judy Martin is great. Great. I watched the Glamour Girls vs Jumping Bomb Angels match a few years ago (the Rumble one) and it wasn't even close. The best wrestler in that match was Martin, by far. Blew me away and I went and watched a bunch of her matches after that and they're all pretty good. She's a great bruiser heel who could really control a match. I have to see if i can find the Judy Martin vs Desiree Peterson from Boston 7/22/85 match online, because it's a total blast.
  19. Puma and Tiger could work. They absolutely have the personality. It'd almost feel like all those rumors of the Hardy Boys joining DX as pledges in 1999-2000. On the other hand, it might lead to a lot of Felino stuff I don't necessarily want to see.
  20. Other people know CMLL politics better than I do. I think a best possible scenario from a storyline (I know, I know) perspective would be to turn Mistico II and add him to the Ingobernables. He's problematic in his current role, will be completely overshown by Caristico in that specific role when he comes back in, and it would create two pretty compelling feud possibilities with Caristico and Dragon Lee. Any chance of that?
  21. If they bring him in as the dickish rudo heel, the one downside it that the Full Sail crowd will be so into his act that he'll be a babyface within five months.
  22. Go to PWO and send a PM to khawk20. He knows more about the AWA than Greg Gagne.
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