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Brian Fowler

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Everything posted by Brian Fowler

  1. All You Need is Kill is at least mockable and funny. Edge of Tomorrow is just... yeah
  2. Yeah. I mean, as someone who was a pretty big fan of Countdown, I have no desire to see that on ESPN.
  3. What I could never understand is that they kept saying the sequel was going to be based on Born Again. Except, the first chunk of Born Again is Matt not knowing that the Kingpin found out who he is, and was the one wrecking his life. But in the movie, he took his fucking mask off in front of him. Otherwise, I liked, but didn't love, the movie. It was a weird mish-mash of the Elektra saga and David Mack's original Echo story.
  4. Yeah, Page is pretty easily a better worker than Raven, Kanyon, or late 90's Bam Bam.
  5. Who was Page awful against between 1995-1999? He was one of the most guaranteed good match guys in the U.S. He had good matches against every single guy up and down the card, regardless if they were great or mediocre. You put Page in there with a bad wrestler, he'd go have a 3 star match. Put him in there with a great one, and he'd get 4 stars. Week in and week out his matches were one a highlight of Nitro, and his ppv matches were better. It was virtually impossible to have a bad match with Page in his prime.
  6. http://robot6.comicbookresources.com/2013/07/sdcc-13-saga-david-aja-chris-ware-among-eisner-winners/ Man, remember when DC/Vertigo used to clean up at the Eisners?
  7. I remember watching the show sometime around 2001 or 2002 because the local video store had it to rent, and going "wait, was that Stacey Kiebler?" during that close-up (small tv, crappy vhs) It's nice to know she really was a fan before becoming a Nitro girl.
  8. Now I wonder if that means they are actually going to have/let Keith do some political commentary...
  9. Literally the only moment from Hardy that registered with me as anything other than absurd was him staring at Talia near the end, when he didn't speak, and his eyes carried the performance. In a lot of ways, that made me mad, because it makes me feel that the horrible stupid voice robbed me of seeing what might have been a really great performance by Hardy, and instead delivered to me one of my least favorite villains in any comic movie ever.
  10. I maintain that the first half, give or take, of Spider-man is the best superhero origin story ever put on film. And Spider-Man 2 is a fucking classic.
  11. Awhile back they did some really nice "urban renewal" by the riverfront, with the new baseball and football stadiums, you have the Joe, etc. And just outside that is some really amazing old churches and stuff. And that's like a 10 block radius that is just beautiful. Then you go to the 11th block and....
  12. Heat finally broke here after a very brief almost thunderstorm (which did manage to force a 15 or so minute interruption in A7X's set...) around 9:30 or so tonight.
  13. My response to that pick: Eh... whatever.
  14. Because it was fairly cheap, and I had nothing better to do, I went and saw Avenged Sevenfold and Halestorm tonight. Pretty damn good show, all told.
  15. Unless they can actually commit to a series of Sandman films, it seems like a bad idea. Death: The High Cost of Living, on the other hand, is ripe for a film adaptation. As long as they aren't stupid and spend too much money on it.
  16. Didn't they literally fly in the entire healthy, active roster every week for years, before someone finally realized it would cut costs to leave the non-booked guys at home?
  17. Brody had an absolutely amazing aura as an out of control wild man that felt 100% legit, and carried him past the fact that he was a terrible wrestler.
  18. I love Detroit so much, but it's a cesspool in so many ways.
  19. Which sucks, because way back in '94ish Deadpool was one of my favorite characters, and nobody else was into him. Yes, I'm apparently a hipster when it comes to Deadpool.
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