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Everything posted by Zakk_Sabbath

  1. I bet he comes out with like tape over his mouth or something wack
  2. The liking of WWE's tweets scream either work, or this dude is a literal baby
  3. That makes sense to me, I can't fault that logic at all - I guess I was looking at it more like "This again?" than "They have history" but I also admittedly have not been real into heel Scorp, so I'm a little biased. But overall I now get where you're coming from
  4. Thirded - hoping it's not just Scorpio/E Page, though their issue seems to be settled. Maybe the Bucks? Edit: @Jijiwith the impeccable timing lol
  5. I could see how one could interpret it that way, but I'm sort enjoying the unpredictability to be honest with you.
  6. I'm in the minority I think, but I think he's still pretty good in the ring until he gets over-ambitious (I clench my butthole and think about Hayabusa on pretty much every Lionsault, though they're getting rarer) but big kudos to him for taking crazy cage bumps and working deathmatches when he really doesn't have to. I mentioned it earlier but Fozzy's on the road from September to February so we may not see him for a bit anyway.
  7. Shane's theme in honor of him being at brittsburgh tv and Domenic denucci passing
  8. I'm like half with you, half not. I honestly don't know my opinion. The comparison made a lot is Hogan/Sting but I don't think Luger having it for a week in August did any harm. On the other hand, as you alluded to, I think people have that opinion because they want to make sure it's as satisfying as it can hunably possibly be
  9. Bummer, but totally makes sense. Im starting to think everything's gonna shut down once schools start in earnest
  10. I hope the show has a distinct look from Dynamite (I saw where Cody said they may be bringing back the logo on the mat, maybe they figured out a way to make it less slick). I'd be kinda bummed if it's just the Dynamite set with different graphics.
  11. To sort of tie this all up and make it somehow relevant: The show's logo is very reminiscent of WCW/NWO Revenge for N64 and the tagline in all the commercials is "Game on!" - makes me wonder if Rampage will end up being the title of the console game
  12. Also, it should be noted that Christian stated his doctors cleared him with the idea that he's no more concussion prone than any other person, or at any other time in his life pre-concussion. It's kind of funny to say, but hearing that went a long way in quelling my wincing during his matches.
  13. Same here! Been going hard on Call of Duty lately. I finally, finally got sick of 2K19 after three years (when your own CAWs have go-away heat, it's time to hang it up). I may wait for the re-remastered GTA version in Nov. so I can be one of the clowns who actually bought this game three times
  14. The intent as of now is to keep them essentially equal, with Elevation and Dark serving as the later-Heat equivalent
  15. To add to your point, I think with The Challenge airing as everyone mentioned and this being somewhat of a weak card on paper, I don't think it's a bad number whatsoever. I get the mental part of topping one million, but 989 is a hell of a number.
  16. Like, morally they shouldn't, or referring to injury time tacked onto the end of the deals like Bryan, Rey, etc?
  17. I would take absolutely no issue with that. If JR had said, and @Jiji alluded to something this earlier, "Stat really improved her physique, and she worked her ass off to achieve it" we literally would not be having this conversation.
  18. For what it's worth, Fozzy's on the road from September to February so I wouldn't necessarily count on that being a permanent thing. I think Khan said as much in an interview recently, as well
  19. I AM actually pretty interested to see how this goes, irrespective of the JR talk. Four man booth and Henry's never done it, it could go either way
  20. Yea seconded. I brought up the Tony Jones shit earlier but he's been extra nasty about Chuck Taylor, for example. You think that dude just coincidentally started working in a singlet after going shirtless for 18 years?
  21. Dude that's my whole point on why he probably shouldn't be doing it
  22. Hey man, just so we're clear, I don't disagree with a single word of your opening paragraph. As noted above, I think that's what he was *going for* it just isn't where we ended up. I don't think our disagreement on this is so much philosophical as much as it is semantical. I just simply did not like the way it was put across.
  23. I don't disagree, my issue is just the way the message came across. "Appropriate weight" was the worst possible fucking way of putting it
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