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Michael Sweetser

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Everything posted by Michael Sweetser

  1. I'm enjoying Syndicate, especially playing as Evie, who is actually a fun character, opposed to her dickhead brother.
  2. How does WWE benefit there? They still have to pay him for the duration of the no-compete. If you're paying him, might as well be able to use him for appearances and such. IIRC, usual WWE no-competes are basically based on future royalties, PPV bonuses and checks, and so forth, and not on any sort of stipend. If the no compete is broken or the contract is breached, WWE doesn't pay out. It's what Punk ran into (and sued over) when he quit the company. Didn't Lesnar defeat his WWE no-compete by suing and arguing that it was unreasonable? I imagine that Bryan would be able to do the same. Especially since Bryan could argue that the no-compete is literally keeping him from making a living. It also cost Lesnar over a million dollars and a lot of time in court to beat the no-compete, and even then it was iffy. I'm not sure Bryan has the resources or the ambition to fight City Hall. WWE no-competes are complete bullshit, though. Some day a JTG or the like will find someone who'll take that on pro bono and WWE will settle faster than you can say "interdictory motion". All of that is true, and has been pretty much said going on twenty years now. But until then...
  3. How does WWE benefit there? They still have to pay him for the duration of the no-compete. If you're paying him, might as well be able to use him for appearances and such. IIRC, usual WWE no-competes are basically based on future royalties, PPV bonuses and checks, and so forth, and not on any sort of stipend. If the no compete is broken or the contract is breached, WWE doesn't pay out. It's what Punk ran into (and sued over) when he quit the company. Didn't Lesnar defeat his WWE no-compete by suing and arguing that it was unreasonable? I imagine that Bryan would be able to do the same. Especially since Bryan could argue that the no-compete is literally keeping him from making a living. It also cost Lesnar over a million dollars and a lot of time in court to beat the no-compete, and even then it was iffy. I'm not sure Bryan has the resources or the ambition to fight City Hall.
  4. How does WWE benefit there? They still have to pay him for the duration of the no-compete. If you're paying him, might as well be able to use him for appearances and such. IIRC, usual WWE no-competes are basically based on future royalties, PPV bonuses and checks, and so forth, and not on any sort of stipend. If the no compete is broken or the contract is breached, WWE doesn't pay out. It's what Punk ran into (and sued over) when he quit the company.
  5. LOL at people bitching about the current touring schedule compared to how it *used* to be.
  6. I would seriously toss cash money into an Indiegogo for some more SMACKDOWN COMIX. Do 'em about NXT.
  7. They also used to require that the champion be on his feet and not on the ropes, but that went out the window when Bryan cashed in on Show.
  8. Man, it's so weird going to something on this domain that isn't /forum. This is even funnier now that Graham has (re-)signed a Legends deal. Also, Buddy Wayne is still training people up in Everett, WA. A number of his students have been going north to ECCW, including the Cunninghams, a brother team of a thin athletic black guy and a big fat white guy. I think you guys would love 'em.
  9. It is ungodly hard to turn heel in MyCareer. Took me months of hitting people with stuff.
  10. This guy knows how to play to the demographic here on DVDVR.
  11. Had they put the title on Kane like they should've, we wouldn't be having this problem.
  12. The Sid I found on the PS4 looks great but has no accurate moves at all.
  13. I think JW Storm got announced from Spokane, WA on a WWF jobber match once. That's the best I got for *my* hometown, so quitcherbitchin'.
  14. Why? Wasn't his fault, he just happened to be the opponent when it happened.
  15. Even though Rollins had a blown knee, he still went right back and finished the move, powerbombing Kane through the table from the buckle. Holy shit, that's guts. It looks like Rollins came down unevenly and ended up taking Kane's weight on himself before he was planted. Weakest point went out, which was his knee.
  16. Welp, there's the brass ring, everyone. Let's see if anyone can grab it.
  17. Welp, that's it for my likes today. The solution is to make shirts with ALL of the slogans. CafePress, anyone?
  18. DVDVR: Reviewin' Rasslin' Since Nineteen-Dickety-Two
  19. That's the second time you've said that, sweets. I don't remember that. Must be getting old.
  20. What I've taken away from this is the WWE Universe has a really hard time spelling Barick Liznar's name. I've noticed that lots of wrestling fans can't spell the word "feud" and it irritates the hell out of me for some reason. You really could've stopped at "I've noticed that lots of wrestling fans can't spell."
  21. This Bret vs. Austin submission match can fuck right off. Restholds aren't working at all - instead of the resthold, Bret keeps putting on a legscissors. Thus, no way to get Austin's stamina down, thus, no way to get the tapout. !@&^!&^@
  22. GFW's got their champs defending their belts at indy shows: the Bollywood Boyz defended the tag titles against the Amerikan Gunz (Ethan HD & Mike Santiago) at ECCW's Halloween Hell event last Friday, and Magnus apparently defended the heavyweight title overseas.
  23. Touché. Also, because it never gets old:
  24. Bingo. Sorry, I should've elaborated more in my original post. Bischoff originally came from a more sales-based mindset (he got in the AWA because he and Sonny Onoo were trying to sell a game on AWA TV) and he had a more corporate-compatible mindset than the "rasslin' people" in WCW, which made him a far more attractive candidate to the Turner people.
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