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Everything posted by J.T.

  1. Man, look at the trigger discipline. That guy is an awesome SWAT dude. Oh, sorry. FUCK THE AUTHORITY~! SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS~!
  2. Yeah, sleep is the enemy. And Melraz must have quite the homicidal streak because I always see her in the midst of a spree killing whenever I am in the same session. Last time we were all on at the same time together, I blundered into the firefight where you and Melraz were shooting at three other players including Kittenlove aka the girl I had been talking to earlier. KL sent me an eloquent PM that read, "HOLY FUCK, SOME GUY NAMED MELRAZ WITH YOUR CREW TAG HAS GONE APESHIT~!" I didn't have time to explain that Melraz isn't a dude. Anway, I tried to rescue Kittenlove from you two by bringing in an aircraft to the fire zone, but one of the other players (MuffDaddy or some shit) heavily damaged the Cargobob I was flying... so I felt obligated to shoot him and sang him a lullaby with a sniper rifle to the dome while he was hijacking a car on the freeway trying to make a getaway. Good times. DVDVR = Giving out dirt naps.
  3. I am doing my part to get more female participation in our Live Chats. So far I have failed miserably since Moongirl does not have a mic and the other ladies I play golf with are in other crews. And then there is CarnageBabe who just plain ol' scares the living shit out of me.
  4. God, RUkered. I thought I was the only guy that used the old AFC bit when gamers are on murder sprees near my apartment. I take cover at the column just outside of the entrance to my building and just stand there for a few minutes. Someone always checks out my marker to see if i am idle.. I don't fire on guys that are just passing by but I will light up anyone that starts shooting. I have collected two bounties on guys that rolled up on me for an easy kill only to be met with grenades or blown up by the sticky bomb I strategically placed near the garage entrance. I don't go outside if I see a guy on a killspree until I check WEAZEL News to make sure he isn't in a tank.
  5. I definitely support red herrings on the map, but the ramp placement definltely says "You will never make this jump." I wouldn't even be tempted to try. I'd angle the ramp so that it looks like a legit access route to the upper patio, but pull it just far enough away so that the motocycle rider always lands short. And what Robert said. A Minigun or a Sniper Rifle would be great because they keep your attention focused forward. The trade-off to other players on the low ground would be the opportunity to sneak up behind the sniper / minigun guy on the roof and thump him when he is focused on someone else. Especially sniper rifles since the scope takes up your entire HUD, including the map. I was lucky enough to stealth gig an enemy sniper with my knife during a public LTS match and a public deathmach, but those guys were n00bs. Most players nowadays are smart enough to rotate the camera and take a look around before they commit to a sniper shot and they never look through the scope for more than a second or two.
  6. What FSW said. The war is over. Does anyone play that game anymore?
  7. Well, it is the end of an era. My daughter told me last night that most of her friends are playing more Moshi Monsters these days so she asked me to cancel her membership to Pirate 101, so I did and nuked my membership as well. That frees up the MMO membership monies for Elder Scrolls Online!
  8. Oh, I know. Mark was just following my suggestion of having obvious, not so obvious, and absolutely GTA fucking insane routes to the top of the clubhouse. If you put a motorcycle and a ramp in plain view, some asshole will try to Evel Knieval to the upper patio. The key is to position the ramp to cause a gamer to use the ramp thinking it is a reasonable jump, when in actuality he will most likely overthrottle or underthrottle and crash. If he makes it, sweet! If not, the epic wipe-out vid makes it to YouTube and the map gets publicity. Weapons definitely need to be spread out over the entire course to keep all of the fighting from going down around the clubhouse. Maybe more spawns points set out on the golf course at the hole marker signs?
  9. Here is Joe going all shoot style against Yoshiaki Fujiwara. Yeah, Fujiwara of Fujiwara Armbar fame.
  10. I think my first glimpse of Joe was in the GWF right after the Cigar Incident where Rusty Brooks kayfabe put a lit cigar in Dean's eye after a non tag-title loss. I was surprised to see a fed where fucking Rusty Brooks was soemthing more than a mid-card Jobber To The Stars. Here is one of the blow-off matches of that feud with Joe tagging with his dad, THE MOTHER FUCKING GREAT MALENKO, against Rusty Brooks and Jumbo Barretta. Joe was great. I love that dude.
  11. DDPYoga saved Jake's life, so I think Diamond Dallas should induct The Snake. Liz and Macho should be inducted at the same time. If Hogan inducts them, I will probably cry like a girl. I agree that WWE should bring in Sting to induct Warrior. I will fucking mark out for the Blade Runners reunion.
  12. Yesterday it was sixty degrees at lunchtime. When i went to take out the garbage at 6PMish, it had dropped to below fourty. It is currently twenty degrees outside. Fuck. We are supposed to get 2 to 4 inches of snow later on tonight, but mother fuckers here are at the windows watching the sky as if aliens will land at any minute. What is it about snow and emergency service vehicles that make people stare out of windows for hours at a time? Government workers, I swear. It is hard to give a shit about the pending snow tonight because it probably won't earn me a snow day tomorrow. My kid will be home chillin' and the best I can probably hope for is a two hour delay since our current CG is not quite the hard ass that the previous guy was, but he still lives and breathes "mission rediness.".
  13. I am one bounty shy of a Silver medal and one melee attack shy of a Platinum medal. If one of you guys gets a bounty on you, you might get shivved. My Endurex racing bike was a good investment! Chopper Tail has become my new favorite mission. I am ashamed to say that after watching Fruitvale Station yesterday afternoon, venting my spleen on virtual cops with Rippa and Mark was cathartic. My Flying Skill finally ranked up to Level 2 at the end of that mission when Rippa and I made our getaway in the Police Maverick. My new thing now is to call Lester to request jobs in the hope that he will give me Stocks & Scares. I am jazzed to test out Robert's plan and see if I can actually keep a Camus Off-Road Mesa if I fit it with a tracker even though the game won't let me put one in my garage. Hopefully the 1.09 Patch allows me to drive one into LSC for modding.
  14. Yeah, I'd only keep short to medium range weapons at the clubhouse. If gamers want longer range guns, make them venture out onto the golf course. That will cause them to utilize the golf carts or the limo. Clubhouse offers the most protection, so you want to reward the guys that make the risk to run the gauntlet through the golf course in search of firearms. If you want to make the golf course not so much of a killzone (that'd take the fun out of it, IMO), then situate the occasional crate or obstacle to serve as hard cover.
  15. It's not like that at all. I just told her that hitting the Pause menu while you are out in the open on a public server was a really bad idea and told her not to forget to cash in on her free stuff from the Social Club and the Beach Bum DLC (so many new players sleep on the free shotgun, free pistol upgrade, and free vehicles), so she picked my brain for more tips and I pitched the crew.
  16. Mark's deathmatch map is coming along nicely. Some comments and suggestions: 1. I know why the motorcycle and the ramp are strategically placed where they are, but no one will make the jump to the roof of the clubhouse. You may want to move those someplace else. 2. Not sure if you are in control of this, but there seems to be a lot of health and weapons situated near the clubhouse. If you can, distribute more, longer range weapons and health boxes throughout the golf course to give players incentive to fight out on the golf course. Keep the area around the clubhouse sparse except for the occasional health box or pistol pick-up. 3. Only making pistols available at the clubhouse is a nice touch. Make gamers have to decide when is the best time to camp and when they should make a move to better weapons. 4. Totally agree that golf clubs should be default starting weapons and that they should be locked. 5. Swap out the golf club pick-ups for other melee or different pistols. With a bit more fine tuning, that is going to be a great map!
  17. I have never met this person, man. She could be in high school and I am like pushing fifty. She was one of a couple of Rank 7 on a public server getting shot at by some Rank 80 guy, so I opened fire. R6Chick messaged me later on, so we started talking while I was watching RAW.
  18. Magnets. How the fuck do they work?
  19. Just to reiterate they had ZERO to do with making the movie. This is their new strategy, which is find movies that don't have a distributor and partner up to promote it to their demographic for monies. What I find interesting is that I've seen comments on horror sites about people who were totally turned off when the logo came up, which is dumb, but a reality nonetheless. Those dumb people are probably horror amateurs. Absentia and the Ocululs short film were pretty good and this looks far more polished than anything previous. Speaking of upcoming horror movies I'm jazzed about, fresh from Sundance: which just got a wide distributor in IFC Midnight, the horror / thriller division of IFC Films.
  20. Fairly positive? I wept buckets. No one will want to be around me the sad day that Ricky Steamboat throws off the mortal coil. I will be a hot fucking mess.
  21. For a show that was allegedly designed to troll fans, it sure didn't feel trolley. I am stoked for Shield vs. Wyatts. I think I would dig the Shield more as tweeners that beat up everybody, heal, face or otherwise, and save us all from everything shitty rather than the Shield as lackeys for the Authority. Especially if it leads to crazy Dean Ambrose promos, Reigns dropkicking people in the face, and Seth Rollins taking scary bumps.
  22. You can usually tell when folks are just messing around. When I drop into your session and see you guys shooting at each other, it is obvious that it is all fun and games and if I join in, I am fair game. So, i was talking to this girl with the gamertag RockingR6Chick last night and she is currently in search of a crew so.....
  23. I am not sure how to feel about a YouTube series that verifies game physics. I am happy to see the base infiltration myth debunked. Saves me the trouble of not having to buy a military vehicle from Warstock that I would only use as a Trojan Horse.
  24. How did the bookers miss doing this shit right here? They are writers or creative. Please do not call them bookers. Political correctness is ruining our world.
  25. How did the bookers miss doing this shit right here?
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