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Nice Guy Eddie

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Everything posted by Nice Guy Eddie

  1. inside a steel Brock Lesnar Nah, it's gotta be INSIDE THE BROCKTAGON!Well playedINSIDE THE BROCKTAGON can only be said in Paul Heyman's voice.
  2. Sid's birthday is 12/16. It is, however, the anniversary of him joining the WWF and Barry Windham's birthday. The master and ruler of the world can celebrate his birthday whenever he wants.
  3. I would definitely air that on a "Lost Gem" show. Any idea why he wasn't being used on American programming? Maybe it's for the better he wasn't. I loved Gorilla Monsoon's work with Jesse and especially with Bobby Heenan, but I imagine he probably wasn't in the best of health, having lost his son and his own physical health.
  4. Not Gotch Gracie either, if anyone was unsure.
  5. Can we get Buck Zumhoffe in that group via satellite from prison or are we drawing the line at pedophiles?
  6. can he sing a song about it like Jacques Rougeau? He could try, but I doubt it would be as good. Jacques was gold when came to singing his entrance music. Between All American Boys/I'm the Mountie/We're Not the Mounties, that's pure entrance theme gold.
  7. The Peanuts picture really does work there. TNA is the Charlie Brown Christmas tree except it's not going to get fixed and lovingly cared for at the end.
  8. Maybe it's memory loss linked to PTSD from having played The Marine.On a somewhat related note, The Miz's new catchphrase should be, "I'm the marine, damnit!"
  9. Emma should be repackaged as Repo Man's daughter.
  10. I can't tell if you're being serious or not, but that's Justin Credible, who is obviously thinking this kliq bullshit and this hand gesture really did a lot for me.
  11. How soon before the dancing African kids in that meme are celebrating because they're getting GFW shirts?
  12. Think a more accurate Seinfeld-ism would be the time that Kramer found the old set from the Merv Griffin show and set it up in his apartment. GFW's database will get destroyed by a hawk going after a bionic squirrel.
  13. Jerry Stiller would break you by reminding you that you never could compete with Lloyd Braun.
  14. We have a 5150 in paperbacks. Swarm...Swarm
  15. Who the hell is going to choose a pep talk from The Miz when Frank Costanza and Machete are options? The Miz would be my last choice from that list.
  16. Did Ryder also go to the Terry Garvin school of defense?
  17. Alicia Fox is steal a VHS copy of Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo from a yard sale crazy.
  18. Emma should apply at her local Outback Steakhouse. I know a girl from Australia that moved to Long Island. Naturally, she got a job at Outback.
  19. Well, I don't think there's a lot of kayfabe there. He's absolutely at least partially crazy. Ever listern to her appearance on The Art of Wrestling or the Onnit podcast? The guy lived in Florida, whent on a European tour with WWE, and while he was over in Europe just said, "I think I'd rather live in Vegas". So he never even flew back to Florida, just went straight to Vegas and lived there. Normal people don't do that shit. I also think the Mexican jail story might be PARTIALLY true. I'd like to think that Dean doesn't even have an apartment in Las Vegas. He either lives behind a casino in a refridgerator box... and not even a good casino, like the casino Eddie took Clark to that had "What number am I think of" as something you could bet on or he knows a guy in the crime scene clean up crew and stays in hotel rooms that are set be cleaned up after murders or suicides because they've been paid for and he doesn't mind the chalk outlines on the floor because the rooms usually have a stash of free porn the previous person had. As far as t-shirts, if he was still Moxley, I would suggest a knock off of the Moxie soda logo except Moxie Man looks like someone who was sitting in the parking lot drinking cough syrup, which ironically is what Moxie tastes like. And Ambrose doesn't look like someone that sits in parking lots drinking cough syrup?
  20. Even with the Twisted Tea, that party looked depressing. I say Adam Rose is either repackaged in NXT or released by Summerslam. As for Emma, it will probably be a lot sooner than that.
  21. Ambrose just needs a Misfits skull t-shirt w/ the sleeves cuts off and maybe an early Metallica album cover t-shirt also with sleeves cut off, preferably Kill 'Em All or Ride the Lightning.Ambrose strikes me more as a Megadeth guy. Spot on about the Misfits shirt.I was also thinking a Slayer shirt complete with dried blood, some his own and somebody else's from a pit circa 1987. I've got a lot of down time at work to think about these things.
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