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Everything posted by Tromatagon

  1. Yeah, you should probably actually watch those MMA fights, Cool Arrow
  2. Meltzer keeps hinting that they have absolutely no faith in Barrett now for some reason, but never really elaborates.
  3. How can you grow up a wrestling fan and not know how to do a figure four? It's like did CM Punk not have wrestling buddies as a kid to drop elbows on? Shit
  4. His Bella is hurt anyway and can't wrestle. EDIT: Guess I should say is hurt and is unable to have matches. We already know she can't wrestle.
  5. Miz successfully defended the title in the main event of Wrestlemania, which unfortunately puts him ahead of that pack a little. I'd say the one they booked the worst was Rey. He lost constantly. I fucking love Rey too so please don't misconstrue this as hatred. Maybe Swagger though. Nobody even remembered he was champion by the time they were done with him.
  6. Kind of hard to be a poor man's Tully when you've been WWE champion but I appreciate the sentiment. He's more of a Paul Roma if you want to go that route
  7. damn it you guys not every feud has to be stables of 50 people fighting stables of 50 people
  8. tell me more about this roller derby game
  9. They won't because they're too lazy to do an unmasked Kane
  10. Man, I liked the Ring of Fire match. First time heels that aren't in the main event have been smart in a while.
  11. He then said that the main event was changed a bunch of times and only the people involved knew about it, which is what turned people against him. Masterful work WWE
  12. This has effectively turned the internet against that Dolphins dude on Reddit, who is now being blamed for Daniel Bryan not being champion. Fucking hilarious. Dance puppets dance.
  13. You can kind of tell who is going to be in what match due to their character models, Not that that really stopped them in attitude mode though
  14. It's okay a guy on reddit did it hours ago which is where I got the 60 from
  15. Watching the video, Edge is dressed for Edge/Foley and not in regular ring gear.
  16. There are 60 possible matches using those guys listed, and Studd
  17. The WM 2 main event was Hogan/Bundy and they're both in.
  18. Which means the only Wrestlemania 1 match that can be recreated is Studd vs Andre in the body slam challenge
  19. Big John Studd was announced. Piper still wasn't, but we have seen signs for him in the crowd already
  20. Official reveal is today anyway, so we will find out. Piper not being on that list smells like bullshit
  21. They just announced Munchkin Adventure Time. Fucking stoked.
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