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Everything posted by DeathyBoy

  1. Likely. Mae Young Classic helps because bunch of talent on that they can bring up while they have Moon vs Royce for a few months.
  2. I did like the SD crew getting tables chucked on them/doors slammed into them. Felt more vicious.
  3. Ruby is so much better than Paige it's scary. She's also not, I guess, a nightmare behind the scenes. O it's likely this is them covering their bases. If Paige screws up, they can just say Ruby set the whole thing up and it's a dual brand invasion.
  4. I'm guessing Flashpount replaces JL 2.
  5. Let's be honest, everyone on Saturday could turn up and be ready.
  6. Shane and Angle would die. There is no way Shane takes the F5 properly. He'd likely land spine first.
  7. Doing a swerve and having Paul Ellering set AOP on the Fashion Polive would be glorious.
  8. Vince would have to genuinely be senile to say that the day after Balor and Nak got a huge reaction for a basic wrestling stand off.
  9. Man, all I want now is Sanity to show up on SD as Daniel Bryan's heel group on Shane and the week is complete.
  10. Dude was also mocking the "one night a year" thing. Must be awesome for him knowing he can shoot on this stuff and not be punished.
  11. I just miss Graves. That guy on NXT was amazing. You just felt he genuinely loved what he was watching and gave a shit. There's moments on Raw where he genuinely seems in disbelief at the idiocy he has to call.
  12. Yeah, I love how DC is so matter of fact about it. No advanced science or anything - just straight up have Gods and witches and aliens and water people.
  13. Batman just wanted to see if Superman was a Predator.
  14. I just love how DC's big heroes actually like each other. Marvel never sold that for me outside of GOTG.
  15. Balor, Owens and Zayn pretty much idolise HHH.
  16. Step one to being a heel - see what gets "this is awesome" chants. Then do the opposite.
  17. I can't speak for why Jinder got the push, nor is he great in ring, but thank God him and Miz actually try to be heels in this day and age. I want Jinder to lose whenever he wrestles. I don't root for him at all. And that's refreshing. Not to mention how he stepped up his promo game and carries himself like a star. I mean if it came down to him or Rusev for that role, fans would get behind Rusev eventually. They hate Jinder, which is an achievement in 2017. I give the guy full props for running with the hot shot booking. And genuinely can't wait until he's back.
  18. I mean I get your point, but no champ should lose back to back televised matches clean. Course they shouldn't have booked Bates in that case, but eh.
  19. Jinder looks shoot fucked. Dude should've taken the loss to Nak and gone on injury leave months ago.
  20. I mean Enzo did lose to Dunne the previous night. Chances are Vince would only sign off on one guy beating Enzo, and they went with the UK Champ who really couldn't afford to lose to Enzo.
  21. Still amazed that he lasted this long. If dude has a good head on his shoulders, he'll be mega grateful that they've given him the chance to make a solid living on the indies indefinitely.
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