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Everything posted by StuntmanCrowley

  1. So....Bucky is in the Wakandan army now it seems? That's actually pretty awesome.
  2. War on Everyone was like if End of Watch was a Black Comedy and it's exactly how awesome it sounds. Loved it.
  3. Late to the party, but I second the sentiment above that the Joe/Brock segment was the kind of thing that keeps you watching wrestling.
  4. This will be the last Wyatt comment I bring, but i think i'd mark out like a 10 year old new fan if he quit tomorrow.
  5. I hope that the rumors of him being pissed behind the scenes are true. I don't comprehend how he handles being booked like garbage.
  6. As a Bray Wyatt fan, it hurts my soul to know he lost at Mania for this.
  7. and the look on his face was one of sheer amusement. Like a little kid who just kicked his sister in the shin. In short, fuck Randy Orton, lol.
  8. My fiance is an at an arms length wrestling fan. She enjoys the storylines more than the matches. She only watches Raw and some bits of smackdown and never NXT Her reaction to the DIY/Ciampa heel turn was amazing. She loved the whole show, loved the match and let out an audible "aw" during the DIY chant as they stood in the ring. When shit hit the fan, she was ont he edge of her seat and said "holy shit" It was fucking awesome to see her that invested in something that she has only recently got into.
  9. I'm pretty excited for the Eagles new faces on offense. Sure they'll let me down, but I think they'll be fun to watch.
  10. I didnt tune in until the last 90 mins, but this was boring. I missed the Wyatt angle at the beginning, but thank you Raw for making it, despite the booking, the first time I ever didn't give a shit about Bray Wyatt. Also, It's fucking ludicrous that the champ (Lesnar) is such a non entity that the title isn't mentioned.
  11. This might be my favorite run of Jericho's. I was commenting to the missus how Owens/Jericho lacked murder rage in their matches, then this match/the ending pretty much silenced me on that. Great send off
  12. I will enjoy hearing Philly shit all over Goodell all night.
  13. Eagles/Raiders in Philly on Christmas. Let the "Threw snowballs at Santa Clause" shit start, because I guarantee that will a non stop story.
  14. I don't post much, but your posts are always on point and this one is no different. Pretty much sums up my feelings on this matter without myself having the words to do so.
  15. I missed cage matches were the escape felt lke a big deal and a satisfying win, this brought that back.
  16. Nothing to add to this other than I wish Randy Orton was a part-timer and far, far, far away from both shows. He is garbage.
  17. Orton/Wyatt was horrid, but still, Orton shouldn't have won. Laughable. Aries/Neville, Styles/Shane were fun. I liked the ending of Rollins/HHH Also, nice nostalgic moment with the returning hardys, but I felt bad for the other three teams who more than likely got informed last minute none of them were having a WM win.
  18. Why do we need an Escape from NY remake when all the hell I want to know is what happened in Cleveland?!!?!?!
  19. I went to last night's show and it was a pretty fun experience. I've been super down on Raw for the past month or so, so I'm not sure how this came across on TV, but it was fun as shit live. Roman Reigns was the most over heel in the place, it was astounding. They even booed his face on video packages during commercial breaks.
  20. Not shocking for a Snyder flick, visually it looks awesome.
  21. Breezango deserves better than this, but everything they do, they're hilarious. The build for Cena/Bella v Miz/Maryse is so one sided, it's borderline pistol whipping a blind kid. I love it.
  22. That transformers movie looks like the worst of them all, and that is saying something.
  23. It is nowhere near as bad as people were painting it. I am only 4 episodes in, so obviously, I have a while to go in it. I like Finn Jones as Rand, but I think Coleen Wing is the most interesting character on the show thus far.
  24. The end of Big Fish. While not heartbreaking in a tragic sense, it's heartbreaking in that a son never understood his father until the very end and in that moment they became closer than they had ever been in life. It crippled me in the theatres.
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