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Everything posted by Jiji

  1. Yeah, those elbows are not good. Make 'em a Danielson exclusive. Speaking of bad strikes, the hockey punches were comically weak but man all I could think about during the initial Austin punches phase was My Way. Those were nice.
  2. I wonder if that changes now that Omega is back.
  3. Omega get a subtle cheap shot in on FTR with the tribute act line during that not so great post show speech? I do like how Moxley quickly made most people forget about Dax as woty the past couple of months until Mr. Ax(e) reminded everybody about it last night in his corny ass way. MJF puts everybody over*. He'll come back strong and eventually put over everybody. It is pretty wild how AEW has two heirs for their big ex WWE signings in Punk and Danielson with MJF and Garcia. *except Brian Pillman Jr because fuck that guy anyway.
  4. I looked up the Rampage spoilers because I haven't been watching live lately and I wanted to see who Matt was talking about regarding Claudio's opponent (I'm less excited about it). I did not see Page's name surprisingly but I was looking for CC and could've missed it. Edit: Zimbra posted the silver stuff.
  5. Man, I miss having Riho put on great matches with no build. You'd think they'd appreciate that when tv time is so tight.
  6. Okay, Page should beat Punk. They have done almost nothing with their big project guy since that match and now he looks like a weak coward. He needs vindication here. At the very least he should beat Punk's ass decisively once punk drops the belt. Talk about cowardly, that's some dog shit here to get such a cheap shot that helps nobody knowing he wasn't going to respond (yet). If this is what is to come with Heel punk, oh boy. Edit: Omega rarely clasps his hands on those snap dragon suplexes and he did on Lee.
  7. Garcia took "sports entertainer" out of his twitter bio lmao. For a company that only does 4 or 5 PPVs a year, we really should have a better idea of what All Out is going to look like by now but I'm excited to see where this Garcia stuff goes. Bryan, Garcia, Jericho, and maybe even Mox need a match at the PPV.
  8. I was at both of those shows too and I remember freaking out before Lee let go because it was clear he wasn't in control and it was going to end badly as there was little chance Hiromu could get full rotation needed. He's a terrific wrestler who made a really bad judgement call. Lee looked like he went out of his way tonight to ingratiate himself with the Elite guys, but that could've been also playing into the post match beatdown of him being considered weak by his brother and Andrade. Or both?
  9. The idea being that Mox beats him definitively and early because Punk is hurt and that's not something you'd want to give your audience who paid $50 to watch? Interesting take. I hope it's not the case Seems like most of us are of the mind that Punk is going to win. Should the above be true, letting Mox's run continue is a great thing too. He's been having a career defining stretch of matches the past few months. They really can't go wrong unless Punk wins and he's hurt again.
  10. KiLynn King looked good and your guys' constant praise of her is winning me over. She lays it in and I appreciate that. The division needs more of it. Still, though, how can you look at the ratings and say women's stuff doesn't draw well when you put on one match, one segment, with no build or story behind it other than to keep the Storm rolling? It's like what western governments do to publicly owned institutions and then turn around say they don't work. Sabotage.
  11. Garcia is going to be a top 3 wrestler on the planet in a couple years. Phenom. His character is outgoing, ostentatious flipside of the same coin as HOOK's introvert. Similar zoomer, angry young man energy but expressed differently. Those guys are going to be so money for the next two decades. It was great to see Omega smiling and looking generally happy after catching a clip of him on a stream recently where he was talking about fans just letting performers know how much they appreciate them because they can get depressed too and just looking really down.
  12. Think about where Danielson was in terms of presentation, character work, and promos at age 23/24. Plus, Garcia missed about half a year due to the car crash. He's a fucking freak. Nobody should be as good at selling, psychology, and character work as he is at this age. Conflicted, vulnerable, arrogant. Guy is amazing and his promos are improving rapidly. Not a day goes by without me thinking about "WELL THEN I AM TOO."
  13. Did I miss anything other than Omega biffing the You Can't Escape me roll through? Both Lee and Jose missed catching his legs for the trip on the dive attempts so he made it seem like he was hurt to give Jose another chance at the leg. Edit: he's been missing the landing on the roll through off and on due to injury for a long time though. He should stop doing it.
  14. Maybe, but the production team misses so much stuff because of all the camera cuts so it wouldn't surprise me either way. I believe Cubs has hinted Omega & the Bucks still hold Hiromu's injury against Lee but Omega seemed like he was telling Dragon he did great right after the three count. Strange scenes.
  15. I did joke that Danielson would fight Jericho with Garcia's soul on a pole match when Daniel joined JAS. I'm excited. Still really confused by the title booking tho. Wouldn't make sense to do a big bcc vs JAS blowoff w Kingston and Guevara in a singles match. Should do a NJPW gauntlet style match when they do end up blowing it off.
  16. So weird because they'd sell a lot more ppvs I imagine with Moxley vs. Punk.
  17. Was it me or were there twice as many commercial breaks tonight? I think Taz is going to old yellar Jim Ross on air pretty soon. Ross makes me want to change the channel. Beyond the pale awful and is getting worse somehow. I do not understand the logic of giving away mox and punk for free with a ppv in two weeks. But okay cool. Punk seemed like he was in heel mode so I wouldn't be surprised to see him cheat to maintain the gold next week. The pop for Kenny was incredible and I'm so happy he's back. The shirt is weird and sad. He looks in great shape. Is it to help with the brace? Is it to emphasize he's not back back? Friend sent a pic of flair and Andrade together saying it was Omega and Andrade. I do enjoy him both selling and being really hurt and it actually being part of the psychology of the match and tournament moving forward. May need to drop the You Can't Escape tho. Dragon Lee bumping for a contract and I hope he gets it. Do not have a single fucking clue why you wouldn't keep him w LFI and why you'd tack it on w no time left. Dumb. Really good match but tame compared to what they would've done 5 years ago. I will have to watch Danielson and Garcia from the fite feed because the commercials made it impossible to get invested in it. Rest of the show, like last week, was just there or bad. Plz stop.
  18. Garcia tweeted "I remember you was conflicted" a couple days ago. Good stuff. Guy gets it and I'm so excited to watch his career unfold. Brightest prospect in wrestling I've seen in a long time and I do love HOOK.
  19. Would've been 100x better if it were 28:46 tho.
  20. More than anything, I hope those next generation kids bring with them a style more reminiscent of the '90s wild unpredictability. It's not just the wrestlers that are stale it's the style. It needs to go away with Tanahashi when he retires.
  21. Yeah, I crushed it day 1 on Rumbleverse and now I usually get a couple of KOs and get dumped myself. Demon Throttle is quickly becoming a personal favourite of mine. Highest recommendation. Top down arcade shooter (1942 style), lots of secrets, challenging gameplay, funny, super fun. Physical copies only tho, but I recommend it.
  22. Why was nobody in the upper deck of the Budokan? It looked empty from the few minutes I watched.
  23. I would like to see what Riho and Cargill could do together. Riho has faults but she's still easily top 5 on the roster imo, probably top 3 behind Jamie and Storm. How many people on the roster have had their best match with Riho? Deeb, Baker, Nyla are the ones that come to mind. Division's first champ and she's basically an afterthought.
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