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Everything posted by J.H.

  1. This week's episode was just... goddam Somehow they actually got me to cheer for Gambit James
  2. "We can do it the AI easy way or the AI hard way" - AI Lou Thesz James
  3. I've been neglecting my Joshi watching, so after Mania XTRA LARGE went off the air I finally sat down and watched Miu and Miyu beat crap outta each other. It was GLORIOUS! Jamez!
  4. I think it also depended on where you grew up detetmining access to comics. Being a kid in NYC meant I had newsstands, grocery stores AND local comic shops. On the Upper East Side alone there were 3 by 1983 (Funny Business, East Side Comics and Action Comics) and that was just Yorkville! James
  5. I think Le Samourai is fun but that has more to do Alain Deleon being so goddam compelling. Melville could've done a scene where Deleon eats a cheese plate for 10 minutes and I wouldn't be able to avert my eyes! James
  6. Rewatched Road House and damit... it is the best low budget action major release of the 80s (does Highlander count as low budget when you've paid Sean Connerey a cool $1 million, $250,000 to Sir Sean's "Spanish Dialect Coach"?) There is literally nothing bad I can say about a movie whose last line of spoken dialogue is "A Polar Bear fell on me". James
  7. The triangle era of the Superman books were great imo because there was such a huge focus on the supporting cast. Perry, Jimmy, Lous, Ron Troupe, Cat Grant and hell even Bibbo always had stuff going on James
  8. I got nothing... https://youtu.be/jSgMWAi9YPA?si=gSt20mBIvn78oe4A James
  9. If we get animated "Life Death" I'm gonna plotz! James
  10. Wasn't Lobo's deal that he was kinda Sgt. Bilko level shady pr am I remembering it wrong? James
  11. Sounds like that period after Mutant Massacre where you had the X-Men, New Mutants and X-Force running around rarely crossing paths despite having huge events across their line James
  12. YOU GODDAM RIGHT YOU ARE!!! Like DB KAI it will tell a manga faithful update. It's gotta be better than that Kenshin reboot! James
  13. THIS!!! Certain artists work hit a specific emotion or sense awe/wonder Kirby fills the latter slots, Romita Sr could get you to pump a fist when Peter Parker overcomes adversity. Tezuka makes you marvel at his sheer creativity. Matsumoto awakens a romantic sense of adventure. You feel the passion from Kurumada or tension building to a showdown with Tetsuo Hara. Whenever I look at something bycAkira Toriyama, even in the bloodiest fight, all I feel is joy James
  14. He had so much in the pipeline too! Advising for DBS manga, Dragon Ball DAIMA was still in development. Work on the next DQ game, the Sand Land game and rumors of whatever is going with Chrono Trigger... he wasn't finished. He could've just rested on his royalties after DB ended but his imagination was furtive. Hell, before he died Tezuka had declared that Akira Toriyama as his "heir apparent". James
  15. I woke up to this news. I'm typing this while trying not to cry. Arguably one of the most important cartoonists of his generation. I don't have the words right now... James
  16. Fall and the new Hokuto No Ken tv series can't get here fast enough! James
  17. I hope this means JBA for bext year Actually this reminds me that I've seen JBA, Crush Gals and Atrocious Alliance live without ever having go below midtown Manhattan. That's kind of a weird accomplishment James
  18. I wish there was a wrestler with a gimmick of being a French guy named Jean Maginot with a finisher called The Maginot Line but he keeps losing to German wrestlers who keep ducking around him James
  19. [Inner monolgue Dana [Inner monologue Dana Delaney voice...] Wait... when La Parka is around Mike is nowhere to be seen. Could Mike Tenay be... Lois Lane, what are you thinking. Sure Mike Tenay is The Professor of professional wrestling but La Parka is... well LA PARKA! [Pull back to reveal Mike Tenay, back to camera before he turns around and winks] James
  20. Got the first 2 volumes of Tom Taylor's Nightwing run and this has been the most dun I've had rwading Nightwing since Dixon/McDaniel. It's such a breezy and fun read and yeah, it has those moments where I get a little misty-eyed. I'll wait for Vol 3 in softcover which, given DCs ether induced turnaround (come... back... here... you... rab... bit) will be sometime around Xmas James
  21. Holy Crao! Pamela Hensley was Princes Ardala! How did I miss that connection! James
  22. Man... Matt Houston is a throwback to the rich playboy detective that is sorely nissing on TV today. I am assume Buddy Ebsen got added in S2 so he could skide into his Jed Clampett voice James
  23. Finished The Burning God and man... it has a gut-wrencing ending. I think my complaint in the end is that the protagonists paranoia just feels like it came on too rapidly and perhaps should have been woven a bit more fluidly through the whole book as opposed to it rushing at you in theast 5-6 chapters. In the end The Poppy War trilogy is worth reading but the rush to it's climax kind of causes to stumble a step or two at the end. James
  24. Michael Hayes feels like he could show up on According To Jim as a cocky singer who tries to be Jim Belushi's blues band new singer but gets kicked out when Courtney Thorn Smith finds coke in his banana hammock James
  25. I'll say it, the Long Riders carried Hall and Hennig in their mini-feud in AWA. I never understood why the WrestleRock match was the Irwin's having to regular gear as opposed to a Bunkhouse match orctirbado match which would make things fair and more interesting Oh wait, I know the answer... Verne fuckin Gagne! James
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