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Craig H

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Everything posted by Craig H

  1. Yes, he still is. He spent much of his time last night being a contrarian and talking about how good Wrestlemania was while asking shit like why the champ comes out first (HHH as champ always comes out first).
  2. As EvilClown and was the TFW mod. He spent the majority of his time talking down to everyone while patting himself on the back, if he wasn't busy patting Just Too Uber on the back.
  3. EvilClown is a dipshit who thinks he's a far better writer than he actually is and he would have been better of staying in the military and sparing everyone his MMA and wrestling OPINIONZ4U. In short, he can go fuck himself.
  4. I still like Dean a lot, but the booking of that match didn't help him one bit. And yes, they were muting audio constantly. Tim on Facebook made the joke that it was funny to see the production crew turn the audio back up to see if the boos died down only to immediately turn the volume back down again. Every NXT related chant was muted, namely the Nakamura chant, which totally disappears right as it starts. Crowd cheering for Reigns winning was also pumped in, which was super gross. Fan cams show they booed the finish out of the arena.
  5. I saw that. Another is Uranium. I can only assume they meant to put "Yellowcake Uranium" on there. "DON'T...DROP...THAT...SHIT!"
  6. Crews would be a weird name to call up. The other guys I could see, but Crews still needs a lot of work because the extent of his character now is smilin' power flippy babyface.
  7. It could also be Joe. Either are possible. I think Joe would pop the crowd something huge. The only shitty thing to Baron winning last night was he got JAG/jobbed intro'd, while Kane, Big Show, Shaq and Mark Henry got full entrances. I'm guessing the idea was to give them full entrances since they're all giants, but still, it kind of showed that no one else mattered except for the guys with the actual entrance...and then Baron won.
  8. Glaciers are getting pretty thin these days. The other reason that it's silly to think that Reigns won't drop the title right away is because they've built to this for so long. It wasn't that long ago, but the build to Reigns winning at 31 was just as long and he lost anyway. Never ever underestimate Vince's propensity to change his mind especially now that his favorite toy is working again. Not saying Reigns WILL drop the title right away, but I'm giving it 3 months until he drops the title to someone else.
  9. Or Baron Corbin. I'd settle for Baron Corbin doing that as well.
  10. What are you talking about? How many "big wins" does he need? This is his third title run in 6 months.
  11. Or he was a dumbass and burned out the motor by not using a 40:1 mix of oil and gasoline.
  12. Good thing most kids watching at home were probably sleeping. Hell, most kids in the arena may have been sleeping by that point too.
  13. Cena verbally destroying Reigns and then beating him for the title would do great things for Cena. Watch them STILL not get it and turn Cena heel instead.
  14. I'm still a fan and I'll give him a pass on the chainsaw. He need to prime the gas tank, lock the blade in place, set the choke, step on the handle, pull the start cord 3 times and then pull it one more time. Should have been an electric saw or weed eater instead.
  15. It was that, the NXT chant, etc. All the boos would quickly turn into the crowd murmuring. Someone on twitter posted a live video and its so different from the broadcast.
  16. The only real babyface victory was Ryder's. Think about that.
  17. I commented about it on Twitter. The Nakamura chant started and magically went silent immediately.
  18. FWIW, starting a chainsaw isn't as easy as just pulling the cord. Dean didnt prime it to start and didn't set the choke, so no way was it going to start. I would know. I had to fuck around with my own chainsaw trying to get it to start today.
  19. I fucking HATED this show. The most insulting WWE show ever. The only good I can think of is the crowd being hot for Sami, Sami killing KO with a half and half on a ladder, Ryder winning, the New Day entrance, the actual Women's Championship match, Baron Corbin and HHH slipping during his entrance. Everything else was straight garbage topped off with manipulating the crowd audio to mask the fans shitting on Roman. Fuck WWE.
  20. I know! Mauro was AWESOME in the pre-show.
  21. I just want to say that I love you all. You're all awesome wrestling fans and this was a fucking MONSTER of a show. So many good vibes from this fucking thing. My brain is still scattershot trying to recall the night. There were some GREAT little things in there too, like Graves mentioning MOTHERFUCKING KAWADA~! Holy shit. What else, I mean, I'm not sure what else to say about Nak vs Zayn other than it was perfect. While Joe vs. Finn wasn't perfect and that finish wasn't what I had in mind, it was still a great match. I was initially annoyed and pissed about the stoppages, but like you all said, it actually added to the insanity and gave us a match where Joe and Finn just fucking dropped bombs on each other. One of the slaps from Joe to Finn's head looked like it slapped all of the sweat out of Finn's hair. It was a really cool visual. Man, the Fight Forever chant. Put THAT on a t-shirt. I will buy it. Fuck yeah. Fight Forever! Ugh, it's just so hard to think or say much, but it was all awesome.
  22. Btw, I guess Izzy was super devastated, like someone ran over her puppy devastated. I feel so bad for her. Poor girl.
  23. BTW, Bryan Alvarez is such a fucking idiot.
  24. I will be fucking shocked if Nak isn't on Raw on Monday.
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