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Everything posted by Log

  1. I think the thing with both the MJF and the Jericho/Kingston promos is that we're not going to really know if they "worked" until the feuds run their course a bit more. I did enjoy both of them for the simple fact that they were both very different than your typical pro wrestling promo. So much "innovation" in pro wrestling is just "interesting rehash of an old angle/feud/idea". So, it was cool to see something legitimately fresh. So, the whole Black Family/Death Triangle segment was weird. First, Penta pulls a Balor and wrestles exactly the same as he usually does with his "evil" persona. I guess maybe he didn't taunt quite as much. Then, the match was really disjointed. Like, everyone seemed a little lost. What was up with the part near the end where Penta tags in, hits a top-rope cross body and then just lays there for a really long time? Did I miss something? He's on the apron asking for the tag, hits his move and then he's out? AEW really needs to work on timing in their production. There are a lot of times where you can clearly see that someone in the ring is waiting on a cue. They hung a few beats too long on the Penta beatdown before Buddy showed up. Man, they legit got me believing that Bunny was taking the TBS title. I was having flashbacks to Sammy/Miro. The finish was nice in that Jade was smooth in her reversal into her finisher.
  2. Seems like a good night for a surprise TNT title challenge.
  3. There was sooooo much speculation as to all of these new characters that were going to show up on that show. I stopped paying attention to all of that chatter on subsequent Disney+ Marvel series, and I think it helped me enjoy them all a lot more.
  4. As amazing as that match is, there's still a part of me that wants to see the version of that match where Kobashi works as a "sneaky foreign heel" like he thought he should.
  5. Is Bryan Danielson doing that now?
  6. Their dad was a smoking gun. It would make sense.
  7. It kind of sounded like the teams that don't win tonight would be in the next week's battle royal. In that Bucks/ReDragon promo, someone said something to the effect of "We're going to win the first one, but maybe you guys can get the second one?" They may add/change some teams, though.
  8. I really don't dig Penta's act either, but man my son LOVES him! That definitely helps make his matches more entertaining for me. My son also thinks Malakai Black is the baddest dude alive. Every time he's on screen, my son says, "I would NOT want to fight that scary guy!" Like he'd be up for fighting anyone else on the roster, but not Black! @Gordlow, I'm one of those people tiring of Jericho's act. He has been better for the last few weeks. The good thing with him sparring with Kingston is that Eddie won't let him off the hook if he tries his lame little insults like "square head" or whatever.
  9. Jesus Christ. Anyway, is there a timeline on this announcement? Is it supposed to be Wednesday or is it open-ended?
  10. Such a great, obvious choice, but I never even knew how much I wanted to see him there. Another person I'd like to see in Bloodsport is Malakai Black.
  11. I agree with your points @Stefanie the Human. It's that whole thing where white people get the chance and all we need to do is not fuck it up. Whereas a black person, in the same situation, has to be more of a special talent to get that shot. I've got nothing against Brock Anderson, and I highly doubt he's in Tony Kahn's office demanding things and keeping other talent off shows, but he still benefits. It's especially odd that there haven't been more Black indie wrestlers getting a shot considering there's never been (IMO) a better crop of young, Black, indie talent out there than right now. Not only are they out there, it's never been easier to get a look at them. Hell, there have been entire shows dedicated to showcasing young, Black talent (The For the Culture shows).
  12. Has TK said when he's dropping this latest announcement or was it just a "I'm working on something big" thing?
  13. After Suicide Squad, I thought I’d like a Peacemaker series. I did not expect to love it like I did. Definitely one of the most purely-enjoyable things I’ve watched in a while.
  14. So, is Cody definitely signing with WWE? Has he already signed?
  15. My brain just won't accept Pittsburg and purple and orange.
  16. As someone who was a skinny fat kid that grew into a sweet-ass dad bod, yes. That is correct.
  17. You call your buddy. "Hey, I got tickets to Dynamite in February!" "Oh, nice! Where are the seats?" "Right across from the hard camera. We should make some signs." "Oh, definitely." Ok, great. Makes sense. But then, after having a couple months to come up with some funny/witty/cool/whatever signs, you show up with "Bryan Danielson Cries at the end of Old Yeller" and "Adam Cole has a Dad Bod". That's what you come up with. You think of these sentences in your head. You take the time to make the signs. You lug those signs with you all the way to the show and into the arena and to your seats. You hold those signs over your head the WHOLE DAMN SHOW. You really think you've shown the audience in the arena and those watching at home what a witty person you are. Jesus. That's just fucking sad. I went from being pissed at this distracting asshole to just being sad for them. However, the "A Winner is You" sign was genius. Love it. And the person who brought it had enough sense to only hold it up after someone won a match. Bravo. I'm sorry, but of course Danielson cries at the end of Old Yeller! What kind of heartless psycho doesn't? And that's not a "dad bod" on Cole. Do you even know what a dad bod is? Is it just a term you heard and thought it was a general insult. Oh, goddammit! Why have I given this so much thought and energy. Now I'm mad at me. Anyway, this was a great show. I need to go back and watch the TNT title match. I was distracted by my kids during it. Danielson/Moriarty was a match I wanted to see as soon as Bryan was signed. It's going to do those young guys so much good getting to be in the ring with him and picking his brain backstage.
  18. Cody must’ve got the middle entrance in the divorce.
  19. I'd be lying to myself if I didn't admit that I love the backstage drama as much as (hell, maybe more than!) the stuff I actually see on tv when it comes to pro wrestling.
  20. Log


    My wife and I always laugh because her parents (both in their mid-70's) just can't comprehend that there may be pop culture that they're not up on. For some reason, Woodley and Rodgers dating came up in conversation. When my wife said Woodley's name, my mother-in-law angrily exclaimed, "WHOEVER SHE IS!" So now, every time we see anything about her, we yell out "WHOEVER SHE IS!"
  21. I think Howard is actually in the big Endgame battle too.
  22. Honestly, is anyone other than @John from Cincinnatituning in to AEW to see Cody or Brandi at this point? Is there anything to show that their reality show drew any new viewers?
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