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Everything posted by EVA

  1. You mean you're not excited for TYRANT????? THAT'S WHY I LEFT!
  2. I feel like the ending and the truck scene are the only things that people unanimously agree on as being good.
  3. It's a pretty good show. I mean, it's basically an off-brand Don Draper/Walter White team-up, but it's worlds better than LOW WINTER SUN, and more lively than TURN. It's the first halfway decent new show AMC has aired in ages. Ratings are shit, though, so it'll probably go the way of RUBICON.
  4. Book 4 is awful. But have no fear, show-watchers. The venerable Weiss & Benioff have already taken steps this season to alleviate many of that book's problems, so you'll be spared most of it's awfulness.
  5. With the way they've rearranged Brienne's story, I'm guessing they hold off on revealing Stoneheart until Brienne meets her. The Brotherhood haven't appeared at all this season, so it wouldn't make any sense to have them suddenly show up in the finale just so Stoneheart can kill some random dudes nobody cares about. It worked in the book, but with the way the show has progressed, it would actually be pretty flat, dramatically speaking. It will be much more impactful to have Brienne be the entry point for that reveal. I guess that could happen in the finale, but again, the Brotherhood hasn't been on all season, and I can't imagine Weiss & Benioff dropping them out of nowhere into a finale that is already going to be stuffed with incident. I would wager they'll hold off on Brienne meeting the Brotherhood and Stoneheart until early next season when they can have all those guys around for the full season to follow up on...whatever it is they're doing.
  6. I love the HANNIBAL score. It's so weird and unlike anything else on TV, just like the rest of the show. Like, I really believe there's a solitary snare drum tapping away arrhythmically in psychopaths' heads now.
  7. Yeah, I read that while thinking, "You have literally just described all drama, ever."
  8. And that's not even really true. David Simon, David Milch, Vince Gilligan, to name a few...All of these guys are experts at suckerpunching you with death in ways that will fuck up your whole week. "Whedoning" is a thing because Joss has a very vocal online fanbase that wants to give him credit for everything like he invented all that was good about TV in 1998.
  9. Since someone mentioned John Cryer in another thread, I thought I'd throw out that I (unfortunately) caught a random episode of the most recent season of TWO AND A HALF MEN the other day and was dumbfounded to see that they were still making all the same jokes about Cryer's character being a pathetic loser that they were 10 years ago. I don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of this shitshow, but I would wager they were almost verbatim. How do you go a fucking DECADE without having the character grow in some discernable way? I understand this is CBS and they don't want to fuck up a hit, but what a miserable comedy. At least the BIG BANG THEORY let the nerds get married and become successful in their careers and shit.
  10. Bringing in McKay to do a rewrite on a studio picture is so weird. If there is one dude who is NOT known for turning in tight scripts, it's him. You would be better off hiring Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg. My guess is that his "rewrite" is actually just punching up jokes, since one of Marvel's myriad alleged complaints about Wright's script was that there weren't enough "current cultural references."
  11. I wasn't really that affected by the FIREFLY deaths. Probably because by the time I saw the movie, it was already clear there was never going to be another one, and so I knew that SERENITY was it. There were never going to be anymore Wash stories, regardless of whether he lived or died.
  12. I'd like to take a moment to pour one out for Comcast/Charter Sports South, which signed off this week after 15 years on the air. Basically, they're losing all their SEC programming to the Network this fall and couldn't support themselves without it. This fall, I'll badly miss being able to tune in on Sunday afternoons and watch the replays of Saturday's games with the homer radio broadcast played over the ESPN/CBS video. I'm sure the Network will show plenty of replays, but hearing the homer call was always great fun.
  14. I'm going to laugh and laugh when Theon is the last man standing. WHAT IS DEAD MAY NEVER DIE. He's been telling you all along.
  15. I don't understand the confusion because the movie had a scene where Magneto explicitly laid out his thought process: In his mind, it was already too late. After Paris, Trask had a sample of Mystique's blood (he didn't know it wasn't enough), and mutants had just exposed themselves to the world in a very high profile, horrifying way that had given the government all the impetus they needed to greenlight the Sentinel program. As he told Mystique, if they intended to change the future, killing one person wasn't going to do it anymore. So his plan became to not only kill Trask, but all the government leaders who signed off on the program, and in a spectacular public display of god-like power that would cow the world into leaving them alone. You can quibble with that, but it's consistent with Magneto's character in these movies. He's always going to go for shock and awe, and if he can convince himself there's a bold move to be made on behalf of mutant supremacy, he's going to take it.
  16. I don't really agree with this, but I will say that Moira MacTaggert was missed in DOFP. Not that there was much room in an already stuffed movie to slot her in.
  17. Was just coming to post something similar, albeit not nearly as nice as you did. Really this was just tiresome. My sister told me it was awful, but we have pretty differing senses of humor some times and the first 10 minutes or so I was totally into it. Then it just sort of drags its lifeless carcass from gag to gag and most of the gags don't hit that hard any way. Two things that really made me laugh And what was the deal with trying to shoe-horn a message in there about news?! Who in THE WORLD goes to see 'Anchorman' and says "Boy, this is funny, but I wish it was trying to teach me a lesson!" Also, after being a perpetual highlight of the first movie, I could not have expected how much I did not want to see Brick on the screen at all. Every Brick scene was bad to awful, with the scene where he and Kristen Wiig fall in love being so bad that I actually felt embarrassed for everyone involved. The 15 minute gag reel was, by far, the best thing about the movie. Actually watching some of the deleted stuff, one gets the impression that Ferrell wanted the movie to go a certain way (More like 'Step Brothers', 'The Campaign' or 'Eastbound and Down') and the studio had them tone it way down, which also might explain how punishingly unfunny most of it is. Yeah, I'm with you on most of this. I thought it was almost as bad as ACE VENTURA 2, in terms of retreading all the gags and beats from the first movie but bigger and louder. In particular, somebody needed to calm Steve Carrell the fuck DOWN. I don't know if Carrell decided to go bigger this time around, or if, by virtue of him being a much bigger star than he was during the first movie, there's just more of him and therefore the act gets obnoxious quicker, but, man, I found myself reaching for the volume every time he was on screen. And for a movie that McKay and Ferrell fought for years to get made, you'd never guess it based on the plot, which seemed like it was slapped together over a weekend. Not even a long weekend. The idea of Ron Burgundy being responsible for the state of modern cable news is kinda brilliant and potentially hilarious, but they suck all the fun out of it in a hurry with the blatant Rupert Murdoch stand-in and Ron learning a lesson in the end and all that shit. Again, that's not to say I didn't laugh a bit, but the only part of the movie that really worked for me was when he was blind, mainly because that was the one part that wasn't a blatant rehash of the first movie where I kinda knew all the jokes beforehand. I laughed at the brawl...but probably not as much as they expected me to.
  18. Harmon never even directed an episode of COMMUNITY. And, as mentioned, is an ass who can't get along with anybody. The Russo Brothers, who directed a zillion episodes of COMMUNITY, would be a great choice. But they're occupied.
  19. I have no idea why Hollywood keeps trying to make Jai Courtney happen. He has less charisma than Sam Worthington.
  20. I really like almost all of Adam McKay's movies*, but he and Edgar Wright are definitely polar opposites when it comes to their styles. (Okay, so *polar* opposite might be a bit strong for that comparison. If anybody is the antithesis of Wright, it's probably Kevin Smith. Nonetheless, you get the idea.) *With the notable exception of ANCHORMAN 2, which I saw for the first time last night and...boy, that was not great. Not to say I didn't laugh at all, but the whole thing just felt...off.
  21. The McKay thing is another black eye for Marvel, because, regardless of his actual reasons for turning down ANT-MAN, it creates the perception of yet another distinctive filmmaker turning his nose up at the Marvel machine. It reinforces the growing belief that Marvel isn't looking to do business with directors so much as people who can reliably produce successful product. That said, if there's anything to be salvaged from ANT-MAN at this point, it's probably for the best that McKay turned it down, because he really was a poor match for movie. In addition to his afformetioned lack of skill when it comes to shooting action, he prefers a very loose, improvisational style of shooting with a thousand different takes - not exactly ideal when you're already behind the eight ball time-wise and with, I assume, a ton of CG production on the back end.
  22. And now the Hollywood Reporter is saying that McKay abruptly pulled out of negotiations. Yeesh. I wonder how badly Marvel has fucked up this movie with their rewrites. Nobody wants to touch this thing.
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