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Everything posted by greenbat

  1. TNA is like a business mogul video game and your just waiting on your payroll to be taken out at the end of the year, then it's game over.
  2. You can lose to Ziggler and bounce back. You can lose to Lesnar and come back. You can lose yo Big Show and come back. You could even come back from an Orton loss. But once you lose a series with Cena that's it. Your done. You'll never win the world title and if you do it'll just bea matter of time before superman comes knocking. It's like playing Mortal Kombat 2. Once you get to the minotaur dude you know it's game over. May as well just hit reset.
  3. No he was just buffer fodder. Randy Orton is the boringest wrestler ever. He's been a million time champion and putting him over any talent at this point is a fuckin waste yet he is the glass ceiling before the championship. Cena is Cena. He's as over as he'll ever be. Will Cena sell one more t shirt because he beat Rusev? Look at what that series did to bray. He's never recovered from being soundly beaten by Superman. It's just such a stupid idea.
  4. Imagine if Rusev beats Cena! On the law they were saying "who else can Rusev beat? He's beaten the roster. " bullshit. Put him over sheamus for the title, then he can go over Miz and Cesaro for fun, put him over the fuckin embodiment of the glass ceiling Randy Orton, any returning guys like RVD and Jericho, Ziggler and then have him beat Cena at Wrestlemania and fuck, he's ready. First challenger for the champ after Wrestlemania, maybe draw the first match but win the second and then he can feud with Ambrose, Rollins, Orton and Cena leading up to the Summerslam main event with Reigns. I just don't see people's narrow mindedness with Rusev. He's it man. Every carf his match hhs the second most heat behind the main events. He works an incredible style and oozes emotion. Goddammit how much more over can you get John Cena? If Cena beats him it'll be the dumbest bbooking decision of the last 2 years.
  5. Fuck no it didn't. Now I'm really mad.
  6. The only thing in the Sabu episode I didn't specifically know is how horribly Paul fucked him. What wad the point in that? I guess just the opportunity to sue wcw after but damn. Sabu probably would've wound up on the invasion crew if he could have landed that job.
  7. I'm not a fan of Egypt. Like at all.
  8. I think it's really endearing how close they seem to be. Like Bray would really try to kill someone if they legit knocked the shit out of Bo. My brothers would just laugh at each other. There's been a few times Bo went crazy on aan opponent and I would totally buy them asa vicious tag team.
  9. If TNA is gonna just suck, gives Russo the keys to the castle. I'd give a wrestling show with no ring a shot. But yes, they have a ring of sorts.
  10. The ECW belts were the best if only for the colorful backing. Rhino said he lost the TV title. I wonder where that awesome orange fucker is. I just finished that unauthorized ECW book... so sad. I digress.
  11. "Blah blah blah Punk is great." "Yadda yadda overrated blah blah Waffle House." *boooooooring boooooooring boooooooring* "Come on Lance! Your boring the people!"
  12. This. Is. Awesome.My friend thinks Rusev could never turn face and I try to explain, the heat is all on Lana. He's just a giant ass kicker. Once he gets some sympathy and loves the us he'll me a money printing machine.
  13. Something about Vince that all the former writers bring up is how awful his memory is to the pint he doesn't remember what he did last week which is why we get the same main events over and over.
  14. I'm all of a sudden shocked they never took that ecw nostalgia show to Japan.
  15. Btw I think Rusev has an incredible face run in him. We keep saying he's being groomed for Cena but i think the right move is to groom him for a young star (crazy I know). Put him over Cena at Wrestlemania and do Reigns vs Rusev for Summerslam. Whenever Lana turns on him he becomes the most sympathetic ass kicker in the world and you can do a bunch of Moscow on the Hudson style promos. "American ice cream!" All part of my 2 year fantasy booked WWE.
  16. Not impressed. She's from Gainsville. That is how you heel folks. Wasn't she one of the FSU Cowgirls as well? She's just taking her boyfriend to her alma mater. Lana and Rusev as a real life couple is still one of the weirder pairings. I don't care how creepy this makes me but i imagine they have incredible sex.
  17. It's all just so contradictory and makes absolutely no sense and I don't see how a babyface can ever win against them. Wrestling was better when I was a kid! I'm out.
  18. I can't speak for him but I thought Craig was making a point that the corporate higher ups say they "know whats best for business" simply because they are the higher ups and they may be wrong but they won't change their ideas because those below them want or think they should. So the Authority are just overinflated corporate egos who stubbornly cling to what they think is right or what they want. Orton, Rollins, Kane. suck ups and people they have some level of trust possibly due to longevity (why else would Kane be trusted the guy is a psychopath) Then they need to explain this. I know we're supposed to not think about it bit like 2 months ago me and a friends were watching Smackdown, kind of complaining about Cena, theb that wounded veteran ad cane on and we were both like "so that's why you need Cena". You can't do it but if we're supposed to buy that they think Orton is the face of the company or Lesnar have them do the ads. There's a massive disconnect between "real" and "story" and it hurts the entire storyline. If they just ditched the evil owner thing all problems would be solved.
  19. Forget the first four, I'd be too busy with the fifth.Ok I just made this awkward, so changing subject. Regarding the HHH/Cena thing. The writers have not projected this well, but HHH's blind hatred for Cena is taking over running the business the way it should. We all have at least that one person that we all can't stand. Whether their behavior just annoys the piss out of you, or they don't work within your standards, or whatever your own personal reasons are. Triple H just needs to rise above the hate. Your right that they haven't explained that at all. So does Triple H just want a heel world champion? But then we go back to what Craig said, that in the end your corporate upline knows what's best so should we expect a video of Cena stealing some disabled kids medication? It just makes absolutely no sense! The more we dissect it the more I officially think this is one of the worst storylines since the closing of WCW.
  20. This.WWE is weird. Some things they'll beat you over the head with, but an important aspect of the story like this is almost ignored. It's craziness. I'm sorry but that makes no sense to me. "Goddammit! John Cena has gone off the rails again! He's at a charity food drive sponsored by Campbells and not Chef Boyardee! Call in the Beast!" If that really is the aspect they want to play up then they need to have Cena step in and go against the Authority and defend talent their burying. And if what Craig said is relevant, that we all need to shut up and trust our management, then the Authority are the real babyfaces anyway. The whole angle makes no fuckin sense and is just heels being heels for no reason other then to be a heel.
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