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Everything posted by OSJ

  1. Has no one bothered to roll out a Gordy List on the Stinger yet? I'm not saying that the results should be the criteria for inclusion, but it serves to highlight the areas that we should focus on. Just a couple of examples. Was he ever considered the best worker in the world? In his country? In his promotion? No, no, and no. Did he have a memorable series of matches and feuds. Certainly, we've discussed Flair, Vader, and the NWO ad nauseum. Was he a draw? Now therein we come to the first big negative. Sting was the face (with Flair) of the number two promotion and it can be demonstrated that every time he was handed the ball, nothing much happened. Now there's a lot of blame to go around as far as the incompetence of WCW management, but I'll point out that no one has ever been as out of touch with his audience and as inept as Verne Gagne and the Hulkster made himself a household name in spite of that. Sting did not. That said, he had an excellent body of work over time for being fairly limited in the ring. On the other hand, I re-watch lots of old wrestling and have never felt the urge to re-watch "The Best of Sting". Was he useful after his prime? Certainly. Although being useful in TNA is akin to being a geek act on the midway. I think at best the Stinger is a very marginal candidate at best. Is he as bad a choice as Angle or Ultimo Dragon? No, but if inducted, he'd be in the bottom 10%. It's fun to imagine how big he could have been under Vince's tutelage, but we don't put people in the Hall for what they might have done, otherwise Tony Conigliaro would be in the Baseball HOF and the Magic Dragon might be in the WON HOF.
  2. Like it or not, Abby has been an international draw for forty+ years. He went from being a solid worker in great shape to being the fat guy we all know and love today and still managed to reinvent himself as a complete garbage wrestler that people wanted to see. The Sheik and Abby are like Andre-lite in terms of being draws, the difference being that these two did it for forty+ years. When you're a draw for four decades in the US, Trinidad, Japan, Puerto Rico, Canada, and Europe, you are a HOFr.
  3. You need to quit calling them "the Bushwackers", their claim to fame is what they did as The Sheepherders (one of the best and most brutal tag-teams ever!)
  4. He'll still be in his prime when the extension runs out and can cash in big then.
  5. Perhaps a vacation until GRRM finishes the next book? Just sayin'.
  6. Glad you're able to follow the storyline. Being able to plot will help you with your ambition to write scat porn.
  7. THIS is chili, motherfuckers! 1 can (12 oz.) stewed tomatoes (if you are lucky, you can find the kind with some peppers mixed in) 1 can (8 oz.) tomato paste 1 can (8 oz. tomato sauce 1 lb stew meat (or better yet, get a flat-iron steak and chop that bad boy up) 1/4 lb ground pork (or better yet, pork sausage) 4 strips of bacon 1 large Vidalia onion (if you must, use one of those Texas sweet onions, but Vidalia and Walla Walla Sweets are far better.) 1 large green pepper 3 jalapenos 3 habaneros 3 dried ghost chilies (This is serious chili for serious people, no pantywaists need try it) (BTW: You can get these on-line easily enough.) 1 Hershey bar (regular chocolate, nothing fancy) Salt & Pepper 2 tbsp. chili powder 1 tbsp. garlic powder 1 tbsp. onion powder 1 tbsp. cumin Mince the onion and dice the peppers, run all you veggies through a blender if possible, if you lack a blender get to chopping and mashing. Fry your bacon until crisp, then chop it up and add to the veggies. At the same time cook your meat until almost done and mix everything together. Bring to almost boing and add the Hershey bar. Add your spices (including salt & pepper), stir it up and turn to low. Let it cook at low for at least two hours, stirring occasionally. After two hours make some cornbread (and don't look at me to tell you how to make cornbread). When the cornbread is done (about twenty minutes) serve together. If anyone asks "Why aren't there any beans?" throw them off the nearest cliff. Beans in chili makes Baby Jesus weep.
  8. Okay, here's something really simple that can be adjusted upwards to feed an army or downwards for two people. I'll go with the four large servings to start with and y'all can monkey with it from there. You will need: 3/4 lbs of pasta (Me, I like farfalle as the more surface area, the better it picks up the sauce, but you can use whatever is handy.) 1/4 cup EVOO (That's Extra Virgin Olive Oil to you!) four to six garlic cloves (Depends on how much you like-a da garlic) Parmesan or Romano cheese. salt & pepper Prep time: Slice up most of your garlic as thin as possible, the remainder you can run through a garlic press. Start a big pot of boiling water for the pasta, be sure to add some salt and a few drops of EVOO. (Note: The EVOO keeps the pasta from clumping together in an ungodly mess.) Add pasta, cook until al dente and drain. (Al dente is not an Indy wrestler, but rather Eyetalian for "to the tooth". You don't want to overcook your pasts, you want it a bit chewy. Meanwhile, heat up your EVOO to medium hot and add the garlic. Be careful not to burn it. (Nothing tastes worse than burnt garlic). When the garlic browns slightly it is done. Add some salt and pepper to the pasta, pour the garlic and oil over it and add cheese. If you're feeding little ones, best to go with Parmesan as Romano is a serious cheese for serious folk. If you think this looks to bland, you can always add some chopped red pepper and green onions to the garlic and oil mix to give it some color. To transform from a side dish to a main course all you need is a couple of hot or sweet Eyetalian sausages. This is a great basic dish to experiment with as it pretty much idiot proof. I've added black olives, the aforementioned Xmassy veggies, and swapped in shrimp for the sausage and it was still phenomenal. *Oh, if you're making this as a side dish, save the pan you sautéed the garlic in, add a bit of oil and toss in a couple of tilapia or swai fillets. Cook a couple of minutes on each side, add some lemon juice and Parmesan or Romano cheese to coat and voila, you have a complete dinner that cost less than a bootleg dvd of The Best of CM Punk. *You really didn't think Iron Chef Seafood would post a recipe without mentioning our finny friends for food didja?
  9. You are putting beans and corn into chili? I am aghast.
  10. Gracias. I hope you like it. It's basically two rasslin fans being as obscene as possible and just having a blast writing the story. We really need to do a sequel one of these days.
  11. I think those are among the very least of his problems.
  12. It needs to warm the fuck up. We had snow a couple of days ago and the cold weather makes my back hurt. This is the fucking desert, it's not supposed to still be winter when it's almost April. It's cold and windy today and every place that I've broken a bone hurts (and that covers a LOT of territory). Fuck this, time for some Percocet.
  13. Why does Batista insist on dressing like a male prostitute from the Tenderloin?
  14. You don't think the Shield is over? What's the matter, did Dean Ambrose not tip when he visited your place of business?
  15. That would be bitchy, self-righteous, and insufferable. Libertarians and Vegans pale when compared to Red Sox Nation. (Although all three are worthy of contempt.)
  16. The Mariners win the pennant, the Mariners win the pennant!!!
  17. If they all sing "The Happy Wanderer" it will be just like old times!
  18. NO. FLAT NO. This nauseates me strangely.
  19. "I will take Deimos for 2017-2020 and Phobos for 2021-2024."
  20. But pudgy guys that like to drink lots of beer always have long, productive careers... Oh...
  21. Would that person be named "Trout"? That would be the one OSJ & Rippa = Great Baseball Minds
  22. I like some of Keene's stuff. Was lukewarm on the City of the Dead series. It was such a hopeless scenario that it made it tough to get into. There was no way any they could defeat Ob so why even bother caring what's going on? Edward Lee has some great books if you aren't squeamish. I really like the Infernal series. One really shouldn't mention Edward Lee on a wrestling board without mentioning Goon. Yeah, so I wrote half of it, so sue me for shameless self-promotion.
  23. Would that person be named "Trout"?
  24. Why? When you've read one, you've read all three. ;-)
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