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Josh Mann

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Everything posted by Josh Mann

  1. And the funny part is that King of the Ring the same summer that, which Harley won and thus picked up the "King" gimmick, drew about 12k to the Patriots' old stadium with only local advertising. Then of course there was Toronto that blew away everything.
  2. Klay Thompson topping Curry in the three point final on his last two racks was pretty good stuff as well.
  3. Wasn't he lying on the ground while climbing the Eiffel Tower during a 49ers team meeting and that was the last straw? I haven't read the book in a while but I think I'm remembering that correctly. EDIT: No, upon review the last straw was the dookie incident. Also according to the book, Switzer got him to stop at least once by no-selling it during a meeting.
  4. Can we have them figure out what a catch is before trying to figure out what a red card penalty is? Crawl before walk, NFL.
  5. Is there ANYONE in the NBA that D-Fish isn't Eskimo Brothers with?
  6. Weirdly enough, BrightHouse in Orlando is probably perfect in that regard. It's bigger than an arena obv, but it's also not cavernous like JerryWorld. Maybe the attendance numbers wouldn't be great, but the crowd atmosphere would be probably better than the EnormoDome Manias. The more I think about it, the more on board I am with that place. And no, the fact that it's a 4-hour drive doesn't hurt.
  7. Charles Haley would be all "You call THAT a dong?"
  8. If that's Blade in the Yankees cap, he DID grow into his feet.
  9. Now I see why they pushed Dahrk into the background for a month. They really have this set up in a few directions.
  10. I hope he can manage the airfare to Dallas. Or that his airline goes to DFW.
  11. In an alternate universe, there was a WrestleMania at Montreal Olympic Stadium and the crowd was amazeballs. Before the riot.
  12. Because it's, at best, the fourth-most desirable locale in its own state. And clearly they like doing business with the city of Orlando as well as the building owners there. That last sentence is not to be underestimated in any of this.
  13. If Orlando, I would assume it would be Bright House Stadium and not the Citrus Bowl. Newish building, holds about 45k for UCF football and clearly they have business dealings with UCF considering they're using the campus arena for NXT. Since Orlando has become WWE South for their operations, I wouldn't be stunned.
  14. NXT: Friendship Is Magic, Asuka is Murder
  15. Just when I was about to write off Killer Frost as Great Value Dark Willow, the ending happened.
  16. Bottom line: Using the flying headbutt over an extended period has ended well for exactly no one. Even stuff finally caught up to Harley.
  17. They probably showed up on his scans if the med tech is even a little good at their job.
  18. Titus just needs to be Ride Along's Paul Lynde and be permanent guy in the backseat*. Anyone object? (*And no, not like THAT, pervs)
  19. They can throw in The Angel of Death for all I care.
  20. I've been here over a decade and I don't think I've ever heard this story.
  21. Fantastic one-liner by Barkley at Shaq about Miami retiring his jersey: "That's cool...you have a statue in front of the Kobe Center and your jersey retired at the Wade Center."
  22. Oh, by the way, shocker for y'all, no reply 48 hours later. Was it something I said?
  23. Maybe not so much with the not boxing out, Pitt.
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