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Everything posted by THEmanWITHnoNAME

  1. Don't worry. It won't be long until they put Rowan in a tag team with Sheamus, based solely on the fact that both have red hair. And not long after that the newly christened tag team Big Reds Who Love to Fight will win tag team gold.
  2. Holy shit...one of the funniest damn things I have ever seen.
  3. Holy shit...talk about kicking the soul right out of someone's body.
  4. Dave Meltzer is reporting that WWE is moving back to TV-14. Word is The Game-aaah has wanted to do this for years-aaah only to have Daddy Steroids in Law shoot him down-ahhh. Well The Game-aaah is slowly being given more and more power-aaah and Geriatric Mega Pecs has finally told him they'll do it given the ratings the past few months have been shit and they believe making the change will possibly bring some older viewers back. Meltzer says the change will come in the near future...meaning 2015-2016. Meltzer is also saying that WWE is talking about counting on the former Shield members (still as singles competitors) to lead the new TV-14 programming.
  5. Fuck The Authority and fuck this company. I'm done. Call me when Vince dies and they get a creative team worth a shit.
  6. Man, women with vaginas are the worst. I would have said the same thing if it were a dude screaming like a banshee. So take your misplaced "oh no he's a misogynist" BS and shove it up your ass. That is all.
  7. Just now watching the Wyatt-Ambrose match on a replay stream...and I have never wanted to reach through a screen and strangle someone as much as wanted to strangle that bitch doing nothing but screaming her f'n head off while the guys were fighting it out on the entrance ramp. Holy Jeebus...I kept wishing for someone to throat punch her.
  8. That Ascension vignette was one of the lamest things I've ever seen.
  9. Dear god WWE...go back to two hour RAWs...immediately.
  10. You can...or not. Not my call to make and I don't care one way or the other.
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