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Everything posted by Zimbra

  1. Been a fan of his since back in 2000, when he was just some kid wrestling on the west coast that everybody whispered about being the new Benoit back when that was a thing you actually wanted to be. Him coming east to work the Super 8 in 2001 was like Flair coming to the WWF for sweaty indy nerds. Anyway, here's one of his better early singles matches vs Low Ki with Rickie Steamboat as the guest ref. I was hoping to find LowKi/Danielson vs SAT 2/3 falls but it doesn't appear to be online
  2. Young beardless Tajiri was cute as a button. I always dug the blue and white gear, too.
  3. I've never felt worse about being "essential." Guess I'll be working for the duration or until shit gets worse.
  4. LMAO, I just googled it and the odds that cage started its life as a dog run have to be near 100%
  5. I love that the cage is just baaaarely taller than the wrestlers.
  6. Yeah, stay at home was just issued for Wisconsin as well. I might still be going to work depending on if they consider construction to be an essential industry. All I know is if the weed man doesn't come through today it's going to be a long couple of weeks.
  7. He has weirdly boyish old-guy face and I hate it. That's a man who needs a beard.
  8. Didn't get back into wrestling until '97 and never had much of a desire to revisit mid-90s WWF. I think maybe he had a match there with Great Sasuke? That definitely rings a bell.
  9. Oh yeah, I always forget he had a run in WWF.
  10. "We risked our employees' and customers' health so our already-failing business could hold on long enough to get bailed out by the government" is the kind of thing that gets you lined up against a wall somewhere. Anyway, Animal Crossing is real good and just what I needed right now. Come visit my island: SW-1387-4643-5506
  11. Jumping tailbone first onto concrete. #justpsicosisthings
  12. God, this is dumb as shit and I love it.
  13. Matt, why are you hustling backwards? Strongly considering taking a half day to go home and start Animal Crossing.
  14. Yeah, I think it had to do with the NWA/Zero-One partnership, it's just super odd since as Happ mentioned Hash didn't have a history of working in the US and the NWA in 2000 wasn't exactly drawing the kind of crowds that would justify flying him in.
  15. What was the story behind Shinya Hashimoto's trip to the US in 2001? I always thought it was weird that he made his first trip to the US in over a decade to wrestle Steve Corino and Gary Steele a couple of times.
  16. Per Shams two Laker and one Celtic player have tested positive for COVID-19 ETA: Marcus Smart is the infected Celtic.
  17. They need to get real weird with it and show a bunch of 90s UFC. I wanna see Teila Tuli's tooth fly out! I wanna see Joe Son's dick and balls get destroyed! I wanna see Severn and Shamrock circle each other for a half hour! Wait, scratch that last one.
  18. I always wait until about 2 years into a generation before I buy to let them work out the kinks and for there to be an actual library of titles. It's also about the time you start seeing price drops or regular sales. It also gives me an opportunity to clear out some of my previous-gen backlog. I never actually do, but it's nice to have the opportunity.
  19. Four Nets players have tested positive for the 'Rona. One is symptomatic, there are not.
  20. The Big Show Show is coming to Netflix on April 6th.
  21. Did the full Simmons/Vader match ever air? I only remember seeing it in clips.
  22. I would guess it's less Nintendo's artificial scarcity and the one-two of an highly-anticipated game coming out and a lot of people figuring out that they'll be stuck inside a lot for the next couple of months.
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