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Technico Support

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Posts posted by Technico Support

  1. 13 hours ago, Curt McGirt said:

    Does anyone kind of have an imperviousness to caffeine around here? I'll drink those white-can sugarfree Monsters once in awhile, or a Red Bull, or coffee in the morning (and I think Cafe Bustelo is supposed to be pretty strong), but I can do that and just fall asleep if I want. 

    I drink my coffee black and then keep the caffeine levels up with sugar free energy drinks when I feel like it 🤣  But yeah, caffeine doesn't really affect me or make me jittery and I can sleep with no trouble at all.  I do need that first cup in the morning to wake up, but I'm, pretty impervious after that.

    3 hours ago, The Natural said:


    Hiroshi Tanahashi Hey! (EW).

    Curious to see how this one turns out.  Aside from the Shirakawa episode, Hey EW falters when English isn't the guest's first language.  The jokes go over the guests' heads because of the language barrier and then it comes off as cruel, completely unintentionally though.  Their lack of understanding accidentally becomes the "joke" and it's uncomfortable to watch.  

    • Like 1
  2. Can somebody who knows more than I do explain the Joe Hendry thing?  I know he was a cult favorite who was signed to TNA and is now making inroads to NXT, but is he any good?  I get the sneaking suspicion he’s one of these “and then the bell had to ring” meme wrestlers.  Am I wrong?  Is he Warhorse or is he Orange Cassidy?

  3. It's awesome how some people were speculating a Jarrett screwjob (either fucking over Hangman or swerving Danielson) and some kind of screwjob in the women's final, and the finishes were for the most part clean.   And now people are wondering how they're going to "get out of" MJF/Okada.  Almost three decades of WWE booking has really ruined the way some folks think about wrestling.  

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  4. 13 hours ago, Niners Fan in CT said:

    Saw some things on the Twitter saying this whole Toni Storm and Mariah May story arc is a play on the 1950 movie 'All About Eve'.   Fascinating stuff.  

    Our own @Greggulator called it when the angle started.

    Anyway, excellent show.  AEW is cooking.  

    I absolutely love Swerve’s at the time inconsequential announcement of being on Team AEW eventually leading to Hangman joining Team Elite.  Perfect.

    • Like 4
  5. 53 minutes ago, Lawful Metal said:

    That's great for her!  Hope they take good care of her and don't give her a stupid name, make her talk like a moron and change all her moveset etc.

    Styphany Vayquyr

    or Shawn’s frantically browsing r/tradegeigh 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Dolfan in NYC said:

    Funny you should mention that because the movie has been undergoing a ton of reshoots because Sabra is a really big part of this and well........

    (for those unfamiliar, Google her)

    Ooooooof.  Jeez.

    When I first read your post, I thought the plot involved poisoned hummus.  Somehow this is worse.

    • Like 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, Elsalvajeloco said:

    Man, that would have been career killer as much as the stable needed someone like that. The Million Dollar Corporation was just vortex of suck. Sid being in the stable diminishes him, and he is suppose to be feuding with Diesel before Mabel ultimately challenges Diesel. It also doesn't help they book Sid as this coward when he is suppose to be psychotic. 

    When your stable starts off with a WAAAAAAAY past his prime Nikolai Volkoff working a "down on my luck" gimmick, you're off to a horrible start.  Somehow they decided adding unmotivated Bam Bam Bigelow, damn near heatless Tatanka, and also washed up Bundy who hadn't been hot in a decade was the way to go.  Fucking New Generation era, man.



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  8. On 6/13/2024 at 9:08 AM, The Natural said:

    Eric Draven in The Crow (2024) looks like Joker from Suicide Squad (2016) by Jared Leto meets Stu Macher in Scream (1996) played by Matthew Lillard.

    Instead of two sweet, kind people living in a bad neighborhood, victims of a home invasion, this Eric and Shelley come off like two dirtbags who double crossed their meth guy.

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, The Natural said:

    Liked seeing Bucky and Falcon back together. Best thing about it. Liked U.S. Agent and Isaiah Bradley. Thought everything else sucked especially the baddies.

    Apparently there were a lot of late reshoots and a ton of editing to salvage it, as the original plot revolved around something bad being put into a vaccine, which had to be changed for obvious reasons.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Coletti said:

    AEW it's supposed to be for the sickos, right? Go all in (heh) and just release a huge DLC for Fire Pro World. Christ, put the entire roster on there with a shit ton of new moves and parts that I will pay 70 damn dollars. 

    I was just about to post, "just pay Spike Chunsoft to update and reskin Fire Pro World."  But yeah, just do it with a DLC and that'd be good enough for me.

    • Like 2
  11. 17 hours ago, Elsalvajeloco said:

    According to Shane Douglas, there was an incident where Erik didn't sell something right or at least in the eyes of Cowboy. Once Erik came backstage, Bill went up to him and I believe slapped the everloving shit out of him causing Erik to look bewildered his dad would have the temerity to do that. Bill then said, "Now that's how you sell a punch."

    God damn.  Add that to the "Bill Watts is a piece of shit" list.  Really, "any grown man who insists you call him 'the cowboy' is probably garbage" needs to be in your hard and fast rules of life.

    15 hours ago, Cobra Commander said:

    Watching the Morishima tryout matches

    1) I'm feeling the "Brock Lesnar reacting to seeing Keith Lee" gif when I see how huge Morishima was at this time

    2) Imagine the world where Morishima is 1/3rd of the 3 Man Band group. For all the comparisons to Stan Hansen, he's really more of a Terry Gordy

    I heard Michael Hayes torpedoed Morishima's chances because he was salty at all the Gordy comparisons.  But I also read someplace that Vince was in a bad mood that day, saw Morishima, and ranted about "why are we giving this fat Japanese girl a tryout?!"  So I'm not sure which is true.

    3 hours ago, twiztor said:

    WWF @ Johnstown, PA – Cambria County War Memorial – June 7, 1995: WWF Tag Team Champion Owen Hart pinned Chris Benoit at 10:14 after blocking Benoit’s victory roll attempt
    (this was a Wrestling Challenge taping, so footage likely exists)


    Benoit was led to the ring by DiBiase, either just for heat or because they were considering putting him in DiBiase's stable. 



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  12. 3 hours ago, Cobra Commander said:

    The door is now open to them posting all sorts of dark matches on the WWE Vault. Except for Owen vs Kurt Angle.

    Now that Punk is back in their good graces, they could post the Basketball Shorts Punk and Guy I Forget vs the Road Warriors dark match from a 2003 Smackdown show I went to.

  13. I met Bill Sanderson, just the nicest guy, thanked me for remembering he was in Blade Runner.

    Met Ric Flair at an autograph signing, asked to shake his hand.  He did, but he looked at me like I had turds coming out of my ears.  He was probably still drunk from the night before.

    I met Kevin Steen before a ROH taping but he wouldn’t take a pic with me unless I paid him, and I had no cash.

    Axl Rotten lived in my neighborhood and worked at my local video store.

    I met NFL defensive lineman Tony Siragusa a few times, nice guy.  

    I met Don Ho.  He was cool but so old and with so much plastic surgery he looked like a wax figure of Don Ho.

    Saw but didn’t meet: Ned Beatty at a food court, Yaphet Kotto at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, Eric Estrada at LAX.

    I’m probably forgetting some.


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  14. 5 hours ago, The Natural said:

    I think my biggest wrestling dream match right now that can't happen is Bryan Danielson vs. Gunther. Bryan Danielson's chest goes red quick when chopped by Roderick Strong and Eddie Kingston, it would be something else vs. Gunther.

    Mount Rushmore choppers: Kenta Kobashi, Gunther, Ric Flair and Roderick Strong.

    Holy shit Gunther vs Danielson would be grotesque.

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