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Technico Support

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Posts posted by Technico Support

  1. Looking back, the idea of naming two titles after your TV network was really dumb.  If they don't renew with WBD, will they just rename two belts, which have a lot of history, after the new TV partner?  Again, just stupid in retrospect.  I blame Cody.  Probably got the idea from a Superman comic or something.

    Maybe they can unify some of these.  Instead of Battle for the Belts, have a TV special called Too Many Belts.

    While we're on stupid ideas, I know Tony is nostalgic over Clash of the Champions and that's what Balltle of the Belts is supposed to be.  But it's an antiquated idea.  Clash was awesome because at that time, TV was mostly squashes, so they'd do some star vs star matches on cable, sometimes as a go-home show for a PPV.  But now your weekly show is name guys vs name guys, so there's no point.

    • Like 3
  2. 4 hours ago, SirSmUgly said:

    Which says something about the Bischoff creative era since from the jump, Bischoff wanted little to do with that show. 


    3 hours ago, zendragon said:

    Similarly WCWSN and WorldWide probably are the shows that have the most consistent quality through out the MNW 

    It's almost like Bischoff not being involved led to better shows

    • Like 4
  3. 9 hours ago, NoFistsJustFlips said:

    I thought for sure Mercedes open challenge would be answered by Jamie Hayter.



    9 hours ago, Log said:

    My only issue with Hayter in that role is that I feel like she's outgrown it.


    Yeah, you don't bring Hayter back to job to Mone.  That would be like wearing nice clothes to McDonald's. 

    7 hours ago, The Natural said:

    Darby Allin says he’s medically cleared and ready to make his AEW return at Dynamite 250.

    For Darby, being "medically cleared" just means able to walk and not actively bleeding from anywhere important.

    • Like 3
  4. 1 hour ago, HarryArchieGus said:

    wrestlers getting wins on ROH, that nobody sees, and then routinely jobbung on AEWtv. It kills any momentum for wrestlers to move up the roh ranks.

    This!  Lee Moriarty had a match on Collision or Dynamite and they said he was on a six match winning streak.  That was laughable at best and an insult to everyone’s intelligence at worst.  Six jobber squashes on ROH, unseen by 95% of your normal audience, is utter bullshit when we all know Lee is jobbing whenever we see him on the main shows.

    • Like 3
  5. Annnnnd today we get flash flood warnings to cap off the multiple straight days of excessive heat advisories.  Is tomorrow toads, locusts, or rivers turning to blood?  I forget.

    • Haha 1
  6. Jury duty in my early 20s: I had long hair and multiple piercings in both ears and didn't dress well.  I was "respectfully declined" by counsel.

    Jury duty in my 40s: Sat in the jury waiting area all day.  Got into the courtroom very late, never got called.

    Any other time between them and as recently as a few months ago: got the letter, checked in the night before, didn't need to go in.

    My brother actually served on a murder trial for a week or two in the mid/late 90s.  Dude killed another guy with a fucking chainsaw.  Well we're freshly post-OJ so enough jurors were wannabe Quinceys hesitant to convict without DNA evidence, despite all the other proof, so the guy walked.  Of course he killed someone else not long after. 

    • Like 1
  7. 19 hours ago, RIPPA said:

    The Deliverance

    Lee Daniels directing a Horror movie was not on my bingo card

    Andra Day, Glenn Close, Mo'Nique

    Holy fuck for a split second I thought Deliverance was being remade on Netflix.  The woman on the left in the thumbnail would be playing the banjo.

  8. ROH being "AEW Dark but you now have to pay for it" definitely turned me off.  As others have said, I'd watch if it was part of my existing AEW+ sub, because who doesn't want more stuff for the same price?  But aside from that, nah.

    • Like 8
  9. 2 hours ago, HarryArchieGus said:

    If AEW adds a Womens tag title Nyla could be a great Anvil to some Worker Bee’s Hitman. Deeb maybe? She does have that team with Shafir, but that never really seemed like a good compliment to what either brings and the fact that neither are tremendous workers.  

    Or team her with Willow as the world’s friendliest LOD.

    • Like 5
  10. Fellow DVDVR workout lunatics, I need your opinion.  What's the general consensus on wiping down equipment?  I'm from the old school where you carry a towel when you lift, you put it under your head while you're benching, etc., and you dry off any excess puddles and grossness when you're finished.  But post-Covid, there's a lot of sanitizing going on.  Using wet wipes or even spraying cleaner and wiping.  I dunno, that feels like overkill to me AND I hate walking up to a piece of equipment that's just soaking wet with wipe residue.  But the other day I did my normal "towel off any remaining sweat and call it good" technique and then a dude using the thing after me (T bar row) sanitized the whole deal before he went to use it.  Am I the asshole?

  11. 19 hours ago, Dolfan in NYC said:


    Premieres August 29 on Netflix

    Stolen from elsewhere

    Listen, and understand! the Terminator franchise is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop... ever

    • Haha 3
  12. 3 minutes ago, Zakk_Sabbath said:

    The match was whatever, but Skye debuted a new submission finish and seems to (maybe) have a new character, so it might be good to go back to that one if you wanna be in the loop on that kinda stuff. Nyla's promo was hilarious, though, and definitely deserves a look - unless I've missed it, I think this is really one of the first times outside of a pre-show where she's gotten to put her sense of humor to use.

    Nyla is awesome and should just be allowed to be who we saw in that promo, and on TV more often, instead of the "one match mini push to justify an upcoming job" format that's so typical of AEW booking.

    • Like 3
  13. 11 hours ago, NikoBaltimore said:

    I used to do two energy drinks a day and it worked for a long time until I had moments where my brain got a bit fuzzy and no amount of caffeine would make a difference.  Since then I do just one and mix it with water to dilute it some and make it last longer.  Unless I got no sleep the night before it works pretty well.

    The only time I ever had an issue was the time I drank a Monster and then, not thinking, drank a big cup of coffee.  I felt sick to my stomach, had a headache, and almost vibrated into a neighbor dimension.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  14. 12 hours ago, Coletti said:

    The Enigma - not my band but friends of ours opened up for him, similar situation where he was just there like basically everybody else, hanging out and socializing, a little strange but less than you'd expect from a famous circus geek

    LOOOOOOOL becuase you wrote "through the music scene," I read this entire sentence thinking you were talking about the 90s new age act until it dawned on me at the end that you were talking about Jim Rose's buddy.

    • Haha 2
  15. Franco Harris had some meetings at my company to rep some product/company he was working for like 10 years-ish ago.  I really didn't know anything about him but my Steeler fan coworker was beyond stoked to meet him.

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