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Everything posted by MoeCristyV.1.6

  1. King Fale likes to have a word with you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOl3nEmS6Bs
  2. What was the question? Working with shoulder injuries for 400?
  3. Anyone that is perceived as being "held down" will get over today, so a Mikey style gimmick would be seen as a guy being buried, so obviously he must actually be great. It's the same thing that happened with Ryder and Sandow, where they got big reactions when people thought they were being held down, but then realized both guys were decidedly average in the ring and would die down once they actually GOT what they were asking for. Yeah...no.... Ryder was getting over on his own, then they pushed him finally, he won the US title against Ziggler, was super over...but then: Ryder was punished and used as cannon fodder for a shitty Kane/Cena feud, lost his newly won US Title in a squash, then squashed again and again by Kane, and then not used anymore. And he had some of the worst scripted stuff ever used on a wrestler...
  4. Or edit the whole Rumble focussed on Reigns face.
  5. So about that bad AJ Styles entrance and how the WWE couldn't fix it... https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=KuBVcsPVPyQ&a=
  6. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3o67vi_dragon-lee-vs-kamaitachi-fantasticamania-1-24-2016_sport BIG YES to Dragon Lee vs Kamaitachi. A MOTYC!
  7. Dragon Lee vs Kamaitachi from Fantastica Mania 2016 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3o67vi_dragon-lee-vs-kamaitachi-fantasticamania-1-24-2016_sport Awesome match! WATCH IT!
  8. I could watch THIS all day. Please book those two for Wrestlemania! Fucking hell, how mad was our lord and saviour Bork Laser there?
  9. I could watch 30 minutes of Lesnar just suplexing, lariating and tigerkneeing Strowman. WM Main Event please!
  10. Super surprise entrant HHH aka the odds on favourite everywhere shows you the mindset of the WWE.
  11. So, how about that Strowman guy, Lesnar surely liked the no selling. That shit needs to be here as a GIF already!
  12. Kofi being eliminated off camera was stupid.
  13. AJ STYLES~! being awesome. Fun rumble overall, very good opener, nice Divas match, super fun Rumble match. The flaws in the Rumble were big, like biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig, but it was fun.
  14. I never said that I wanted them to get called up!
  15. I think the next call up to the Main roster will be American Alpha. They already worked the India tour with the main roster and are heads above any other team in NXT. Charisma and wrestling-skills. Regarding Carmella: her offense looked really good and she has some really weird charisma, I look forward to her match with Bayley. Adam Rose looked awful, his offense sucked and Sami Zayn looked like a total loser against him, even the crowd didn't care at all. Apollo Crews has to turn heel ASAP, he has NO CHARACTER at all, just awful. He should learn a thing or two from Rich Swann, who instantly was over as hell and just has IT!
  16. Just watched Wyatt vs Jericho from a WWE PPV, Battleground...add Jericho to that list. Clean as a sheet too? Who made that decision? And the match was all kinds of awful, no chemistry whatsoever.
  17. "Back in the old days, when wrestling wasn't looking fake!"
  18. She can scissor me any day.....am I right, guys? *high five* No RIPPA, put that chair awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy.....*bonk*
  19. That first GIF just never ends! You'll think Roman would not walk into that superkick after 5 attempts! That Spinning Lariat is just awesome!
  20. He should have made his ex girlfriend post a nude photo of him. He would be WWE Champ in no time! And how is that an INSIDER term? WWE had a JOB Squad for gods sake. Paved the way? Which way did Axel, Slater, Rose and Dallas pave exactly? Jabroni Drive?
  21. His own match at Survivor Series teaming with Cena was filled with "We want Ryder" chants. That's worse! Damn!
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