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For Great Justice

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Everything posted by For Great Justice

  1. Drew is on the run of a lifetime. He’s one of the best things in wrestling TV so far this year. It’s great because he has yet to tell a lie this entire time.
  2. I’ve never seen a run of “matches I didn’t even know I wanted to see” like this. 2024 Coach Tony is an absolute madman!
  3. Man this is like Chet Stedman pulling Rowengartner for himself in that last game when Hedo comes up to bat
  4. Yeah I agree with this. Cody fans are like…Astros fans. Lots of recent success, good turnout, it’s a good time. Bryan fans were Phillies fans. It’s just a different deal.
  5. My man Trips over here subverting expectations~ like he’s Rian Johnson Night 1 is going to have a whole subplot with Shotzi and Chad Gable traveling to a casino with racing camels or whatever the fuck looking for Keymaker Barry Darsow
  6. Cody’s about to win every young ball players dream the NIT
  7. “Have the most good matches” is such a stupid thing to say.
  8. Drew’s promo was so good, made even better by Punk using every trope imaginable beforehand - pointing at the sign, cutting the most Great Value Hard Times promo imaginable, mentioning the local sports team… Then just “I prayed for this…and it happened.” So good. Punk’s was cheeks.
  9. I don’t at all say this to demean him in any way, but at some point I believe reality has to set in that Punk’s body just isn’t built to be a pro wrestler, not anymore at least. “Skinny fat” jokes aside, I think it’s pretty clear that there’s a physiological thing where his muscles just can’t do the thing his mind is asking them to do. And that sucks. Aging sucks. It reminds me Stephen Strasburg, who while taller had a similar build and had to work really hard to stay thin and muscular. Eventually his body just caved.
  10. Of all the potential directions to go in, Rhodes/Roman 2 interests me the least, but I appreciate I’m in the minority and Cody is over with the crowds. I just don’t care though.
  11. I want to give that crowd a shout out. Especially for being directly against the Rumble, they were loud and awesome. That’s how it’s done, Savanah
  12. I imagine if you are a guy like Logan Paul or Bad Bunny with outside options and reputational risk considerations, you strongly consider disassociating right away. I certainly would. Agree with those saying it’s clear pervasive throughout the company. It’s impossible not to be.
  13. I can’t imagine how vile and awful the WWE culture must be. There’s no way stuff like a CEO openly discussing and sharing this with front-line crewmen at shows goes on and there isn’t complete rot top to bottom.
  14. With it being effectively Shreveport I’d have expected renowned DVDVR poster Tony Khan to make it a love letter to Mid South, like he did when they were in Memphis, as a counter programming tactic. Then I remembered how many are dead, blackballed, or actively hate his product. I guess there’s Hacksaw and Jake. And JR if his contract isn’t up yet. Maybe Wardlow puts on a gorilla suit or something.
  15. The return of the W-L records and rankings, the associated commentary and even it showing up on the lower third made the show feel like season one AEW and made me smile. You were missed. Meanwhile, uh… The Butcher vs Kommander vs. Kip Sabian vs. Vikingo? Bryan Danielson vs. Yuji Nagata, in Bossier City, Louisiana?! Holy shit! Who sent Coach the WAR tapes!? The man is out of control and I love it.
  16. It would be a very Gunther thing to win the Rumble, choose Seth, then appear on SD to explain to Roman why: he wants him to pass Hogan, then pass Bruno, THEN he will be worthy of Gunther taking his title from him. Fits the character, gets you Gunther/Seth, Punk/Cody and Rock/Roman at Mania and plants the seeds to Roman/Gunther down the line.
  17. That NXT opener Dusty tag far exceeded my expectations and was bad ass. Bron and Corbin are great together. Go out of your way to watch it.
  18. This feels bad for USA? If it isn’t the home of Raw, what is it exactly? If TNT/TBS were to lose AEW, not a big deal, as Inside the NBA and other roundball things is their identity. Without WWE, I’m not sure what USA’s identity is other than being a completely fungible cable TV show and movie channel that you might tune into as background noise when Burn Notice reruns are on. I get NBCU likely doesn’t give two shits about USA, but still.
  19. If this leads to Matanza in WWE continuity it’s worth it
  20. You can’t just tease me with the idea of Gunther squashing Rollins like he’s a jobber facing Kevin Sullivan on Worldwide in 1996 like that. I’m not sure I’ve ever wanted something in wrestling more (and a Mania crowd would agree with me). Man that crowd was dead for the main event. Folks don’t give no kind of a shit about Priest.
  21. Minoru Suzuki vs Edge next week is like something out of a fever dream.
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