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Everything posted by Sammo~!

  1. Did the Cobra ever face off against Mr Socko? I'm almost positive it's happened but I can't place it.
  2. I know the triple post is accidental but it's such a great punchline to the "did you hear Santino retired? " running gag.
  3. What's Antino Carelli doing in the Impact Zone?!
  4. Speaking of Italy, Italian superstar Santino announced his retirement last night
  5. Who's on the tandem bike with Sheiky? I hope they were singing Daisy Bell.
  6. Mrs Foreman's motherly encouragement or Miz screaming "REALLY?! REALLY?!" it's a tough choice. Though I feel if you're willing to pay $4.99 (or whatever) for canned encouragement from a B and C list celebs, then maybe a GED won't be much use for you.
  7. I hope he popped up like The Warrior taking the pedigree.
  8. What is this move even? A double cradle bridging belly-to-taint exploder suplex? Is there video of this being performed?
  9. Anthony Mackie missed his calling as a pro wrestler.
  10. Someone at DiGiorno is a wrestling fan. They also posted about how a pizza would never turn on the Shield a few weeks back
  11. Devitt as the Super Adaptoid or I riot
  12. You guys. Devitt is doing CosPLAY. You know where you have fun and dress up as a character you like. When you run around a convention pretending to be that character that's CosSRSBSNS
  13. No one hugged you as a child, did they?
  14. Kudos to Devitt though for bringing back the 90s WWF trend of Day Job/Wrestler. Sparky Plugg, Big Boss Man, The Mountie and now The Cosplayer. Cosplayers are probably the least intimidating people on the planet, though. Unless you get in an argument with them about who wore it better, then they're liable to stab you with scissors or something.
  15. Sting finally gets his win back against this kid.
  16. Okay, that sounds amazing and not at all like a missed opportunity. Can someone explain the context of this? Samoa Joe has been kidnapped by ninjas! Are you a bad enough dude to rescue Samoa Joe?
  17. After further consideration I feel that my $15 team of 5 Brick Lesnars might be a little unfair. I'd like to amend it to 2 Brick Lesnars and 9 Vaders. Wouldn't want to be accused of stacking the deck in my favor.
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