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Robert C

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Everything posted by Robert C

  1. I'm so used to everybody looking about the same at all times that I wasn't prepared for some guy in all green running right at me in the middle of a freemode firefight. Of course Stout is messing with me now after the update. He looks, different, somehow. Not sure how, exactly Females also got a Love fist shirt. I almost went with it, but decided on a tropical print tank top instead. They also finally added a camo jacket for females. I put my female in a floral print dress for a bit, but she looked too much like an actual hipster with all the tattoos, so I punted on that. That dress made me look like I shoulda been at Whole Foods. The new Dubsta is a beast. As expected, it doesn't corner that well, but it's much faster than I figured it would be. Damn thing can go pretty much anywhere - drives right up mountains, and can cross some pretty deep rivers as well. Got rid of my Vacca to make room. Price isn't that bad considering. Rest of the new cars are overpriced. Glad they actually fixed the 4wd on Sandkings, like they said the did.
  2. Seems like that's it, that they still have this forlorn hope that somebody'll actually buy their in game money. Good luck with that fellas.
  3. Looks like I'll have to find garage space for the new dubsta. That thing is too ridiculous not to own. Hopefully the 4wd bug fix works, so that thing will be 6wd, and my sandking will finally be 4wd. Should finally be able to get on today. Was gonna play some yesterday, but I was pretty much catatonic by the time I got home yesterday afternoon.
  4. There was also the glitch in the one motorcycle race where I won but JT got paid the winner's amount. Couldn't get on late because the storm last night took out my cable and turned the 60 foot elm tree outside my bedroom window into a 30 foot elm tree. I get to spend the morning practicing my chainsaw skills.
  5. Gotta take care of real life first sometimes. I'm taking advantage of being able to play while I can. Little one on the way around late December early January means I won't be playing much of anything for quite a while afterwards.
  6. I may be on some before my usual 7:30 to 10 PM Thursday commit. May be on after as well, if I can stay awake after playing way, way too much freemode last night. Lots of flakiness last night. UFOs are back, if they ever really left. Saw one in a Rooftop Rumble I was spectating Stout on, and then ran right smack into one in freemode. Sticky bombs weren't working a lot of the time, or were detonating really late. melraz and I ran into one asshole who was invisible and not appearing on the radar as well. Second time I've run into one of those. Not sure if this was real or more flakiness, but misanthrope and I both got world lap records on that figure 8 track down at the airport. Goodbye beloved racing brunette tattoo. Hello brand new racing blonde. melraz discovered the joys of team DMs vs. randoms last night, and was like a kid in a candy store. Seemed like every guy I shot wanted a one on one DM last night, especially the really terrible guys. Must've got at least 15 requests for those. Lots of awful guys last night - ACPseal. I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and say he named himself for the aquatic mammal rather than the navy version. Was about as dangerous as a baby harp seal as well. Got up about 5-0 on him before he started spawning on the beach. Then things got really ugly till he left. - ELITE BEAT DOWN. Pretty sure he misspelled "please stop beating me down. I'm really terrible at this game". Was up at least 15-0 on him before my game froze. Everybody else was curbstomping him too. - fishnuts. Fishnuts is the cure for what ails you. Having an off day in GTA? Struggling with getting killed over and over? Felling down? Try fishnuts. just kill him as many times as you like till you feel better. Wound up at least 12-0 on him, and he only even manged to hit me with a round once. Then I realized he was level 6. But he would not stop coming at me, and kept sending those stupid one on one invites.
  7. I was so enraged by my DA2 experience on a friend's console that I never finished Origins and never owned DA2 for my own console.. I rented Origins ages ago and enjoyed it. I even bought it last year, but I have not touched it. I probably should play it before Inquisition. Is DA2 still that unplayable that it's worth skipping altogether? It is just a much smaller, less involved game than Orgins, and everyone who loved Orgins just thought, "What the fuck is this shit?" If it was called Random Fantasy Game it would have been much better receieved. The story is fairly interesting, the gameplay is solid for what it is, and it is pretty fun, it just is less interesting, with lesser gameplay and less fun than Dragon Age Orgings. Yeah, you pretty much nailed it. Not a bad game, just not what it should've been.
  8. They patched the one major bug that made DA2 almost unplayable. Of course, all the design elements I hated are still there.
  9. Can't speak for melraz's case. In mine they were drilling into the floor to set some permanent stuff, and hit a water line right in the middle of a bedroom. Jackass plumber proceeded to give my wife the don't worry your pretty little head over this bit. Big mistake. She was already pissed off about the waterline, and he managed to push exactly the wrong button.
  10. I actually preferred the synthetics destroyed ending, even with sacrificing EDI. And the Rachni are dead in my universe. Wrex wanted 'em dead, so I made sure the were. I'm leery of how they'd handle a more open universe thing, but I'm hoping there is some more openness slash exploration. That's one thing I missed in the last two games. Of course forget what I just said if that means I've gotta drive a fucking Mako again. Also hoping they throw in more variety of people to meet and shoot. ME3 always boiling down to Reapers/Cerberus took some of the fun away for me. I missed the random side missions going after bandits/slavers/biotic rebels, etc. Hopefully there will be some new races - maybe Yahg or something entirely new.
  11. If it makes you feel any better, Orkin must do that shit every time they do one of those treatments. Did the same shit in one of my bedrooms when we had them out 4 years ago. My wife was home when it happened. They called out a plumber who proceeded to talk down to her like she couldn't possibly understand the problem. That went well for him. I'm surprised I didn't come home to find him skinned and hanging by his feet from the post oak out back, Predator style. Only good thing that came from it was I found an actual use for fire ants. Little fuckers followed the termites in and killed em dead. Oh yeah, and I'll be on tonight, a lot of the time anyway.
  12. Have they said this is definitely set after ME3?
  13. Oh there will still be some terrible ones, but now I can do terrible team DMs as well as terrible normal mode ones. I tried to join a few things with you last night, but the game would never let me in, even to spectate.
  14. Dan and I did manage to do a a mission and a race before things went completely to shit. Also got to watch Dan have the most lopsided one on one DM win ever after some fool challenged him, and i got to watch all 5 of his kills through my sniper scope. Logged on late and was able to get on for a few DMs. Finally got my burning heart tattoo, so my never ending quest for normal mode DMs is done.
  15. My gaming time is gonna be shot to shit staring around late December or early January, so I gotta take advantage of being able to game with y'all while I can. I'll be cursing everybody's free time after that.
  16. Pretty sure the burning heart tattoo is the last thing I'm gonna grind out, and I'm only one win away on that. After that, I can't see myself playing much unless its with crew. Did do a mission with randoms for the first time in forever last night. Extradition - with one guy that was level 90 something, and 3 really low level guys that clearly had no idea what they were doing. Everybody just drove over to Zancudo, except the one guy that hopped into my car and got a ride over to Trevor's to pick up the jets. I took out the plane and DA, level 90 guy picked up the package, and the rest of them did a lot of spectating. At the least I'd say that answers the question about whether it's only hardcores playing at this point.
  17. Yeah, I'm right there with you. Of course, I tend to play the hell out of one game for long periods of time, and GTA5 is the only game I've bought in more than a year, so I'll probably stick with it for a while. At this point, I'm thinking heists are gonna be a big letdown. People have been waiting for 8 months now, so anything less than the greatest gaming related thing ever will probably disappoint.
  18. Damn game is enjoying messing with me. Got 8 DM wins, pretty much in a row last night, so I'm sitting at 49. First try for #50, I got into a big DM that was first to 25. I had 18 kills, and nobody else had more than 12, when my ability to play the game completely left me. I got taken out about 8 times in a row, and did not succeed in getting another kill the rest of the game, while the guy that was at 12 got on a miracle run and hit 25 quick. Worst choke ever. Second attempt I got my ass kicked by a bunch of low level guys. Like coming in 12 out of 14 players kicked. Third attempt was against one guy - his user created DM inside the FIB building with grenade launchers. Lost 20-19. Gave up at that point for the night. Clearly the game is punishing me for something.
  19. Pretty sure that was the new mage they introduced later in their presentation.
  20. That's who I was guessing, but the voice sounds very different from how I remember it.
  21. You're better at recognizing faces than me. I've played both games multiple times, and I can't tell who that is.
  22. Never played any games based on his stuff. That might change after watching the demo.
  23. Definitely not the only one. Not sure what was worse. The guy claiming the game was different than every other game because you're the hero in this one, or the main character that I want to see die horribly.
  24. Haven't played a Fable game since the first one. I don't see anything that means that'll change.
  25. Servers were really flaky yesterday evening - wonder if the flakyness was caused by this, or maybe vice versa. I was trying to find DMs, and probably got two server unavailable errors for every match I successfully joined. I surprisingly found a few normal DMs over the weekend, so I was finally able to break 40 on my win count. That stupid burning heart tattoo will be mine, damnit. I did my first melee match in forever, because they set it for normal mode. I won it - pretty sure that's the first melee match I've ever won. It was first to 15, and at one point I had 14 kills with nobody else having more than 5. Of course, I went on my traditional late match streak of being unable to kill anything, so I about shouting at the game before I finally won with a 5 kill margin.
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