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Niners Fan in CT

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Everything posted by Niners Fan in CT

  1. I'll say this. Tony's team is getting a lot quicker with these investigations.
  2. I think it'd be smart to not ruffle any feathers with WBD. I don't know what exactly WBD wants out of AEW but obviously Tony Khan is aware. WBD is not above cutting shit entirely. They seem to have a great relationship with AEW and are happy with the ratings but this is a company that could be under the Universal/Comcast banner by next year. I think the whole thing with Zaslav is cutting whatever unnecessary expenses he can, eliminating as much debt as he can and making it more attractive for another big corporation to swoop in. Over the next few years, Warner Bros. Discovery could be merging again and Disney could be selling off some of their channels, etc. There's only going to be a few major entertainment companies owning damn near everything, worse than it is now.
  3. Yeah, that could be. If we are to believe the reports, it was said that Omega has been willing to work with Punk though so it makes me wonder why they haven't done that. Omega teased at showing up at Collision in a promo a few weeks back. Nothing came of it. If they wanted to boost ticket sales for some events that sounds like a pretty easy short term solution to get a program going between those two.
  4. I think there's two reasons why attendance is low in the U.S. They did increase ticket prices at some venues so while they might end up with around the same gate, there will be a lot of empty seats. I think that plays into the second reason. Nothing is 'hot' right now aside from MJF/Cole and it's hard to quantify how hot that is. Obviously they feel strongly about it internally and are extending the feud/friendship. By comparison, WWE attendance figures are way up across the board from venue to venue with The Bloodline story and Cody Rhodes receiving the bulk of the credit. If Tony Khan had more control over the roster right now we could be seeing CMFTR vs. The Elite or other intriguing match ups with some built in stories but it's just not happening.
  5. But if you believe some reports, Punk suggested not to use real glass in a spot and that was all he did until Jungle Boy confronted him at ALL IN. That's why the details which we'll probably never have are important when discussing this topic.
  6. That's all fair and is why I think it's odd when people view a story like Jungle Boy and CM Punk and have such strong opinions on something where there's clearly information missing, maybe a lot of information... we know something happened but was it Jungle Boy being the aggressor or Punk being the aggressor, there's reports out there claiming both.. The only reason I think it even matters is because there's a difference between "There goes Punk being an asshole backstage and getting into another fight!" and "CM Punk was forced into a confrontation because of dickhead Jungle Boy."
  7. Difference being Shams, Woj and Schefter don't often report bullshit. They get maybe one story wrong a year, if that. When they report something you can say with 99% certainty that it's true. You don't have Woj and Shams saying two completely different things. That's the issue with wrestling 'journalists'. I was never comparing the Skip Bayless types. They aren't serious people, they are actors. A real journalist has all his ducks in a row before he starts reporting something as fact.
  8. I would like to begin September by saying anyone who compares wrestling journalism with any other type of legit journalism is on drugs. That's all.
  9. Are you on drugs? you're comparing wrestling media to what.... CNN? A media outlet that has legitimate sources and maybe gets one story wrong a year or Adrian Woj who probably never gets a story wrong when it comes to the NBA? Like what exactly are we comparing here? These aren't real journalists. They get stories wrong every week.
  10. I don't get it. So, I didn't care for most of the ALL IN build and I was vocal on here about that. I thought the build was lackluster. BUT the card wasn't bad on paper and more than delivered on PPV. It was a very good and enjoyable show regardless. However, a couple posters mentioned to me that because ALL OUT was a week later they were likely "saving" things for that. I'm looking at this ALL OUT card and aside from Omega vs. Takeshita I don't see what else was saved. Does any of the backstage drama play into this? No idea. But this ALL OUT card is looking really rough. I'm not saying it can't be a good show but it doesn't look worth $50.
  11. I can't follow all of this... There's so many conflicting reports. Wrestling media is terrible Lol.
  12. It played into the story. When MJF took their shirt off Cole was like "oh it's like that??" it was just playing into the friendship aspect.
  13. And one more thing. MERCEDES!! Don't know exactly what the story is there but good to see she's out and about.
  14. This ended up being a really great show. Crowd was awesome throughout. The main event got a little overbooked for my taste but I feel that way about a lot of main events now. Still, it was a good match and worthy of closing out the event. I loved the hug it out moment at the end. Sting's entrance was absolute fire. Feel good for Paige. I just wish we could put an end to Bleacher Report. It worked well enough but there were a couple hiccups also.
  15. The way that's worded: So he caught COVID and it made an underlying heart issue worse? Man....
  16. Super sad for Bray and Jojo and their family and he had children from another marriage I believe as well. 36 is way way way too young. He was our age. A really creative guy. I'll always remember The Wyatts vs. The Shield as a big big moment in wrestling.
  17. Every rumored match appears to be happening. Everyone knows how I feel about the build of this event and some of the choices made but at this point I'm just going to try to enjoy the spectacle of it all. It's going to be interesting to see how the Stadium Stampede plays out with the live crowd. Looking forward to that.
  18. He's Been Around the World and knows what it's like to be player hated.
  19. Cam got every single detail of the Montreal Screwjob wrong but still managed to accurately depict what happened. Their show is appointment viewing.
  20. I only call him Phil in case he still reads the board he'll know that him and I are friends.
  21. Ma$e also recently lumped in The Undertaker when discussing dead wrestlers. I don't know if that was a joke or not but I laughed like hell.
  22. What about her? I haven't mentioned anything about the woman since she got injured and I've kept all discussion to NJPW threads. Sounds like you hold more grudges than Phil Brooks.
  23. 90% of the internet is irrational posting and porn. You're fine.
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