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Andrew POE!

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Everything posted by Andrew POE!

  1. So I would think the reaction Cesaro got upon winning the Andre Battle Royal would be a wakeup call to the WWE to turn him face, but I guess it wasn't. I also think having him team with the Big Show as a Cesaro-Show team against Swagger and whoever they can find (ADR?) would work too. More than likely, the crowd will chant for him anyway and boo Heyman until he turns on Heyman too.
  2. Just to let you know, on May 31st, 2014 Gamespy's servers will be going down forever. What does this mean? A LOT of multiplayer games (and trophies/achievements/communities) will be gone forever. Potentially Rockstar Games' multiplayer (such as GTAIV and RDR) will be affected although IGN claims they have 'sources' that say otherwise. Until Rockstar officially says something, I am going to act on the assumption that they will be gone. Also, Battlefield Bad Company 2 may lose their multiplayer too. Sadly, that will be what will kill this past/current generation: loss of multiplayer support due to server shutdowns.
  3. Great. Just great. How am I supposed to finish Dark Souls II and FFX|X-2 HD NOW????
  4. I'm honestly waiting until a Steam sale. It's how I got Surgeon Simulator 2013.
  5. In a few months, $30 for Thief will be the standard retail price. By November of this year, I suspect it will be $20. The game didn't review well and most people hated it when they played it.
  6. FEZ comes out today on PSN and it has cross-buy for PS4/PS3/PSVita versions. Get it if you don't mind that the creator is an enormous douchebag.
  7. Trying to Platinum Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit (2010) and I really want to break the game with a hammer. The cars suck, the AI on the other cars/drivers suck, there's too much rubberbanding AI, and yet for some it's 'easy.' Bullshit.
  8. To me, Sleeping Dogs is one of the most polished games I've ever seen. The cars in the game are completely perfect (comparably better than recent NFS IMO).
  9. For you (two or three) Dark Souls II players, may want to lay off playing online for awhile. The summoning system was broken before the latest patch and it is even more broken now.
  10. I have one: Deadly Towers. The music sucked, the graphics sucked, the world of the game sucked, but damn if that game didn't have its own logic that it stuck by. Also, more recent, Dark Sector. Was very close to being like RE4 in a lot of ways.
  11. Say for instance the WWE pulls the trigger on NOT having Daniel Bryan win against HHH at WrestleMania....I wonder if there would be a full-on riot occurring or if the fans would be too passive/shocked to even do anything. So far the storyline for Daniel Bryan with HHH seems to be "we know more about what you want than you do and it's not Daniel Bryan" but part of me really wants to see fans storming the ring and attacking HHH post-match. I still think that Batista is going to walk out of WM30 with the WWE title.
  12. Remember how I said that Dark Souls II looks like a PS2 game? While visually that's true....it is LONGER than most/all PS2 games. I'm only about 12 hours in and I have barely made a dent in the game. Up to The Lost Bastille. I highly recommend this game despite the graphics gaffe.
  13. About an hour or two into Dark Souls II and....visually yuck. It's like a really hi-res PS2 game. The level design isn't as robust as Dark Souls or even Demon's Souls. FROM Software and Namco have somehow Aliens Colonial Marines us into getting it. UGH.
  14. About an hour or two into Dark Souls II and....visually yuck. It's like a really hi-res PS2 game. The level design isn't as robust as Dark Souls or even Demon's Souls. FROM Software and Namco have somehow Aliens Colonial Marines us into getting it. UGH. EDIT: I realize NOW that this is meant for the 2014 video game thread. I'll just leave it like this but mention that I too am getting FFX|X-2 HD.
  15. BL88, just to let you know I do have Monaco & Gunpoint in my Steam library but like all games, I will never play them (probably). I'm just curious if you've gotten into Jazzpunk (the game, not the music genre).
  16. There's nothing to renew in the TLOU debate. It'll still be "OMG this game is so overrated, GTA V (which is boring & sucks BTW) is better" or "OMG this game is a masterpiece that pushes gaming forward (which is also ridiculous)," but no opinion in between.
  17. The framerate doesn't really drop from what I'm hearing, it just stays below 30 fps at most locations. I haven't played it, but there hasn't been anything like Blighttown that make people clamor for a patch or a next-gen/PC version. What people have been complaining is: 1) travel at the start of the game and 2) you lose HP every time you revive.
  18. You will be getting the best version since both PS3/360 versions are running like ass. They really need a XB1/PS4 version.
  19. That's because I haven't gotten my copy yet and I don't know if BL88 has either. Time for some jolly fucking co-operation!
  20. I saw a video on Youtube (which has since been taken down, stupid EA) of one of the campaign missions and I had a biggest "FUCK YEAH" feeling watching it. MAG's environments + Brink's wall running + COD's perks + Chromehounds = Titanfall? J.T., I might be tempted to rejoin Team Xbox and get a Xbox One. Unless a PS4 version gets announced....
  21. Just a heads up: On Youtube already, there are spoilers for boss fights in Dark Souls II. Also, Titanfall & MGS V Ground Zeroes are already being sold in UAE, so the street date has been broken. I know with Titanfall, the servers aren't live yet.
  22. Luftrausers does look nice and like a version of Missile Command but in HD.
  23. If Dark Souls II was launching the same week with XB1/PS4 versions, I think it could very easily steal Titanfall's thunder. But still, Titanfall looks amazing and I wish I was more of a multiplayer gamer. I would feel too much of a sense of urgency to actually enjoy it.
  24. The visuals took a hit, but damn does that game look nice. Can't wait.
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