What pisses me off the most is all the missed opportunities Punk could have taken advantage of if he was willing to play ball.
When they ran Punk v Eddie and Kingston hit the back first to open the match my brain instantly booked Kingston winning in 5 seconds and then Punk having to work for a rematch. Give Punk a hurdle in AEW in the form of the "skinny fat line cook" looking guy.
When Punk was cutting promos sitting cross legged, I was imagining the lights going out and Malakai Black appearing in the ring, sitting cross legged, in front of him. Punk v HOB would have been great.
Punk v Hangman.
Punk v Omega
Punk v Danielson
So many possibilities, and instead they feed his ego, steamroll him to the title, and then give him his own show with the roster of his choice.
He became everything he hated about the part timers like Rock and Goldberg.
In hindsight he didn't hate them, he was just jealous.
Punk in name. Punk in nature.
Fuck that guy.