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Everything posted by supremebve

  1. The guy who snitched...was on the losing end of a 43-2 beatdown. I have no respect for people who do as much work as he did to ruin something for some kids.
  2. Just because she took the money doesn't mean that she is OK with what happened. Apparently that man held a gun to her and threatened to kill her, we shouldn't assume she is OK with any of this. With that said, the NFL is now in the position to punish or not punish a person who for all intents and purposes is not charged with a crime. The same way we can't assume that she is OK with what happened, we also can't assume that he actually committed the crime he was originally accused of, because there isn't going to be any testimony. Goodell is in a position to make a judgement call, and as we all know judgement calls are his kryptonite.
  3. So what kind of bullshit does Goodell make up in order to make this worse than it needs to be?
  4. What match is this? My favorite trope that was born into this thread is Curt Hennig secret superman.
  5. Between Blake Griffin's injury, Chris Paul's shit with the refs(it's not just the shit with the female ref), and Austin Rivers, the Clippers have more red flags than a chick with a pet bird she talks to like a person. I'd rather watch OKC or New Orleans than these assholes, and I wouldn't be surprised if they fell apart down the stretch. They play like a team that hates each other, and it is clear that the refs hate them. They also seem to be completely and totally unable to deal with any type of adversity, they may be in trouble.
  6. Kanye is the most interesting person in all of music. Whether you love him or hate him, he is essentially the only musician who moves the needle for everyone. That doesn't take into consideration that he probably has the best catalog of music in the last 15 years. We don't need less Kanye, we have a desperate need for someone else to be even remotely interesting.
  7. How exactly did the Grammys become the preeminent music award show? From what I can tell, they've always been fairly terrible at having their finger on the pulse of music. They vacillate wildly between behind the times to riding the pop culture bandwagon, seemingly without any rhyme or reason. I just don't get how they got to be the award show of consequence for music.
  8. Can the Grammy's stop pretending that they care about music and general and admit that they've never really had good taste in music? I remember when people were complaining about the rap nominations when they came out, and someone posted a long list of classic albums from basically every genre that weren't nominated. I honestly think the Grammys are the worst of all award shows when it comes to actually rewarding the correct artists. The Marshall Mathers LP2 should not be winning any awards for best rap album. Eminem is barely relevant in the current hip-hop scene, and he hasn't really made a great album since The Eminem Show. He is still good, and the album isn't bad, but when was the last time anyone within the hip-hop community had a conversation about how much they love an Eminem album? It isn't just that they are giving awards to the wrong people, they are giving awards to albums/artist that even their fans don't think they should win.
  9. supremebve

    30 For 30

    The 30 for 30 about the Russian National Hockey team was pretty damn good. They were essentially indentured servants for the Russian government contracted for 25 years to play hockey. The parts with Tarasov, and his daughter, were my favorite parts. He just seemed like a genuine person who realized the entire system was bullshit. He coached his players to love each other and play a wholly unique brand of hockey, and of course the Russians fired him.
  10. Who can I call to curse out about not being able to watch that New Orleans vs. OKC game?
  11. I love that these posts were made back to back...and it's not because I did the Rick Rude dance when I opened that spoiler tag.
  12. I think we should do some sort of "How to watch..." post/folder. Don't get me wrong you can find a lot of things on YouTube, but with copyright laws and all those videos could be fleeting. I honestly don't know where to watch Dragongate, DDT, or AJPW or who the relevant workers are in each group. If nothing else it could help raise the level of conversation in the puro folder.
  13. Between him and Shane Helms, I really thought we were watching the future of wrestling during the last year or so of WCW, but sadly both of their careers kind of peaked as WCW crusierweight champion. Those two guys, while not perfect, seemed like they had all the physical tools to be great, but needed to smooth out the rough edges of their work. I really think the saddest part about the closing of WCW is that their roster was full of guys who could have possibly grown into something, but kind of just disappeared.
  14. I was talking to my friend today about Missy, and how no one over 40 and no one under 20 seems to know who she is, and I got to thinking is she the ultimate time and place artist? She was legit one of the best, most successful artists in the world at her peak, but she went away and no one really took her spot, and her songs never really stayed in the public consciousness. She popped up on the Super Bowl and exactly one generation of people seemed to even know who she was. It has barely been 10 years since she was on top of the world, and her amazing career was almost totally forgotten. Is there another artist who means so much to such a specific group of people? Seriously she was basically the most important person(not named R. Kelly) in R&B over the last 20 years. She was a co-writer and producer on Diary of a Mad Band in 1993 and after that became probably the most prolific featured artist ever...she was on EVERYTHING. Somehow when she performed at the Super Bowl the vast majority of people had no clue who she was, how is that even possible?
  15. I heard a crazy stat on the ride home...That is the first interception from the 1 yard line this season. Statistically that was probably the least likely scenario that could have happened, but some undrafted rookie from a school no one has ever heard of made an all-time historical play. That was a fucking great game.
  16. I honestly believe that they would have let Lynch score if they would have run it. The Patriots were saving their timeouts so they could try to march down the field for the last second win. They decided to run a pass that they run so much even an undrafted rookie knew exactly what they were running as soon as their offense lined up. If he doesn't intercept that ball there is chance that he is a goat for giving them the opportunity to run more time off the clock. The odds of the Patriots stopping Marshawn Lynch from gaining less than a yard in that situation are slim to none, and to not even try to punch it in is stupid. The Seahawks are committed to the run like no other team, but they decided to pass when their season was on the line. The last 2 minutes of that game was the most entertaining, improbable, sequence of football I've ever watched. It was amazing, but sheesh just run the damn ball.
  17. I honestly don't understand how the business behind Japanese wrestling works. It seems to be countless different federations all who have at least 2 or 3 guys who probably need more exposure, but they never leave those small federations. It seems like NJPW should have a competitive advantage when it comes to talent, but no one ever seems to jump promotions. It would probably be good for everyone if there was more movement, because some of these promotions are stale as a bag of doritos without a chip clip.
  18. So does that mean that the likes of Morishima, Sugiara, and the likes will be called up to the big leagues? I heard that NJPW bought a minority interest, but it was an unconfirmed rumor. Who on that roster is worth bringing in?
  19. I agree with you he is a natural heel, They had something with the lawyer thing the bowties and coffee mugs. I always thought he'd be great in a Powers of Pain type monster team with like Ezekiel Jackson or Mason Ryan but I digress. I still think Otunga should be the Jimmy Hart to Heyman's Bobby Heenan. He is a natural heel, he can talk, and he can take bumps for the babyfaces. Why the hell are they paying him to do nothing when they could pair him with a couple of midcard heels and see if he can help them get over.
  20. Am I crazy or were the last two episodes some of the hardest tv to watch of all time. Last week when CT was worried about Diem was way rougher than I expected. Say what you want about CT, but he loved that woman more than anything, and he was visibly shaken to his core worried about her. I'm not the overly emotional type, but I may or may not have changed the channel when they showed her in the helicopter. Knight's final send off wasn't nearly as emotional...until he said, "but we'll still be friends," when they had their exit interview. Then they had that aftershow where Jemmye and Preston, the two people who had the most reason to hate him, explained how much the legit loved him. Basically he was the kid in class who picked on everyone, but was somehow endearing. It sounds ridiculous, but these people have been in my life for a very long time and watching their last challenge affected me like I actually knew them. I swear Diem's "I'm ready to live life" speech was like the opening of Up, it just tore my heart to shreds in a way I could not even imagine was possible before it happened.
  21. You'd be surprised how much of an idiot I am when it comes to homonyms. I don't know if I'm just hugely auditory or what, but I'm constantly having to catch myself from typing shit like that "wrestler ways 300 lbs."
  22. supremebve


    This is the most fun I have watching TV, based purely on the dialog. Raylan asking Buddy Garrity if the black mailer had a "long-winded peculiar way of talking" was the equivalent of Big Show asking Kane at the end of the Rumble if they thought the boos were because of their heel work. Everyone on this show uses 15 words when 3 will do, and I love every single second of it. I know this is going to end badly for everyone involved, but man do I love all of these characters. I'd watch a news show where Boyd and Raylan would sit around and discuss the news of the day. Just them waxing poetic and over enunciating about the north eastern blizzard would be fantastic.
  23. Or it's a ploy for screen time. There is a reason she is seemingly on every challenge. The Bananas hook up is suspect, and her crying over him just screams work. Yeah, except that she has one of the most troubled upbringings of anyone in the history of this show. Her neediness most likely isn't a front. She is the daughter of a crack addict, who never met her dad, and is a domestic abuse survivor...Johnny being fairly nice to her probably means more to her emotionally than we can comprehend.
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