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Everything posted by Fallacy!

  1. I think Douchetista has some more legs to it. That run ended far sooner than it should have. I'm sure with his big movie and his MMA stuff now they can add a little twist to the character. Delusional musclehead who wears tight polo shirts and thinks he's the biggest movie star and greatest mixed martial artist on the planet. A Jeff Jarrett "King of Mexico" type thing.
  2. There's no such thing as "X-Pac Heat". Batista is getting heat. And if WWE parlayed it into Batista vs. Bryan, it would be molten hot. But since they're not going to, it's wasted heat. Maybe, but I don't think most people give a fuck about Batista. Total apathy. Could be wrong. Also, you put anybody against Bryan right now and it would work. He's been gone for a long time. It kind of reminds me of Jericho's first comeback. He was gone for a while and he got really weak reactions when he came back. Of course, then he went heel and completely reinvented himself. That's probably what Batista needs to do.
  3. Daniel Bryan wins the title at Elimination Chamber and drops it to Batista at Wrestlemania thanks to Authority shenanigans. In the build-up to the match, The Authority keeps reminding Batista that he is their chosen guy to be the true face of the WWE and tries to "recruit" him, but Batista (despite the decidedly pro-Bryan audiences) plays the babyface role, telling Triple H he's "been through this with him before", doesn't trust him because of their past, etc. Talks about how much he respects Bryan and wants it to be one-on-one with no distractions at Wrestlemania. In fact, he'll even come out to help Bryan even the odds in a few 3-on-1 Shield/Wyatt vs. Bryan scenarios devised by The Authority. Bryan, all the while, is apprehensive about the whole thing and makes no bones about the fact that he doesn't trust that Batista and Triple H aren't in cahoots (I guess kind of a Summer of Punk reboot, except Batista is Kevin Nash in this scenario, but there will be no mysterious text message involved).
  4. In case you were wondering, the Miz's dad apparently was at tonight's show.
  5. I never want to see him wrestle again, but it's a mind-boggling that Road Dogg isn't on TV as the mouthpiece for someone.
  6. Brock being in the Elimination Chamber seems so.. beneath him.
  7. It's funny how hard it is to explain wrestling to people who don't watch it regularly. My sister was over when I was watching the opening interview segment and she asked me why Cena and Sheamus didn't just run out together to save Daniel Bryan instead of each coming out separately and I was thinking.. "well, they had to play each of their theme songs to get each guy a good pop from the crowd" but you would sound like a complete fucking retard trying to explain something like that to someone who doesn't watch wrestling. Why can't they just run out and save their friend without ANY music playing at all? Ah, wrestling.
  8. Perhaps Seth Rollins would not have to worry about slipping in puddles if the three Shield members didn't pour a gallon of fucking water on their heads before they came out to the ring. And why does Rollins dress like he's about to go skydiving? What is with that vest?
  9. Man, Cleveland has got to be the worst fucking city ever at trying to chant in unison during a wrestling show. I think out of about 20 attempts, the only chants they've been able to execute all together tonight have been "YES" (and they screwed up half of those) and "JBL".
  10. double post fuck-up. freepost... UHHH.. TRIPLE H SUX
  11. You should actually listen to the radio interview before making up stuff about how he was behaving. I don't think any single moment can be construed as "crying." He does his job the best that he can, and if he gets the glory, great. If he doesn't, oh well. I don't think he gives nearly the shit that 90% of us bitching about it do. But yeah, he mentioned that his fiancee came up with the YesMovement, then was surprised that his merchandise suddenly had that hashtag on it. So it's definitely a WWE-supported campaign. Shit, it just occurred to me that this is how WWE is finally going to kill Bryan off once and for all. Bad booking won't do it, so they're going to start co-signing the YES stuff with their "YES Movement" merchandise and whatnot. Probably make a YES MOVEMENT Facebook page and push it on TV every other segment where kids can sign up and "join the movement." Generally just make it uncool to keep doing that stuff. It's fun to do stuff like that and that Fandango dance when it's organic and fan-made, but when WWE starts pushing it down your throat and giving you t-shirts and saying "Hey guys, come on, chant YES along with us! Isn't this great?!!?" it gets to be like, "ehh.. we'll pass." Genius. What works better, Stephanie turning on HHH to back Daniel Bryan and be in his corner, or HHH backing Bryan? Or, to put it another way, who would make it less cool to chant along if they tried leading "Yes" chants? There will be a RAW segment within the next calender year where either Stephanie or Vince are in the ring leading the YES chants with Daniel Bryan. I would bet my life on this. Stephanie would make it less cool. No doubt.
  12. You should actually listen to the radio interview before making up stuff about how he was behaving. I don't think any single moment can be construed as "crying." He does his job the best that he can, and if he gets the glory, great. If he doesn't, oh well. I don't think he gives nearly the shit that 90% of us bitching about it do. But yeah, he mentioned that his fiancee came up with the YesMovement, then was surprised that his merchandise suddenly had that hashtag on it. So it's definitely a WWE-supported campaign. Shit, it just occurred to me that this is how WWE is finally going to kill Bryan off once and for all. Bad booking won't do it, so they're going to start co-signing the YES stuff with their "YES Movement" merchandise and whatnot. Probably make a YES MOVEMENT Facebook page and push it on TV every other segment where kids can sign up and "join the movement." Generally just make it uncool to keep doing that stuff. It's fun to do stuff like that and the Fandango dance when it's organic and fan-made, but when WWE starts pushing it down your throat and giving you t-shirts and saying "Hey guys, come on, chant YES along with us! Everyone is doing it! HAH HAH -- Look at the Universe getting into it! Isn't this great?!!?" it gets to be like, "ehh.. we'll pass." Genius.
  13. I don't know why I blurted out laughing when I read the words "causal kids market" at the end of Gonzalez's post. Man, that's honestly the best laugh I've had in a while.
  14. No, I think this is exactly what they're doing. Look at what happened after Daniel Bryan was in The Wyatt Family for less than two weeks of Raw. The fans were deprived of their hero's spunk and the YES! chant and it ended up with the craziest reaction in years. Now you "deprive" the fans of an appearance, let alone victory, in the Royal Rumble? It's resulting in change.org petitions and an article on BBC.com. That's been the case his whole career for some odd reason. Losing a match in 18 seconds? He erupts in popularity. Getting fired because of The Nexus? It leads to fans chanting his name. D-Bry has ended Raw and/or PPVs almost every week since the spring. They've given him entire last hours of Raw. They knew what was going to happen if he didn't get in the Rumble. He dropped The Authority mention in some radio thing last week I saw. The tweet came out a few minutes after the Rumble ended. Brie (the star of their reality TV cash cow and link to non-wrestling fans) put stuff up on her Instagram. Paid WWE personality Mick Foley tweeted up. They're really done a historic job w/ this work. Given WWE's successful track record of capitalizing on hot storylines in recent years, I can't help but agree with you. Also, I want to add..
  15. I don't think ending the streak would make Undertaker any less of an attraction and I've never bought into the theory that the end of the streak has to be the end of his career. Granted, the streak has been hyped up heavily the last few years, but he's an attraction because he's The fucking UNDERTAKER. A living legend. And you only get to see him in the ring once a year. The Streak is an added bonus, but if he lost this year I don't think fans would be clamoring any less to see him at WM31. Plus it makes for a pretty interesting story -- does the end of the streak mean the end of the Undertaker? Is the Dead Man finally done? Or can he bounce back and have one last Wrestlemania moment?
  16. Mick Foley slamming the Rumble made it onto TMZ. BACKLASH~!
  17. Eh, I dunno. I've been looking around trying to find something to that and I'm not hearing that from any of my sources.
  18. The anchor being like, "so some people think you guys are in cahoots with the champ Punk" was awesome. Dude must have been like "Oh great, some fucking wrestlers on the show today? Ugh, let's see *takes 20 seconds to skim through the top half of The Shield's Wikipedia page* OK, yeah, whatever, let's get this over with."
  19. HOLY SHIT, I had no idea Scott Keith was still doing SmarK Rants for WWE shows. I just randomly thought "Hmm, I would be interested to see what Scott Keith thought of the Rumble. I wonder if he's still around." I remember like, 10 years ago dude was slowing down his reviews and complaining that it was too much work. I guess, just like it's impossible for guys like Ric Flair to hang up their boots, it's impossible for a veteran wrestling show reviewer like Scott Keith to turn off the computer and put away the keyboard. Gotta say, his rants are A LOT less entertaining to me now than they were when I was 16.
  20. This is the biggest problem with the results of the show, they just do not understand that the audience really likes the young guys, but they keep pushing and bringing back old guys. Cena and Orton didn't get shat on because they aren't competant, it's because everyone is tired of seeing the same damn shit. Cena's reign at the top needed to end with the CM Punk run, not saying he shouldn't be near the top of the card, he just can't be superman any more, it has run its course. It doesn't help that his character's #1 trait seems to be that he doesn't care about anything for more than 3 seconds. Orton beat up his dad, and Cena waited until the last three minutes of the next Raw to go after Orton. When he got a hold of Orton it should have been a wild Memphis style brawl, but Cena punched him once, followed him around for a bit, punched him again, followed him around some more, and then watched him get in a car and leave. He then went through the crowd smacking hands with little kids. He should have been kicking Orton's ass all around the arena, but nope we got Cena going about his business like nothing happened. Why the fuck should we care about any of this shit if John Cena doens't care about any of this shit. He is the complete opposite of what was successful about Hogan, Austin, and all the other guys who had a long run at the top. This is all true. Cena has had nine years on top now. Rock and Austin's runs were 4 years max and I think anyone who was actively following WWE then can remember how tired people were of their act, especially The Rock. Cena has fucking more than DOUBLED their runs. And for that matter, so have Orton and Batista. They're now giving us main events featuring those guys that headlined shows eight years ago. It's insanity. I mean, look at Wrestlemania nine years ago and three of four guys in the two World Title matches are still active weekly characters on WWE TV, with two of them still being active in-ring competitors. You won't find that kind of carry-over from say, Wrestlemania 6 to Wrestlemania 14. And even Wrestlemania 14 to Wrestlemania 22. The cards look COMPLETELY different.
  21. If Hunter is tied up with Punk I'm not sure how that will work.
  22. He was given a shot. In fact he was given four shots, and it resulted in four bad PPV buyrates. A *legit* shot was what I said. Meaning, not booked like a doofus on a weekly basis.
  23. I don't think he's really been given a legit shot to prove if he can be a draw or not.
  24. More like he could barely fucking move, let alone pick someone up to do anything. At least he got that elimination on Swagger. I'm pretty sure he could have jackknifed the midget.
  25. Can't fucking believe they didn't let Nash jackknife somebody.
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