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Everything posted by BloodyChamp

  1. I follow Mike Tyson casually and I’ve learned about this Jake Paul guy because he’s out there enough at this point. I don’t really follow and kind of fighting. Mike Tyson is doing 1 thing right this time that he’s never done before. That thing is saying all the right things. A wrestler couldn’t do a better promo than all of his lately, down to naming the time and place. That obviously doesn’t mean he’s ready for any kind of fight. I wouldn’t fight Mike Tyson at any age if he’s ready for a fight, and I don’t mean physically. Mike Tyson has to be ready for a fight like, say, a fat drunk redneck has to be. Most of the time a fat drunk redneck is an overrated pushover, but when you walk up to one and spit on him and call his mama a whore he becomes something else that can fight. I just don’t see that in Mike Tyson. If that was ever summoned in Mike Tyson again it wouldn’t be a fight IMO, it would be a massacre.
  2. What exactly happened at 1:01 in this video? The noise. Were they pumping slam into the canvas noise? https://youtu.be/opspjkqrF50?si=eCu_3cpokLpBeNkG
  3. Both of these replies are great examples of how people should handle things.
  4. No, but this is a simple question with a simple answer that many people hate. Those kinds of people are the real racebaiters much of the time and it doesn’t really affect me, for sure it doesn’t traumatize or break my heart or any of this stuff that supposedly happens to offended people…but it does freaking annoy me. Jeeze. I only wish 1980s phony insults were the pinnacle of it all now.
  5. I agree that Hogan vs Piper was a good match. I don’t remember much wrestling going on there but Hogan was working perfectly as a heel entertainer in that match and Piper was feeding off of it. Let’s be real though alot of it was just the fact that it was Starrcade, which they had managed to put together without the title being on the line. We knew Hogan was going down and we just wanted to see it. The other fans knew it to because Piper’s return was pretty epic, however boring he became later. I’ll tell you a good match like the matches we’re talking about though. It’s from the same dang show. Luger vs The Giant. Luger could work when he wanted to and so could a young, game Paul Wight. That match was the biggest payoff in the whole NWO vs WCW feud since we didn’t get Sting vs Hogan.
  6. Warrior could work when he wanted to just like Hogan could. Mfer just never wanted to, just like Hogan didn’t. Yes I know there were like 8 more times Hogan wanted to work. That doesn’t make what I said a lie. If the list were stretched to 10 most important matches it would go on it IMO.
  7. I wasn’t a fan of most of that stuff but the SCSA and Nation exchanges were great. Both of these promos contain 2 subtle real world references that not everybody caught, that probably wouldn’t have been ok’d by a producer.
  8. I will say that the WWF had a ton of good matches after the Attitude Era, just show after show every night. They weren’t all storyline driven and when they were it was really good wrestler vs really good wrestler. That would usually make up a really good match but none of those really good matches were historically important. Yes I do know you could make an arguable list but it would be arguable to the other list, not realistically replaceable.
  9. Hogan/Andre WM3 HBK/Austin WM14 Austin/Bret WM13 HBK/Brett Survivor Series Bruno vs Buddy That’s my list even though I’m definitely not the 1 to ask. There is a list of darkhorses that’s interesting IMO but onto more important things first like the other list. And I can’t even make one wow. The WWF, for all their Wrestlecrap, is short on alltime bad trainwreck matches. The exceptions were booked to fail to sabatoge somebody like HHH/BPP or for laughs like old Pat Patterson matches. If I made a list out of crumbs it would probably include the 1 old Bob Backlund match that made everybody mad or 1 of those last ones that didn’t make anybody mad because they didn’t care enough to get mad. Then maybe a John Cena match from those years were every match had a wannabe rapper prematch and postmatch promo. EDIT: old AGED Pat Patterson. Those comedy matches from the 90s. And old match with a YOUNG Bob Backlund vs Superstar.
  10. I’ve never seen that match but it’s Japanese WCW jobbers somewhere besides WCW so I’m sure it phenomenal like always.
  11. VHS tapes were just on my local news! They (the news not the tapes) basically talked about what we talked about and interviewed a collector and went over some things. They added that some mint condition VHS tapes go for 5 or 6 figures. They also said that the VHS comeback hasn’t even peaked, and that they hope they’ll make a comeback the size of the vinyl comeback.
  12. I want to throw a random of my own out here. I’ve been watching The X-Files almost every Saturday and Sunday night. It comes on local TV here in blocks. I’d never seen it much because wrestling or football was always on but it’s great like I’ve always heard. I’m tell you what though, a YouTube video of every time somebody said “I don’t know” would last longer than a video of Jim Mora saying “you don’t know”, Mike Graham saying “didn’t draw a dime”, Ric Flair saying “Whooooo” and The Rock saying “The Rock” added together Xs 1000.
  13. I’ve sold a tape or 2, but only ones that weren’t worth anything or worth ever watching again. And I bought them of course. I have more…how do I say it without being vain…valuable crap than many people lol! I won’t sell it either. It wasn’t all mine. My folks and gradfolks were the owners of some of it and they never sold it.
  14. The first ever episode of Silverhawks has an extended intro that’s better than Gone With the Wind.
  15. SMW TV is possibly the funnest TV to go back and watch. It was week to week, like what people called that male soap opera that was the same way years later. SMW holds up a little better because while it obviously never had the peak that the WWF did, it also didn’t have the things that came with success that make WWF TV not hold up.
  16. I’m not sure any SCSA list would have a WCW match on it except for Wargames 92. I actually haven’t seen that but I’ve read he bled the most or something which was a big deal back then, and is still a big deal today when done right. Vs Dustin just wasn’t quite up there. I love Dustin as much as everybody else but that match just isn’t up there. Neither is vs Steamboat. Him trying to mat wrestle in WCW just wasn’t even in the same universe as him merely talking in the WWF, let alone brawling and going crazy. I haven’t watched vs HBK since but I can’t believe that didn’t make the list even if it wasn’t a clinic. That was 90s Hogan vs Andre. They didn’t have to have a good match. They only had to do 1 thing and they did, even though somebody did try not to. Meanwhile in WCW I don’t doubt the Eric or Kevin would drum something up to answer that question but the truth is there was no plan after Starrcade once its original plan didn’t happen. They did have plans for Starrcade had it went as planned which we have discussed but of course it didn’t go that. We’d learn that Eric’s plan was just keeping Hogan happy. Whenever Eric’s head had room for 1 more thought besides that, that thought was keeping Nash happy. If Sting or Flair no showed in the meantime or if Raven just quit that was no big deal. Then they just made the shows up on the fly every week, even the ppvs in some cases. And that was mostly done by Kevin and Dusty besides the main events, that of course revolved around keeping Eric’s fantasy big brothers happy.
  17. Maybe I’m way off on this one but it seems like multitalented across different forms of entertainment, independent minded, unafraid of anything, unpredictable wrestlers are boring now. What irony.
  18. Damien was 1 bad mfer and crazy. He was every bit as crazy as Sabu and Cactus Jack but missed some breaks or something.
  19. Seriously. I mean he would be a peak postprime Iron Sheik sized thing. He would absolutely kill it and never quit slowly growing.
  20. John Cena’s voice is annoying, especially on car commercials. Talk about something that’s not as good as it used to be anymore. This was in some local car commercial in my town for a long time.
  21. So was it Tom Zenk? Whoever it was was doing an interview with Ole on a Dave Meltzer show? Or were they talking on Dave’s show? That’s hilarious and would go viral today. Zenk and the internet weren’t ready for each other. We’ve talked about that before.
  22. I’m not convinced that anybody ever watched or put money into a WCW show to see a good main event match workratewise, atleast not during the hot time we’re talking about. Don’t get me wrong they wanted to see the main event…….for the right guy to win and the right guy to lose. How it happened almost didn’t matter as long as it happened. All the mad fans after all those shows weren’t mad like “wow that wasn’t near as good as Rey Mysterio vs Eddie.” They were mad like “that was really stupid that Sting didn’t win.” In the case of the not smart fans it was the same way. They were like “that was stupid all that for a DQ at the end after the bad guy had already cheated before” or something.
  23. This is just word salad on a plate that just needed some lettuce lol! Yes Sting, Savage and the others could still go. It all means precisely jack when Hogan refused to lose to them. WCW could book fine. They booked the 2 year long, very detail oriented NWO run until Starrcade and they had that booked right to start with until…you know. The undercard, I don’t want to say it didn’t matter, but I might say the booking didn’t matter. This is how good WCW had it. All they had to do was put almost any 10 minute match on any card, feud or not and it would have been good enough as long as the main event involved a feud with the right heat and right finish. That’s speaking broadly to prove the point. “A feud” is really incorrect. “The feud,” NWO vs WCW was it. They didn’t need anything else heat, storyline etc wise by Starrcade and beyond for a while. Put 2 guys out there who could have a good match and let them have it or put something like Crush vs Chris Jericho out there if you just had to do some kind of booking. Book the young guy to win and in that case that would be good enough workrate aside.
  24. Johnny J’s point stands………but it also was because of Hogan 90% of the time so AxB is right too. Then there was Nash screwing it up occasionally yes. Them 2 fuckrags were just useless after 1997, and useless the whole time if you assume they were never going to do business anyway, which is a safe assumption.
  25. Lord at the matches I still haven’t seen, by my favorite childhood wrestler even. I knew that already but hadn’t thought hard about until just now when I tried to make a list. I could make a list that would be respected IMO but that still wouldn’t cut it. I’m going to get around to watching something here soon though dang it. Him retiring to rave reviews has motivated me to do it. I have a real big effing problem watching matches without watching the whole show. I have almost all the matches on the 2 DVD sets, and I never missed a TV show back in the day. I even have a pretty good tape collection but those last 2 examples obviously came altogether. The DVD sets were obviously cherrypicked and there’s a difference to me. I’m going to have to get tf over it though I know.
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