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Everything posted by BloodyChamp

  1. We’ve discussed Dusty so many times. He was so great, and he deserved the top spot for a long time, but he wore it out. All of his other work as a booker over the years was pretty good.
  2. There’s a whole lot of...1996 WWF in that list lol
  3. That dude was straight up. I’ll give him that. Not a lie came out of his mouth, and not as much as an undersell either.
  4. I just watched it on YouTube, and I don’t usually watch wrestling on YouTube but I couldn’t look away. Such a good episode. I buy his flawless reputation as a family man back home 100% because of at least 1 thing in that video for sure. When his wife was talking about being in shock, the barely remembering the funeral, then her moment in his closet after everybody had went home, and it was over, etc...that’s how it goes. Believe me I know. Also since the Dan Spivey story is true by all accounts, does that mean him and the Road Warriors story is true?
  5. Right right...Kamala, The Missing Link, Brody, plus some other guys if you base it on just the times they were booked that way. That would include Muta, Kevin Sullivan, Killer Kowolski, and some others IMO.
  6. He’s possibly the GOAT oldschool mysterious/psycho/monster/freak/animal/whatever else you call it heel of alltime. And he’s that without appreciating his in ring ability really. I hate it but it’s true.
  7. Even his best matches aren’t judged fairly IMO. Watching an Abdullah the Butcher match from 1987 isn’t much different than watching Ox Baker or somebody in the 1960s. The sold out crowd can be going insane, responding to their every action, and there we are judging it because those actions don’t involve any flying through the air or something. Then say O he wasn’t that good a worker. I think Abdullah was still a big deal in Japan late in his career, and he was a big part of ECW for what seemed like a long time even though it probably wasn’t. This was all in spite of him just working to get paid by then. He could have gotten away with it had the business not changed IMO and he could have done more than merely gotten away with it if he didn’t qui lt giving a shit.
  8. Abdullah is another example. I think people look through smart colored glasses when talking about him. When Abdullah showed up on a Sunday afternoon, people watched just to see what he would do. He could have continued on through the changes but he lost his fire. He just wanted to get paid. Then finally he just plain got old. And that’s without getting into what kind of a person he is outside of the ring.
  9. Sabu was somehow that last oldschool mysterious wrestler and the first new age hardcore wrestler all at once, new age hardcore the way people in America came to define it anyway. People were scared of him yet couldn’t look away. They wanted to see what he would do next, even if it didn’t involve a table. Then if it involved a table they wanted to see that to. He’s a bridge connecting the years and eras.
  10. Sabu could never touch another drug, blow another penny or lose another drop of blood and be overdue for a professionally done documentary on his life. I’d pay for that faster than I’d pay to watch any wrestling match.
  11. That’s messed up either way but Idk about the details there. If Adonis drowned later then that would mean the guy went swimming after his ring, took it off him under water, and got back out of the water with it. But it hardly matters. Messed up stuff however it went. Is there a Sabu episode? They need to do 1 on him.
  12. Duggan has chilled out and I absolutely love him on FB lately. He was a Hogan asskisser in WCW, and I distinctly remember some WCW Live or some shoot or something where he sounded like he could have been reading notes Hogan wrote. He crapped on all the new wrestlers, copped out to drawing power, etc. Meanwhile all he ever did was wrestle on the C shows working the cheapest pop of all time with his chant. But yeah...he’s chilled out. Oldwrestleritis goes away like sinusitis if you can just get through it.
  13. Ok I read that like “stupid like Sting and climbed down” aka stupid like Sting who climbed down. Eh...I know it’s 2023 but he had to do it once he got up there I think. There has to be more answers to the real question but I’ll be danged if I can think of 1 right now.
  14. Did the Steiners and SST ever have a payoff match to this?
  15. I just saw this FB reel where Kurt Angle German Suplexed a wrestler who had Rey Mysterio around the waist, but not like he was going for a German of his own. It sent Rey flying farther than he would have from a regular German. No clue what that’s from but it’s 1 of the coolest spots ever. Kurt Angle is maybe the GOAT innovative spot that doesn’t involve props man.
  16. Scott Hall doing those jobs was what made him a ppv guy other than a filler guy ftw. He did the first job to Sting, the first job to the Steiners, and he lost Hogan’s title to Goldberg so Hogan wouldn’t have to do it himself. And this was all before he started doing jobs as a spoof like when he lost to Hector Garza and co.
  17. I did remember this and was on the fence on whether it counted or not. I thought it made a little more sense than you but I understand your view of it. I didn’t quite count it as an upset because he was still THE FIRST MEMBER OF THE ENNN DUBUYOOO OOO to us at the time. Meanwhile a filler title defense was exactly what they needed coming off of Starrcade, which was coming off as planned at the time of the decision to let Hall win WW3. That gave them that whole month to come up with a long term plan while they merely did nothing in the meantime as people sold out every show and bought that ppv. It was all just that organized and perfect at the time then...well you know.
  18. Another variable is that sometimes Battle Royals didn’t include the top guys. Skyscrapers IIRC.
  19. Also, in Battle Royals anybody could win. They would sell the living f*** out of that to sometimes. Did an upset Battle Royal win ever happen? Does DDP count? Even though they reversed it? It’s probably happened in some Royal Rumble since 2010 or so but I never watched as much WWF.
  20. I figured that wrestling training dialogue was minimal at first, similar to other kinds of training. It might be a goal to be a friend with your peers and superiors in that field, but it sure isn’t the first step in training somebody or being trained. Anyway I came to mention that when i went to YouTube to watch the Nick Patrick video yesterday, I clicked on another match afterwards which is something I almost never do. I only watch matches on YouTube that go to YouTube to watch to start with. To do all the jumping around cheats you out of getting the most out of the match IMO. But that match I watched was Buzz Sawyer vs Tommy Rich from WCWSN. I know Buzz was a trainwreck but he was an amazing talent. It’s as sad that so much of his talent was wasted as it is that he was con artist. This was a good match that I didn’t expect. I think I read a time or 2 that it was some sad postprime Tommy Rich match or something but this was solid. It might haven even beenTommy’s best match since the last time he was really hot years ago.
  21. I just listened. Patrick is dancing around the obvious still like everybody always does. Granted he was asked more about the count that concerned him and his job more than the overall plan and screwjob. And there was also 8:25 that I don’t know if I believe. I believe Eric Bischoff said that to Patrick, but I’m not sure that Sting said that to Eric Bischoff to start with. I bet it was just more damage control. Meanwhile if Sting did say that, well, he wouldn’t have said that if he didn’t give a shit like they keep saying he didn’t.
  22. I forgot about Konan, who I obviously will not judge here now that I’ve been reminded that he also didn’t wrestle. Everybody else though...naw. Raven was pouting a crying like always and Nash actually slipped up in a recent interview. He didn’t say he was faking but he said he ate a whole pan full of weed brownies. We almost had the chance to say so much for the whole weed has never killed anybody thing I guess. I can’t wait to hear the Nick Patrick video. Thanks for posting it. I’ll have to catch it later. I bet I listen to the whole thing and still feel mad though. Nobody ever straight blames Hogan. They talk Hogan and they include Hogan and they just dance around him. The 1 exception is Eric Bischoff coming clean in the post here a while back but I’ve still only heard the clip. The whole interview might be the same old crap.
  23. Total shit card, but only after something like 18 people backed out of doing business that day and Eric went ahead and made 1 do it. And ROFL at his explanation over the years about making that person an example. Yeah he made Dean Malenko go out and work. That’ll show everybody and they’ll never pull that stunt again. Nash/Giant and Larry/Eric were 2 more matches that people really freaking wanted to see. Meanwhile the rest of it was still ok. Before it all hit the fan Starrcade 97 had a Wrestlemania 5 vibe. There was the main event, a couple other heated matches and the rest of it was just kind of like a party that built the last little building towards it. Then fart noise.
  24. Then when it come time for a payoff to all of that, which would have paid off..............duuuur ok daddy I’ll do it your way and you won’t have to lose. Hey since I’m a good boy can we do it again tomorrow night? You won’t lose then either I promise.
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