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Everything posted by LoneWolf&Subs

  1. The Un-Elite Ultimate Elite Ultimo Elite
  2. Ugh… You know for a brief moment I thought the biggest dream match was Braun The Leprechaun Vs. Mankind.
  3. Ewwwwww… I know people have this certain fetish, but spitting into other people’s mouths is one of those things that gets me to skip your matches, or in the case of Dragongate, prevents me from watching your shows. If you’re wondering what I mean. Gamma, and his stable did this spot, plus powder. It was a disgusting combination in the main events, that thankfully they stopped doing.
  4. Which is so funny considering for a decade plus they ended up misusing him too. It wasn’t until the Floyd match where things changed, but then a year, or so later the problems with booking Show came back again. Giants are hard to book period, after the territories died. Anybody who claims they can “do it better” today will inevitably fall into the same patterns. Which is sort of funny because with “the brand split” you could actually maneuver them away into the other shows like if they were Andre.
  5. We’ll see… Currently the Luger match might be his best, until I get through 97.
  6. Ehhhhh… I don’t think Giant gets enough credit for how good his work was in WCW outside his awful Hogan matches. Sometimes I think his comments in WWE docs about his WCW run were from him getting gaslit by the WWF crew for years. He just seems like a bit of a mark to be convinced he was terrible. Sure his best run was his post-Mayweather time, but I think I might actually enjoy shit like him, and Roadblock more.
  7. It’s excruciating how long that DoD thing goes on for. And the matches never get better, even in a so good it’s bad way.
  8. But none of those Hogan matches work. Maybe the association helped, but Giant's best stuff was with Lex, Sting, Macho, and Flair. The highlight of the Hogan angle was the courageous babyface Hogan hitting a defenseless Giant over the head with a chair while he was being held back by his friends. In fact getting hooked up with Hogan yet again almost killed him in 97.
  9. Though, It took getting Giant away from Hogan to show he was passable. Those first few months were dire for him.
  10. Maybe, and like what @NoFistsJustFlips mentioned, he didn’t have a real interest in it. But he could’ve figured it out in a very limited way like The Giant did a few years later. Speaking of Giant… Guys, if you haven’t seen it in a while go watch the series of matches Luger had with The Giant from 95 to Starrcade 1996. Those two had some unbelievable chemistry for two people you’d think would be a terrible mix. Honestly the match at Starrcade might’ve been a MOTYC just from all that build up they got from the previous matches they had during those two years. Like Lex’s past history involving Giant was the beginning of the “Can we trust Lex” face turn. In some ways the Starrcade match was the end of it.
  11. Doesn’t that Omos fellow wear a suit to hide the physique that Vince, and Dunn don’t desire? That’s what he could’ve gone with. Like he’s a bigger Big Bubba. Or they could’ve gone with some sort of warlord looking outfit like Vikingo has today. Look how they “fixed” Diesel. Gave him pants with tassels, and a top so tight it hid the doughy-ness of his upper body.
  12. With that outfit, Giant Gonzalez was never ever getting over.
  13. I watched the one that had the big pre-Survivor Series elimination match. That was great. But good Lord the rest of that tape is awful. I didn’t want to take a gamble, and watch another just to see if it had a hidden gem. It truly is a nostalgic thing. When you’re a kid renting these things, and you’re used to watching syndicated shows, this is the the only way to watch a bunch of “big matches”. But looking back you realize the lack of effort, the fact that they taped these on the back end of tapings, and the absolutely garbage endings. We were fooled.
  14. I don’t know, but you gotta threaten me at gun point to watch Coliseum videos outside of the skits. That includes the 80’s.
  15. I think wrestling just isn’t very popular right now. We’re in mid-90’s of the WWF’s lack of popularity in its “Home” arena.
  16. I honestly think we’re overdoing the reaction to the Omnicron. It’s been a few weeks. People have gotten it fast, but hospital rates aren’t going up. It’s basically like getting a cold. Strangely I haven’t gotten a cold this year. That might be thanks to the vaccine, but still shocked considering I use public restrooms almost everyday.
  17. I got the idea from seeing the Males explode at Souled Out this morning. They started doing a brief silly pose off, and both came off as extremely punchable. Like this would be a great bit for a team. The funny thing is, it did happen. Just with a different partner.
  18. That’s fine, but they need to forget about it for a long while before they re-run that spot again in a bigger match.
  19. If Janela is not potentially sticking around, and Strong most likely not coming. Why not stick Kayla Rossi in this version of the Undisputed Era? They really don’t need another 4th male member to eat pins anyway, and Rossi needs more experience in front of the camera. Yes, I know it’s a potential Chyna comparison, but that trope hasn’t been explored in such a long time.
  20. You know, I get them wanting to have Bagwell turn on Riggs to cement the heel turn, but maybe Buff & Riggs joining the nWo together might’ve been the better choice. One goof heel beefcake is great, but two goof heel beefcakes is even better. Beats shoehorning Michael Wallstreet into the group.
  21. Not a fan of the no-sell… But I did dig the Bigelow Vs. Taz structure of the match. But yeah that was too much. AEW would be best to ignore that, or have Bronson come back for revenge to get his heat back. So Hook has the weird Samoan savage hard head powers like his dad too?
  22. That can’t be that bad, can it? I remember liking those matches, and I also enjoyed it when it was Savage Vs. The Giant.
  23. He’s Brawler, if Brawler took a shower, and didn’t get into a fight with a weed whacker. I decided to randomly watch one of these 1983 shows. Are these just old 24/7 cuts of these shows? I was expecting near unedited footage.
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