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Everything posted by Bustronaut

  1. I was just thinking about how pathetic Venom would be with HS dweeb Peter Parker as his nemesis. He's a little kid Eddie, leave him alone.
  2. He kinda looks like Steve Coogan in that full body shot. ?
  3. Man, fuck this JOKER stuff, TEEN TITANS GO! VS. TEEN TITANS just came out and knocked it out of the ballpark.
  4. I'm sorry, but nothing can top the two Phooey Duck references/sightings in this season.
  5. Viacom already has the ad-supported Pluto that everyone seems to love. I wonder if they throw out new channels to gauge interest?
  6. TIL that one man was responsible for founding the three companies responsible for all the wrestling toys/video games from 1980-2000. Jack Friedman founded LJN (which was sold to Akklaim), THQ, and Jakks-Pacific.
  7. Oh my. I hope he still refuses to suit up, that'd be hilarious.
  8. IDK, there's been quite the backlash against ScarJo the past couple of years. It seems like they're trying their damnedest to make sure this movie doesn't tank. Blowing up the nerd quotient with Taskmaster and Red Guardian in basically their comic costumes, getting RDJ to guest, it's all hedging their bets.
  9. If you're doing it with no other context in the post, I'd say yeah. Not *every* gif needs the entire match posted. Maybe if someone asks about a certain gif
  10. All my money for that goes to Patreon and ko.fi to support the specific people, not the companies.
  11. It seems to already count Hulu/YoutubeTV/etc. as "subscribed to" so who knows. I'm cable TV free for the first time since 1990!
  12. One of my friends lives in Woburn, where A CIVIL ACTION takes place. His family began the tannery that turned into the superfund site that they're now building luxury condos on.
  13. That's be fun, with literal gangsters owning the company for a while before selling to Warner's. Sadly there isn't.
  14. If you "already subscribe to NBC" yes. How the hell you subscribe to a broadcast network is beyond me. Ad free is rumored to be $12, which seems like an early death knell.
  15. I've always preferred the theory that because of the super science and magic being slung around Marvel and DC that culture and technology have advanced to reflect "modern times" all that much more quickly. So it *looks/feels* like 2019, but in universe it's still 1975 (or whatever).
  16. Today at work I pulled over because I saw a kid wearing a Seth Rollins shirt Me: "Are you really a Seth Rollins fan?" Him: "I sure am!" *puts his hand out for a shake* Me: *shaking hands* "I never thought I'd meet one!"
  17. Y'all have convinced me to cut the cord and make TV a non-passive form of entertainment.
  18. They've got the Spider-Man series no one has heard of (1981), but no Incredible Hulk '81 cartoon? That is bunk.
  19. VALERIAN is the ONLY movie we've ever seen together that my spouse turned to me during the credits and said "That was really good!" Their normal response to every movie is either "It was ok" or "I didn't like it"
  20. It's pre "Malcolm McDowell as the villain marks a terrible movie" era. Back when that slot was being filled by Tim Curry.
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