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Everything posted by Bustronaut

  1. Wouldn't he be played by the person playing Mr. Philips?
  2. The best part of last night's THE CISCO SHOW (uh, I mean THE FLASH) was Wells' little doohickey making the Quantum Leap Handlink noise when he hit it, changing the oxygen readout.
  3. I still say the clones are aspects of Manhattan, and (in a new twist of theory) Veidt is torturing him via the clones, making him relive his origin and the pain that Jane went through.
  4. After "The Play" I'm still not convince he isn't Dr. Manhattan. He's attempting to reconnect with being Human and doing so through clones he creates.
  5. I got real bored during DP2, to the point that I actually went to the bathroom during a movie and felt like I didn't miss anything. I came back during the end of the Juggernaut fight.
  6. They've said they're doing a pre and post-Crisis big bad. Bloodwork is pre, TBA for post. ... wait. What if they wrap up Ramsey and Barry actually disappears in Crisis?!?!? The second half of the season is a swerve! Although with the Superman/Lois series announced, I can't help but worry about Supergirl's chances in Crisis either. They're really banging away at Barry/Ollie must die, and my Russo-sense is going off big time. Also, from two weeks ago the first Anti-Monitor shot!
  7. The Nudity warning for Watchmen was for Yahya Abdul-Mateen's fine, fine ass during the sex scene.
  8. In other TV show news - I like that ARROW has made the monitor into The Grand Galactic Inquisitor from VENTURE BROS.
  9. Now that I'm not on my phone, I have an Irons guess :
  10. The trailers were cut in such a way to play up the police as possible terrorists angle. The show in no way centers on that, but hoo boy does it swing for the fences against conservatives.
  11. Wait, angry nerds taking inspiration from something that was never meant to inspire them? Perhaps they have too much "empathy" for Walter. ???
  12. @Niners Fan in CT I sought out a review of the first episode and holy cow, I'm 100% onboard going by that.
  13. What are the politics? It looked somewhat anti-cop from the trailer, which is a bold stance I'd appreciate.
  14. The Garfield movies had higher highs (the setpieces in ASM2 are wonderful!) and lower lows (everything else) than MCU Spidey. MCU movies are a tad overly committeed nowadays.
  15. Romero's Joker is the best version, Hamill, Nicholson and Ledger were playing variations of it.
  16. Oh no, there's a ton of virtual camera work in that movie. It's breathtaking from a technical standpoint because it meshes so well with the live action plates that you never question a camera move that goes through the windshield during a race.
  17. The seamless effects work and cinematography in Ricky Bobby really do prove Brennan's theory. From a technical standpoint McKay is head and shoulders above his comedy director contemporaries.
  18. An actual indicator of "word of mouth" would be the Cinemascore, where JOKER got a B+, the same as GEMINI MAN, JUSTICE LEAGUE and X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE.
  19. What "nuanced story about mental illness" was the movie trying to tell, that the mentally ill are dangerous? Nothing in the movie was Arthur's fault, the world just kept raining shit on him. He then kills a bunch of people in an attempt to get imagined justice for himself. The script was terrible, the directing was shoddy. Phoenix gave a performance that worked in spite of everything else, but didn't save the movie from being a Snyderian ode to better, more original works, taking imagery without realizing the context it was steeped within.
  20. Surprise! I watched JOKER. Surprise <Spoiler>
  21. future Team Arrow is gonna be a spin-off after Arrow ends.
  22. I think the Venomesque guy is gonna be a slow burn for the first half of the season while they ramp up to Crisis.
  23. Kathryn Hahn is rumored to play Agatha Harkness? I hate Hollywood.
  24. Oh yeah, the new showrunner is doing the old Shooter/Gruenwald "multiple running stories in the background" to keep the pacing going. No more spinning wheels to keep the episode count up.
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