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Everything posted by StuntmanCrowley

  1. I did forget the counterfeit Bucks line, so i fully admit fault on that. Also to clarify, the mute Punk line was more of a joke because like i keep saying, i like the guys in-ring work but he takes me out of it the second he opens his mouth. I'm honestly chomping at the bit for Punk v Black/Omega/Brody King, etc, etc, etc.
  2. I'm definitely biased towards Punk because I like to love his inring work and think he's a trashbag of a human being, so ill take your advice ito account. I don't think it's craft at all because he has yet to throw shade at Omega or the Bucks and just is fixated on Hangman and his little tirades or whatever term i should use that is acceptable, detract from the product for me. I dont think hes worth the fanfare, but im sure there wrestlers im a fan of that others would disagree.. I'll keep my mouth shut when Joe drops the fall to him at Wembley even though it further will diminish ROH over a fake title and a primadona.
  3. I know its a broken record at this point, but even though they have quite a bit of belts, they absolutely need womens tag belts
  4. Multiple folders eh? Go on? Truthfully, you're a miserable piece of shit who lashes out the second someone disagrees with you. You started an incendiary exchange of words, but now want to call me ignorant. Yeah ok. You're a complete fucking tool. You can ignore Mods right? Because fuck this dude
  5. Dude, grow the fuck up. Calling someone a dumb fuck for a difference of opinion is pretty grade school, but you do you big guy. I enjoy Collision but Punk screeching after the show is a blatant in your face reminder that while WB wanted the show, it's the CM Punk Ego hour where he does whatever he wants. It isn't being shook as so much let down that someone is actively detracting from the overall product. Now go ahead and screech some more like a toddler, you whining cretin, I do however thank you heartily for the laugh, considering you're the one acting like a dumb fuck.
  6. You're fucking adorable you angry little man. Can I pat you on your head the next time you have a temper tantrum and offer you a cookie? Or are you going to ban me because you're having a meltdown
  7. oh 100% and I'm aware im in the minority, but i jsut think what he's doing isn't "heel work" and if it is, it's go away heat. He's just screeching for the sake of it because he knows he has free reign to do whatever he wants. Agree to disagree, I like his matches, will ignore his promos and the person he is.
  8. If Punk was a mute he would be one of my favorite wrestlers in AEW.
  9. Nah man, I guess that is just us "not getting it". If being annoyed that his petty, childish behavior detracts from a good wrestling show and in all honesty, the quality of matches Punk himself is putting on, yeah, guess thats him "living rent free in my head"
  10. I still think he's singled out Hangman because he knows either A/) Hangman is too nice to respond or B.) Hangman doesn't care enough to respond. Either way, it's not having the effect he thinks it does, because he looks soft, IMO.
  11. 100% I enjoy Punk the wrestler, Punk the person should be shot into the sun, it does tickle me how much Hangman lives in his head though. Poor fella. Really enjoyed the main event, loved the woman's tag, Starks promo and I want more Bullet Club Gold on my TV at all times.
  12. Rollins is the type of wrestler Cornette fans think Kenny Omega is.
  13. They really should have kept Elevation and Dark. I miss them.
  14. I actually like Punk the wrestler, even if I think he is massively overrated for the past 20 + years and not worth the praise lauded to him. I enjoyed STarks/Punk, like the CMFTR pairing. I just think he comes across as a POS person and for all of his "Fuck Hogan" shit, he acts like him. It just doesn't make sense to me that you have a title holder in ROH dropping the fall twice to him when in my opinion, it's obvious that Joe is far superior in ring. For everyone that says ROH is faltering, doesn't mean much, having a title holder dropping falls to him once is bad enough, but twice, eh. Just my opinion.
  15. I might in the minority, but i don't think there is any scenario that Joe should drop the fall to Punk twice in a row.
  16. I realize it is a terrible movie, but I admit I have a soft spot in my heart for Ready to Rumble.
  17. I think Hangman and Omega are more integral to the future of AEW than the Bucks and out of the 4, losing Page would've been a genuine blow. But I'm biased as hell because I'm a huge Hangman fan(Hangman/Mox is my favorite match of the year still and their feud is/was incredible to me)
  18. On a random side note, someone posted the GIF of the Gunn Club/Juice Robinson entrance and Juice just looks wild as shit. I've been searching through the threads and can't find it. Would someone out of the kindness of their hearts re-post that here?
  19. I'm excited Hangman and Omega are back. I still don't understand where I stand with the Bucks. Hangman/Omega v The Bucks and Lucha Bros v Bucks cage match are two of my favorite all time AEW matches, yet i don't clamor for Bucks matches or angles, or really care about them as characters.
  20. I'm not a fan of the Bucks, but I enjoy the narrative they won't work with Punk because he's the one screeching loudest about it while they just keep their mouths shut.
  21. I agree with you completely, I'm trying to get around my disdain for Punk because I honestly really enjoy Collision, but it bothers me that despite the trope being right there, he's put himself into a title picture and it's just lame(to me anyway) that he's calling himself the real champ without even a mention from MJF.
  22. I will say one thing, I will rescind a good bit of my Punk disdain if he drops another fall to Starks next week.
  23. Twisted Metal was absolutely phenomenal and
  24. No, I hate Punk with the burning fire of a thousand suns, lol, but it completely chumps your actual champ when he says nothing, especially to a guy who "left him bloody". Its lame booking and makes MJF look weak. At least Starks is getting a deserved spotlight out of this, but no one doubts that Punk is getting his win(s) back
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