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Everything posted by hammerva

  1. Oh yeah forgot about that stipulation. So I guess you can do Rollins vs Punk vs McIntyre at Summerslam although they hold off on Rollins Got a long way to go but John Cena last WM opponent? No idea right now looking at the current landscape
  2. That women's MITB match is not just the best women's MITB ever but maybe a top 3 or 5 overall. Everyone absolutely was willing to kill themselves for the moment Jacob Fatu was a dangerous man on the indies and completely out of control. Now he is slimmer and maybe faster and a complete monster. On another level tonight Not sure what I think of the Punk thing. Drew got his moment winning the MITB and then almost immediately was made to look like a dummy again by Punk. And now Rollins is going to added to the mess. So is Summerslam a 4 way for the title or are they somehow going to save Rollins for later
  3. I generally don't care who wins the men's MITB as long as what people think will happen doesn't which is Punk costing Drew the match. As far as women's version. I think Cheslea Green would make the best. But I expect Tiffany Stratton to win So the main event is the six man featuring the Bloodline. I wonder what could happen maybe after the match that make this the main
  4. So Ryan Garcia has been banned from the WBC based on him being a racist piece of shit. It is clear that he has some serious mental issues as well as being a racist piece of shit Right now Dana White must be salivating at their next big star to push. They only need about 5 minutes of his shit to make him the most popular guy in UFC
  5. Congratulations to Patrick Bertoletti for being the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest equivalent of the 1994 to 1995 Houston Rockets.
  6. Oh it is going to amount to something. It is him getting the shit beat out of him. I doubt that top rope tombstone was a one time thing
  7. For people saying that he was cosplay the Triple H 2002 act with the look and return, I guess we are getting the HBK beat down cosplay about 3 months ahead of schedule. If this the plan, the next year of MJF is going to beva reign of terror Ospreay vs MJF at All In is going to be insane but seems like currently a booking nightmare. If losing to Swerve his idea in order to show losing can make you stronger, not sure if you should repeat it twice
  8. So they finally released the Wrestlemania Behind the Scenes special that for some reason took months to get out. Not sure if anything shocking came out of it. The plan before the Rumble was Rock vs Reigns which most people probably already knew. The Rock said he made the decision to change it because he thought that the short term interests wasn't going to be worth the long term pissing off the fans. I don't know how much of Cody's part on this are working the angle or legit feelings, but you can tell how not happy he was about the original idea. Hearing Gerwitz online complain that the thing that killed the angle was him not being enthusiastic about giving his spot to the Rock is even funnier knowing how obviously pissed he was. Would have been nice to see more of them explaining to Cody or Cody telling about how he knew of the change. But very good display of all the main event buildups. WrestleMania XL: Behind the Curtain (youtube.com)
  9. This seems extremely weird given how long Eskin has been in Philly area covering the team but if the story is true then yeah I see no issue. https://awfulannouncing.com/radio/howard-eskin-banned-phillies-games-unwanted-advances-employee.html
  10. This Brooks Jensen angle in the last couple weeks has been pretty sleazy in my opinion. I am guessing this is Shawn looking for a Savior angle to work with but comes off like using either alcoholism and/or mental health problems for a character
  11. If the brass at New Japan isn't fond of Orange, the wrestlers sure as hell seem to be fine with him. I mean I can't imagine that guys like Shibata and Ishii and others are just puppets for the boss and just tolerating him
  12. I am sure there is better research on this but is most of these fake injury angles involving Bryan are occurring when Nigel is on commentary?
  13. If it was anyone except Brody King, I would have expected Ishii to break that person neck after that suplex/brainbuster. Fuck
  14. Well that is good because after that entrance it is obvious that Jacob Fatu is the true leader of Bloodline. that entrance screamed Royal Rumble vs Roman Reigns
  15. And to the shock of nobody, Bronny is a Laker. Yeah JJ is fucked and doesn't even know it
  16. So apparently Dijak is gone from the WWE. This shouldn't be surprising given that he was drafted a 2nd time back to main roster and as far as I know NEVER showed up on any WWE product. Maybe he snuck in on a Main Event show
  17. i mean if you want to make Hangman a complete heel, having him take out Jeff Jarrett after last week is a very good start Maybe this will make sense in about 3 weeks but it really feels that MJF is out of place in almost everything. Never mind the fact that MJF is almost his Dojo Wars babyface version and not the douchebag we loved.
  18. The only thing that would have made the Kevin Nash/Eric Bischoff phony love fest better is if they showed Bret Hart next calling them a bunch of marks
  19. I would think the biggest thing that put a hamper on the negotiation is that they didn't want the show they mainly wanted the hours that Nitro and Thunder would have gone in. No way Turner was going to agree with that
  20. Bo Dallas had to hit a home run on that promo to explain last week and completely nailed it
  21. Florida scoring first was the best thing that could possibly happen Well it was for about 2 minutes. That was sudden McDavid probably played about 90% of that 3rd period and just couldn't finish it. Not without chances
  22. https://twitter.com/Maffewgregg/status/1805293039046332891
  23. well luckily the rumor about WM only being in Vegas is now officially dead.
  24. I am not sure that Too Cold Scorpio can claim "self defense" when you apparently stabbed him in the head, chest, leg, AND stomach . https://twitter.com/TMZ/status/1805141806293622993
  25. The the full 9 minute version of the Jarrett promo on AEW social media explains even more if that was possible. The fact that his best friend and mom died on the same day of year you understand why he was so broken for a number of years
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