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Everything posted by YouHaveUntil5

  1. Just once I’d love to see an official call a meeting with the “scheduled” main event and tell them that their match was bumped off the card due to more pressing matters, or for an undercard guy to challenge another to settle their differences at Wrestlemania only to be told “sorry guys, the card is full”. There’s so many different stories they can tell from that kind of writing, but obviously they’ll never do it.
  2. This is a big sticking point for me because it made Sammy look like a huge idiot - he was facing Jericho on the top rope and while they shot it in a way that you didn’t see it on TV, there’s no way he didn’t know Jericho was already standing before he jumped. On a completely different note, as a Mets fan all the Mike Piazza references (the 31 on the shirt and MJF’s elbow pad) were awesome.
  3. I hate to go back to Rick Ta Life after he hasn’t been mentioned for a while but when my friends’ band played their first show in like 2005ish, 25 Ta Life was also on the show and Rick told them they were just as good as when he saw them at CBGB’s in the 80s. Also, there’s always this gem: http://www.ricktalifeonahorse.com/ Scene-wise, NEPA had a good one for a long time. Lots of good punk and hardcore stuff came out of here, like Wisdom in Chains and Strength for a Reason who are both still going today.
  4. I’d hate to be anyone on their roster from Cleveland next week after they see what a ratings boost firing someone from the city that Collision is in right before the show has against college football.
  5. I hope that he comes out and confronts Ricky Starks, not to defend Ricky Steamboat but because he thinks that Starks is the son of John Starks from the Knicks and Rodman has heat with him.
  6. The only thing that I really want out of all of this is to hear Tony Khan strip CM Punk of the real world title even though it’s not recognized, after allowing him to carry it around and defend it like it was real for two months.
  7. I will never forget going to a Nitro in Philly where he started to do the Pee-Wee Herman dance and sang “I’m too sexy for Dennis Rodman, too sexy for Pee-Wee Herman” about Eric Bischoff and my 15-year-old brain exploding because I had no idea what was going on or why.
  8. Pennsyltucky isn’t just central PA - I’m between Scranton and Wilkes-Barre and there’s more backwards y’alls in NEPA than most people realize. Example - one township locally has a sign under their township border sign that says “Second Amendment Township”. It blows my mind every time I see it.
  9. It’s too bad that Sabu is already aligned with Adam Cole - Sabu against the Bucks would be incredible for all the wrong reasons.
  10. How many times do you think Dax has called Tony Khan to see if he can team with Bret at Wembley?
  11. MJF saying that he learned to turn on people before they turn on him in the promo foreshadowed Cole’s eventual turn perfectly.
  12. Last night’s Rampage is a great example of why Rampage should be taped before Dynamite instead of after. You lose the ability to set things up for Rampage on Dynamite but you also avoid a situation like this week where Statlander vs. Shafir is the main event in the building after everyone has already seen Blood and Guts.
  13. One way to buy some time with an audible is to have Roddy be the one to cost them the match so that neither one turns on the other for the finish. From there they can have MJF accusing Cole of having Roddy cost them the match (referencing all of the segments that MJF “was never going to watch”) and either have Cole be the one to turn, admitting it was a setup, or have MJF attack Cole believing it was a setup. That’s after a couple of weeks where they patch things up and get along, of course, to keep giving fans these segments and making them think that everything is fine.
  14. I thought both this year’s and last year’s could have stood to have been ten minutes shorter. There’s no reason for a Wargames/B&G match to go 51 minutes.
  15. Andretti kept up way better than I expected him to. Great match. My favorite moment on the show was JR and Tony talking about how much they love pure wrestling and the second that Tony said something about “no gaga” they put up a graphic advertising a Danhausen shirt.
  16. I’m glad the hot crowd translated well to TV. I’ve never seen a crowd so into literally everything at a show in Wilkes-Barre. It made the night so much more fun.
  17. I feel the exact opposite - I think the second Taz saw Sabu a switch should have flipped and he should have turned into 1996 Taz that just wanted to kill him. He even could have turned right back into Jovial Taz as soon as Sabu left and apologized, saying he didn’t know what came over him.
  18. “We changed the name of the belt because of Shazam” and QT Marshall in the main event. What a weird show. OC/Lethal was great at least.
  19. Evil Stevie Nicks is a good one. I’ve been comparing her to the episode of Daria where Quinn decides to start wearing all black, and also “girl that can’t wait to go to Salem with her friends for Halloween”.
  20. I think MJF retains here, and then in the post-match a voicemail is played where TK is explaining how things have been discussed with Kenny, Matt and Nick and they’ve agreed to move on, then Punk comes out to end the show.
  21. Maybe Sami over tonight, and then Roman invokes his rematch clause the first night of WM and wins it back? Then Cody can win it from Roman the second night. Everyone gets their moment and the story is where they intended from the start. EDIT - I’m apparently bad at the internet - the quote box should say “But hey, they might just say "Screw it" and put Sami over and try to find a way to make Sami and Cody simultaneously.”
  22. I get that the 8 man was set up at the end of Rampage, but there’s no reason why the face side couldn’t have had Best Friends and Danhausen instead of Acclaimed and Billy. The Acclaimed feel like they were shoehorned in there just because.
  23. My favorite part of his ring intro was when he was announced as “you guessed it - Frankie Kazarian!” as though that was anyone’s guess.
  24. My big takeaway from the show is how well the TNT title has restored its relevance from the Sammy/Scorpio days, and even Wardlow’s run. It went from meandering to Joe making it important again and Darby winning it in his hometown and (presumably) having it with him at Muta’s last match. Also, MJF isn’t a great promo but they should probably stop having the roster say so when doing promos with him. While they think it’ll get him “you say you’re great and you’re not” heat, it’ll actually get him “everyone’s right, please go away because you suck” heat.
  25. Abrahantes adds literally nothing to Death Triangle. It’s going to be great when Pac calls him a dork one day and kicks his head off of his body.
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