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For Great Justice

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Everything posted by For Great Justice

  1. Not gonna lie I kind of want Pissed Off God Mode Miro to dominantly win the ladder match next week and then walk to the ring to confront Kenny after the Elite win the tag main event via shenanigans, just for the ‘oh shit’ reaction of it all
  2. Miro is Thanos. Congratulations on the 1/14m win, Sammy, but Miro is inevitable. He’s perma-over as either or heel or face and is going to be the guy that beats Hangman for the world title. How good are they doing with the TNT title? Both Darby and Miro have wound up far greater than they started. Exactly what that title is supposed to do. Hope the same happens for Sammy.
  3. It’s past time we start talking about Sheamus as the best TV match guy of his generation, like Christian and Goldust before him. Months and months of consistent bangers with everyone.
  4. You know after all this time I still think the parking lot brawl might be my personal favorite AEW match. It just captures the joy that is at the heart of the promotion that is so unique and fun to watch.
  5. Was it weird to anyone else that Inner Circle members were in three different segments, two of them beat downs, and there was no save or mention of a save? On a show where good guys always run in to save other good guys like 1983 Mid South, it’s strange to me.
  6. Fordham’s gym holds 3500 and has a classic college basketball vibe that would look very cool on TV, if you wanted something different and likely cheaper in NYC to host a more low key Dynamite But yeah, NYC obviously has a ton of small theatres and several large stadiums, but that 15-20k area has limited options.
  7. Update: to put theory into practice, I just created a simple Excel macro to do exactly this (aew_seal_balls.xlsx) and pressed run, which resulted in the following: Danielson / Andrade Punk / MJF Allin / Cole Hangman / Hobbs Mox / Pac Jericho / Page Christian / Miro Jungle Boy / Starks Kingston / Omega OC / Black That rules! It all rules! Everyone is over!
  8. There are so many great matches in the hopper for this company. If you lined up your top babyface and your top heel depth charts 1-10 (and ignored the Codyverse) with something like: Danielson, Punk, Allin, Hangman, Mox, Jericho, Christian, Jungle Boy, Kingston, OC Omega, Miro, Black, Cole, MJF, Andrade, Pac, Starks, Hobbs, E Page That’s 10+9+….= 55 different potential feuds / matches, of which we’ve seen, by my math, about 20 of so far (with many of those being one off’s rather than true feuds) So not only could they not sign anyone, they could not even *turn* anyone and they have 3 years of material in them at their current burn rate. And I see very few potential stinkers in those 55. They aren’t going anywhere and are built to last, is what I guess I’m saying, and maybe why this feels so different than WWE. I suspect the WWE version of this has far more entropy.
  9. Was thinking about something. Kenny Omega is the first guy with zero current or prior WWE connection to draw 20k in a stadium in the US since….Goldberg?
  10. When the Codyverse finally crosses back over with mainline AEW continuity it’ll be like DC Rebirth when at the end of some episode of Dynamite Eddie Kingston finds a red white and blue smiley button inside a pair of sneakers he stole. “We’re being watched”
  11. Yeah, Cody segments are the live action part of AEW’s Super Mario Super Show. Complete with Cyndi Lauper showing up or whatever the fuck.
  12. So now that Bryan has had his big box office match, when can we get to what I want to see and what we all know he really wants to do, which is he, Angelico and Garcia stretching each other to goo for 15 minutes at Universal with Excalibur and Taz on the call? Stop slacking Tony K.
  13. He just got that fresh batch of Best Of D’Von tapes though
  14. Yeah, pretty simple stuff I think. Have the Elite beating everyone down to end a show, cut to the back, Hangman, slaps Uno and Silver for them to get their shit together, unites Dark Order in doing so, glass shatters and Austin beats the hell out of the Alliance. United Dark Order drinks beer, off we go.
  15. Its a bummer because he's a second gen guy that should have been born with it, but I can't ignore the mounting evidence supporting the fact that Pillman Jr. simply doesn't "get" pro wrestling. Between standing on the stage mugging two weeks straight instead of beating MJF's ass, to his clunky movements in the ring. I really want to like the guy so bad, but it's not there I don't think.
  16. LoC’s (Levels of Cody): Level 1: Cody is a good guy. Level 2: Cody is a good guy who’s so obnoxious at being a good guy that he’s actually a bad guy. Level 3: Cody is a good guy and is so obnoxious as a good guy, that you come back around and appreciate his desire to so badly be a good guy even though he has no idea how to actually be one Level 4: Cody is a good guy, is incredibly obnoxious as a good guy, and then realizes that fans interpret this as Level 2 Cody and not his earnest Level 3 Cody, thus actually now trending toward being a bad guy. <— WE ARE HERE
  17. Ooooh, is Kona our go-to fungible 0 WAR NXT prospect? I can get down with that. I agree that Gacy is -0.4 Wins Above Reeves (WAR). 20 grade gimmick.
  18. Maybe Cody is doing a multidimensional chess work on all of us because…his complete lack of self awareness is kind of endearing? Thus sort of coming back around full circle as a babyface? I dunno.
  19. September PROSPECT POWER RANKINGS, powered by FanGraphs: 1. Bron Breakker A Steiner is on my TV calling people little bitches and putting dudes in the Steiner Recliner. 2. The Creed Bros The sitting lariat while the opponent is already TKO’d is so great. I look forward to them obliterating MSK. 3. Toxic Attraction Purely for Mandy, as her new look exudes “star” and carries this whole thing. 4. Odyssey Jones Love me some handicap match squashes, so that’s an auto-list this month. Fun character. 5. Grayson Waller Looks the part. Good delivery on his promo. Will have his chance to shine against Roddy next week. Bron is the Wander Franco / Vlad Jr. of the group though.
  20. More miss than hit. This is definitely developmental and not a national live TV show. Mandy post makeover looks like a total star. A byproduct of that though is that the two ladies with her look even more like jabronies than they already do (what was that twitching shit?) Bron is a dude though. Fuck it put the title on him.
  21. Bron looks like his dad, but sounds exactly like and cuts promos like his uncle. Incredible. Straps down! Steiner recliner! I popped way too hard for that.
  22. I actually really like Bearcat Lee. Cool throwback vibe to it.
  23. New Day / Bloodline on Raw. I appreciate the newfound, completely coincidental sense of urgency with WWE’s booking. If it leads to good wrestling on my TV, I hope they keep doing stuff like that.
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