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Everything posted by Sammo~!

  1. Jarrett's balsa wood guitars always looked so hokey to me.
  2. The juxtaposition of that super stiff looking Kawada kick and the super goofy Papa Shango sig pretty much sums up why I love pro wrestling.
  3. Damn, Macho Man really put over Liger in that match. It was kind of rough seeing him limp around like that just walking to the ring though.
  4. What is it, a booker sim? It's basically pokemon, but with WWE Superstars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtkSjAcxmus
  5. Whenever New Jack spoke, I legitimately thought he was going to murder whoever he was cutting a promo on. And I'm pretty sure New Jack thought so too, which is why it worked.
  6. Kurt Angle used to be fun. I miss fun Kurt Angle
  7. Tromataker: I'm pretty sure you're thinking of Odin. It's a common mistake.
  8. Having Goldberg lose the title to a heel through nefarious means so he can eventually get revenge was the right call. Having him lose it to Nash who gives it to Hogan and then just getting tased on weekly TV all the time might have been a misstep.
  9. You know... I wasn't thinking about that when I wrote that sentence. But given the WWE's progressive and sensitive handling of race relations in the past it wouldn't surprise me if things went in that direction.
  10. You might be able to make the argument that while the WWE can use your appearance on that one program, they do not hold the rights to your appearance in perpetuity, much less create a cartoon in your likeness. It's likely they either had him sign something, threw some token cash his way, or he's such a fan that he's happy to be in a WWE product and doesn't care about the money. Option B is he sues the WWE for using his likeness without his permission and the WWE runs an angle about uppity fans and releases a few character assassination DVDs with interviews from JR and Michael Hayes talking about how Shocked Undertaker Fan didn't RESPECT THE BUSINESS~!
  11. Knowing how things are done, he probably won't until he sues WWE for using his likeness.
  12. Stuff like Marty's downward spiral make me much sadder as a wrestling fan than whether or not Scenarios gets his win back.
  13. Now I want to see a cartoon of Brock Lesnar as Bugs outsmarting (read: Hate-Murdering) Zeb as Yosemite Sam and Swagger as Daffy Duck
  14. Next week on Raw! John Cena speaks! beeps once for yes, two for no
  15. Someone asked Bray Wyatt on twitter whatever happened to that Husky Harris guy and his response was something like "He needed direction, I needed a vessel" I think that's a way cooler idea of explaining the repackaging than "Husky who"?
  16. ...that's a very weird sentence break. My thumbs are too chubby for my smart phone
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